#!/usr/bin/perl # conf.pl # Written March 26, 2000 # Luke Ehresman (lehresma@css.tayloru.edu) # # A simple configure script to configure squirrelmail ############################################################ $WHT = "\x1B[37;1m"; $NRM = "\x1B[0m"; print "\n\n--------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "SquirrelMail version 0.4 -- Configure script\n"; print "by SquirrelMail Development Team\n"; print "http://squirrelmail.sourceforge.net\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\n"; ############################################################ # First, lets read in the data already in there... ############################################################ if ( -e "config.php") { print "The file \"config.php\" exists. Using it for defaults.\n\n"; open (FILE, "config.php"); } else { print "No config file found. Reading from config_defaults.php.\n\n"; open (FILE, "config_default.php"); } # Reads and parses the current configuration file (either # config.php or config_default.php). while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ /^\s+\$/) { $line =~ s/^\s+\$//; $var = $line; if ($var =~ /^([a-z]|[A-Z])/) { @options = split(/\s=\s/, $var); $options[1] =~ s/[\n|\r]//g; $options[1] =~ s/^"//g; $options[1] =~ s/;.*$//g; $options[1] =~ s/"$//g; if ($options[0] =~ /^special_folders/) { if ($options[0] =~ /\[.*\]$/) { $sub = $options[0]; $sub =~ s/\]$//; $sub = substr ($sub, @sub-1, 1); $special_folders[$sub] = $options[1]; } } elsif ($options[0] =~ /^theme\[[0-9]+\]\["PATH"\]/) { $sub = $options[0]; $sub =~ s/\]\["PATH"\]//; $sub = substr ($sub, @sub-1, 1); $theme_path[$sub] = $options[1]; } elsif ($options[0] =~ /^theme\[[0-9]+\]\["NAME"\]/) { $sub = $options[0]; $sub =~ s/\]\["NAME"\]//; $sub = substr ($sub, @sub-1, 1); $theme_name[$sub] = $options[1]; } else { ${$options[0]} = $options[1]; } } } } open (FILE, ">cf.php"); print FILE "; if ($new_org_name eq "\n") { $new_org_name = $org_name; } else { $new_org_name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$org_name = "' . $new_org_name . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # Organization Logo ############################################################ print $WHT."Where is the logo for your organization [$org_logo]: $NRM"; $new_org_logo = ; if ($new_org_logo eq "\n") { $new_org_logo = $org_logo; } else { $new_org_logo =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$org_logo = "' . $new_org_logo . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # Organization Title ############################################################ print "The title of the web page [$org_title]: "; $new_org_title = ; if ($new_org_title eq "\n") { $new_org_title = $org_title; } else { $new_org_title =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$org_title = "' . $new_org_title . "\";\n"; print "\n-------------------------------------------------.\n"; print " Server Information )\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------'\n"; ############################################################ # IMAP Server ############################################################ print "Where is the IMAP server [$imapServerAddress]: "; $new_imapServerAddress = ; if ($new_imapServerAddress eq "\n") { $new_imapServerAddress = $imapServerAddress; } else { $new_imapServerAddress =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$imapServerAddress = "' . $new_imapServerAddress . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # IMAP Port ############################################################ print "The port for your IMAP server [$imapPort]: "; $new_imapPort = ; if ($new_imapPort eq "\n") { $new_imapPort = $imapPort; } else { $new_imapPort =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$imapPort = ' . $new_imapPort . ";\n"; ############################################################ # DOMAIN ############################################################ print "What is your domain name (ex: usa.om.org) [$domain]: "; $new_domain = ; if ($new_domain eq "\n") { $new_domain = $domain; } else { $new_domain =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$domain = "' . $new_domain . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # USE SMTP OR SENDMAIL? ############################################################ print "\nYou now need to choose the method that you will use for sending\n"; print "messages in SquirrelMail. You can either connect to an SMTP server\n"; print "or use sendmail directly.\n"; if ($useSendmail eq "true") { $default_value = "n"; } else { $default_value = "y"; } print "Use SMTP (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $use_smtp = ; if (($use_smtp =~ /^y\n/i) || (($use_smtp =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { ############################################################ # SMTP Server ############################################################ print " What is the SMTP server [$smtpServerAddress]: "; $new_smtpServerAddress = ; if ($new_smtpServerAddress eq "\n") { $new_smtpServerAddress = $smtpServerAddress; } else { $new_smtpServerAddress =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$smtpServerAddress = "' . $new_smtpServerAddress . