' ."\n\n\n" .""; if (sqgetGlobalVar('submit',$submit,SQ_POST)) { if (! sqgetGlobalVar('secret',$secret,SQ_POST) || empty($secret)) echo "

You must enter encryption key.

\n"; if (! sqgetGlobalVar('enc_string',$enc_string,SQ_POST) || empty($enc_string)) echo "

You must enter encrypted string.

\n"; if (isset($enc_string) && ! base64_decode($enc_string)) { echo "

Encrypted string should be BASE64 encoded.
\n" ."Please enter all characters that are listed after header name.

\n"; } elseif (isset($secret)) { $string=OneTimePadDecrypt($enc_string,base64_encode($secret)); if (sqgetGlobalVar('ip_addr',$is_addr,SQ_POST)) { $string=hex2ip($string); } echo "

Decoded string: ".$string."

\n"; } echo "
"; } ?>

Secret key:
Encrypted string:
Check, if it is an address string: