'image/x-bitmap', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'php' => 'text/plain', 'png' => 'image/png', 'rtf' => 'text/richtext', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'vcf' => 'text/x-vcard'); // Register browser-supported image types if (isset($attachment_common_types)) { // Don't run this before being logged in. That may happen // when plugins include mime.php foreach ($attachment_common_types as $val => $v) { if ($val == 'image/gif') register_attachment_common('image/gif', 'link_image'); elseif (($val == 'image/jpeg' || $val == 'image/pjpeg') and (!isset($jpeg_done))) { $jpeg_done = 1; register_attachment_common('image/jpeg', 'link_image'); register_attachment_common('image/pjpeg', 'link_image'); } elseif ($val == 'image/png') register_attachment_common('image/png', 'link_image'); elseif ($val == 'image/x-xbitmap') register_attachment_common('image/x-xbitmap', 'link_image'); } unset($jpeg_done); } // Register text-type attachments register_attachment_common('message/rfc822', 'link_text'); register_attachment_common('text/plain', 'link_text'); register_attachment_common('text/richtext', 'link_text'); // Register HTML register_attachment_common('text/html', 'link_html'); // Register vcards register_attachment_common('text/x-vcard', 'link_vcard'); // Register "unknown" attachments register_attachment_common('application/octet-stream', 'octet_stream'); /* Function which optimizes readability of the above code */ function register_attachment_common($type, $func) { global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks; $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['attachment ' . $type]['attachment_common'] = 'attachment_common_' . $func; } function attachment_common_link_text(&$Args) { // If there is a text attachment, we would like to create a 'view' button // that links to the text attachment viewer. // // $Args[1] = the array of actions // // Use our plugin name for adding an action // $Args[1]['attachment_common'] = array for href and text // // $Args[1]['attachment_common']['text'] = What is displayed // $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] = Where it links to // // This sets the 'href' of this plugin for a new link. $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] = '../src/download.php?startMessage=' . $Args[2] . '&passed_id=' . $Args[3] . '&mailbox=' . $Args[4] . '&passed_ent_id=' . $Args[5] . '&override_type0=text&override_type1=plain'; // If we got here from a search, we should preserve these variables if ($Args[8] && $Args[9]) $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] .= '&where=' . urlencode($Args[8]) . '&what=' . urlencode($Args[9]); // The link that we created needs a name. "view" will be displayed for // all text attachments handled by this plugin. $Args[1]['attachment_common']['text'] = _("view"); // Each attachment has a filename on the left, which is a link. // Where that link points to can be changed. Just in case the link above // for viewing text attachments is not the same as the default link for // this file, we'll change it. // // This is a lot better in the image links, since the defaultLink will just // download the image, but the one that we set it to will format the page // to have an image tag in the center (looking a lot like this text viewer) $Args[6] = $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href']; } function attachment_common_link_html(&$Args) { $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] = '../src/download.php?startMessage=' . $Args[2] . '&passed_id=' . $Args[3] . '&mailbox=' . $Args[4] . '&passed_ent_id=' . $Args[5] . '&override_type0=text&override_type1=html'; if ($Args[8] && $Args[9]) { $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] .= '&where=' . urlencode($Args[8]) . '&what=' . urlencode($Args[9]); } $Args[1]['attachment_common']['text'] = _("view"); $Args[6] = $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href']; } function attachment_common_link_image(&$Args) { global $attachment_common_show_images, $attachment_common_show_images_list; $info['passed_id'] = $Args[3]; $info['mailbox'] = $Args[4]; $info['ent_id'] = $Args[5]; $attachment_common_show_images_list[] = $info; $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] = '../src/image.php?startMessage=' . $Args[2] . '&passed_id=' . $Args[3] . '&mailbox=' . $Args[4] . '&passed_ent_id=' . $Args[5]; if ($Args[8] && $Args[9]) { $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] .= '&where=' . urlencode($Args[8]) . '&what=' . urlencode($Args[9]); } $Args[1]['attachment_common']['text'] = _("view"); $Args[6] = $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href']; } function attachment_common_link_vcard(&$Args) { $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] = '../src/vcard.php?startMessage=' . $Args[2] . '&passed_id=' . $Args[3] . '&mailbox=' . $Args[4] . '&passed_ent_id=' . $Args[5]; if (isset($where) && isset($what)) $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href'] .= '&where=' . urlencode($Args[8]) . '&what=' . urlencode($Args[9]); $Args[1]['attachment_common']['text'] = _("Business Card"); $Args[6] = $Args[1]['attachment_common']['href']; } function attachment_common_octet_stream(&$Args) { global $FileExtensionToMimeType; do_hook('attachment_common-load_mime_types'); ereg('\\.([^\\.]+)$', $Args[7], $Regs); $Ext = strtolower($Regs[1]); if ($Ext == '' || ! isset($FileExtensionToMimeType[$Ext])) return; $Ret = do_hook('attachment ' . $FileExtensionToMimeType[$Ext], $Args[1], $Args[2], $Args[3], $Args[4], $Args[5], $Args[6], $Args[7], $Args[8], $Args[9]); foreach ($Ret as $a => $b) { $Args[$a] = $b; } } ?>