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # SMTP Port ############################################################ print " The port for your SMTP server [$smtpPort]: "; $new_smtpPort = ; if ($new_smtpPort eq "\n") { $new_smtpPort = $smtpPort; } else { $new_smtpPort =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$smtpPort = ' . $new_smtpPort . ";\n"; } else { ############################################################ # Sendmail Path ############################################################ if ($sendmail_path[0] !~ /./) { $sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; } print " Where is sendmail located [$sendmail_path]: "; $new_sendmail_path = ; if ($new_sendmail_path eq "\n") { $new_sendmail_path = $sendmail_path; } else { $new_sendmail_path =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$useSendmail'." = true;\n"; print FILE " ".'$sendmail_path = "' . $new_sendmail_path . "\";\n"; } print "\n-------------------------------------------------.\n"; print " General Options )\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------'\n"; ############################################################### # MOTD ############################################################### print "\nYou can now create the welcome message that is displayed\n"; print "every time a user logs on. You can use HTML or just plain\n"; print "text.\n\n(Type @ on a blank line to exit)\n"; do { print "] "; $line = ; $line =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $line =~ s/ /\ \ /g; if ($line ne "@") { $new_motd = $new_motd . $line; } } while ($line ne "@"); print FILE " ".'$motd = "'.$new_motd."\";\n"; ############################################################ # AUTO EXPUNGE ############################################################ if ($auto_expunge eq "false") { $default_value = "n"; } else { $default_value = "y"; } print "Should we automatically expunge deleted messages (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $autoe = ; if (($autoe =~ /^y\n/i) || (($autoe =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { print FILE " \$auto_expunge = true;\n"; } else { print FILE " \$auto_expunge = false;\n"; } ############################################################ # default_sub_of_inbox ############################################################ if ($default_sub_of_inbox eq "false") { $default_value = "n"; } else { $default_value = "y"; } print "By default, are new folders subfolders of INBOX (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $autoe = ; if (($autoe =~ /^y\n/i) || (($autoe =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { print FILE " \$default_sub_of_inbox = true;\n"; } else { print FILE " \$default_sub_of_inbox = false;\n"; } ############################################################ # show_contain_subfolders_option ############################################################ print "\nSome IMAP daemons (UW) handle folders weird. They only allow a\n"; print "folder to contain either messages or subfolders. Not both at the\n"; print "same time. This option controls whether or not to display an \n"; print "option during folder creation letting them choose if this folder\n"; print "contains messages or folders.\n"; if ($show_contain_subfolders_option eq "false") { $default_value = "n"; } else { $default_value = "y"; } print "Show the option to contain subfolders (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $autoe = ; if (($autoe =~ /^y\n/i) || (($autoe =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { print FILE " \$show_contain_subfolders_option = true;\n"; } else { print FILE " \$show_contain_subfolders_option = false;\n"; } ############################################################ # auto_forward ############################################################ print "\nThis option decides whether or not to use META tags to forward\n"; print "users past some of the notification screens\n"; if ($auto_forward eq "false") { $default_value = "n"; } else { $default_value = "y"; } print "Automatically forward where possible (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $autoe = ; if (($autoe =~ /^y\n/i) || (($autoe =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { print FILE " \$auto_forward = true;\n"; } else { print FILE " \$auto_forward = false;\n"; } ############################################################ # DEFAULT CHARSET ############################################################ print "\nThis option controls what character set is used when sending mail\n"; print "and when sending HTMl to the browser. Do not set this to US-ASCII,\n"; print "use ISO-8859-1 instead. For cyrillic it is best to use KOI8-R,\n"; print "since this implementation is faster than the alternatives.\n"; print "Default charset [$default_charset]: "; $new_default_charset = ; if ($new_default_charset eq "\n") { $new_default_charset = $default_charset; } else { $new_default_charset =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$default_charset = "' . $new_default_charset . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # DATA DIRECTORY ############################################################ print "\nIt is a possible security hole to have a writable directory\n"; print "under the web server's root directory (ex: /home/httpd/html).\n"; print "For this reason, it is possible to put the data directory\n"; print "anywhere you would like. The path name can be absolute or\n"; print "relative (to the config directory). It doesn't matter. Here are\n"; print "two examples:\n"; print " Absolute:\n"; print " /usr/local/squirrelmail/data/;\n"; print " Relative (to the config directory):\n"; print " ../data/;\n"; print "Where is the data directory [$data_dir]: "; $new_data_dir = ; if ($new_data_dir eq "\n") { $new_data_dir = $data_dir; } else { $new_data_dir =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$data_dir = "' . $new_data_dir . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # ATTACHMENT DIRECTORY ############################################################ print "\nPath to directory used for storing attachments while a mail is\n"; print "being sent. There are a few security considerations regarding this\n"; print "directory:\n"; print " - It should have the permission 733 (rwx-wx-wx) to make it\n"; print " impossible for a random person with access to the webserver to\n"; print " list files in this directory. Confidential data might be laying\n"; print " around there\n"; print " - Since the webserver is not able to list the files in the content\n"; print " is also impossible for the webserver to delete files lying around\n"; print " there for too long.\n"; print " - It should probably be another directory than data_dir.\n"; print "Where is the attachment directory [$attachment_dir]: "; $new_attachment_dir = ; if ($new_attachment_dir eq "\n") { $new_attachment_dir = $attachment_dir; } else { $new_attachment_dir =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$attachment_dir = "' . $new_attachment_dir . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # DEFAULT LEFT SIZE ############################################################ print "What is the default left folder list size (pixels) [$default_left_size]: "; $new_default_left_size = ; if ($new_default_left_size eq "\n") { $new_default_left_size = $default_left_size; } else { $new_default_left_size =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$default_left_size = "' . $new_default_left_size . "\";\n"; print "\n-------------------------------------------------.\n"; print " Special Folders )\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------'\n"; ############################################################ # Trash folder ############################################################ print "What is the default trash folder [$trash_folder]: "; $new_trash_folder = ; if ($new_trash_folder eq "\n") { $new_trash_folder = $trash_folder; } else { $new_trash_folder =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$trash_folder = "' . $new_trash_folder . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # Default move to trash ############################################################ if ($default_move_to_trash eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "By default, should deleted messages be moved to $new_trash_folder (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $move_trash = ; if (($move_trash =~ /^y\n/i) || (($move_trash =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { print FILE " \$default_move_to_trash = true;\n"; } else { print FILE " \$default_move_to_trash = false;\n"; } ############################################################ # Sent folder ############################################################ print "What is the default sent folder [$sent_folder]: "; $new_sent_folder = ; if ($new_sent_folder eq "\n") { $new_sent_folder = $sent_folder; } else { $new_sent_folder =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } print FILE " ".'$sent_folder = "' . $new_sent_folder . "\";\n"; ############################################################ # Special Folders ############################################################ print "\nSpecial folders are folders that can't be manipulated like normal\n"; print "user-created folders. A couple of examples of these would be the\n"; print "trash folder, the sent folder, etc.\n"; print "Special Folders:\n"; $count = 0; print "\n"; while ($count < @special_folders) { print " $count) " . $special_folders[$count] . "\n"; $count++; } print "[folders] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; while ($input ne "d") { ## ADD if ($input =~ /^\s*\+\s*.*/) { $input =~ s/^\s*\+\s*//; $special_folders[$#special_folders+1] = $input; } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*-\s*[0-9]?/) { if ($input =~ /[0-9]+\s*$/) { $rem_num = $input; $rem_num =~ s/^\s*-\s*//g; $rem_num =~ s/\s*$//; } else { $rem_num = $#special_folders; } if ($rem_num == 0) { print "You cannot remove INBOX. It is a very special folder.\n"; } else { $count = 0; @new_special_folders = (); while ($count <= $#special_folders) { if ($count != $rem_num) { @new_special_folders = (@new_special_folders, $special_folders[$count]); } $count++; } @special_folders = @new_special_folders; } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*l\s*/) { $count = 0; print "\n"; while ($count < @special_folders) { print " $count) " . $special_folders[$count] . "\n"; $count++; } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*\?\s*/) { print ".-------------------------.\n"; print "| + Folder (add folder) |\n"; print "| - N (remove folder) |\n"; print "| l (list folders) |\n"; print "| d (done) |\n"; print "`-------------------------'\n"; } else { print "Unrecognized command.\n"; } print "[folders] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } $count = 0; while ($count <= $#special_folders) { print FILE " \$special_folders[$count] = \"$special_folders[$count]\";\n"; $count++; } ############################################################ # Use special folder color ############################################################ if ($use_special_folder_color eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "\nHighlight special folders in a different color (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $use_spec_folder = ; if (($use_spec_folder =~ /^y\n/i) || (($use_spec_folder =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { print FILE " \$use_special_folder_color = true;\n"; } else { print FILE " \$use_special_folder_color = false;\n"; } ############################################################ # list_special_folders_first ############################################################ if ($list_special_folders_first eq "false") { $default_value = "n"; } else { $default_value = "y"; } print "Should special folders be listed first (y/n) [$default_value]: "; $autoe = ; if (($autoe =~ /^y\n/i) || (($autoe =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { print FILE " \$list_special_folders_first = true;\n"; } else { print FILE " \$list_special_folders_first = false;\n"; } ############################################################ # Themes ############################################################ print "\nNow we will define the themes that you wish to use. If you have added\n"; print "a theme of your own, just follow the instructions (?) about how to add\n"; print "them. You can also change the default theme.\n"; print "[theme] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $theme_default = 0; while ($input ne "d") { if ($input =~ /^\s*l\s*/i) { $count = 0; while ($count <= $#theme_name) { if ($count == $theme_default) { print " *"; } else { print " "; } $name = $theme_name[$count]; $num_spaces = 25 - length($name); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_spaces;$i++) { $name = $name . " "; } print " $count. $name"; print "($theme_path[$count])\n"; $count++; } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*m\s*[0-9]+/i) { $old_def = $theme_default; $theme_default = $input; $theme_default =~ s/^\s*m\s*//; if (($theme_default > $#theme_name) || ($theme_default < 0)) { print "Cannot set default theme to $theme_default. That theme does not exist.\n"; $theme_default = $old_def; } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*\+/) { print "What is the name of this theme: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $theme_name[$#theme_name+1] = $name; print "Be sure to put ../config/ before the filename.\n"; print "What file is this stored in (ex: ../config/default_theme.php): "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $theme_path[$#theme_path+1] = $name; } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*-\s*[0-9]?/) { if ($input =~ /[0-9]+\s*$/) { $rem_num = $input; $rem_num =~ s/^\s*-\s*//g; $rem_num =~ s/\s*$//; } else { $rem_num = $#theme_name; } if ($rem_num == $theme_default) { print "You cannot remove the default theme!\n"; } else { $count = 0; @new_theme_name = (); @new_theme_path = (); while ($count <= $#theme_name) { if ($count != $rem_num) { @new_theme_name = (@new_theme_name, $theme_name[$count]); @new_theme_path = (@new_theme_path, $theme_path[$count]); } $count++; } @theme_name = @new_theme_name; @theme_path = @new_theme_path; if ($theme_default > $rem_num) { $theme_default--; } } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*\?\s*/) { print ".-------------------------.\n"; print "| + (add theme) |\n"; print "| - N (remove theme) |\n"; print "| m N (mark default) |\n"; print "| l (list themes) |\n"; print "| d (done) |\n"; print "`-------------------------'\n"; } print "[theme] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } $count = 0; print FILE " \$theme[0][\"NAME\"] = \"$theme_name[$theme_default]\";\n"; print FILE " \$theme[0][\"PATH\"] = \"$theme_path[$theme_default]\";\n"; $index = 1; while ($count < $#theme_name) { if ($count != $theme_default) { print FILE " \$theme[$index][\"NAME\"] = \"$theme_name[$count]\";\n"; print FILE " \$theme[$index][\"PATH\"] = \"$theme_path[$count]\";\n"; $index++; } $count++; } print FILE "\n?>\n"; close FILE; print "\n\nFINISHED!\n"; print "All changes have been written to cf.php. If you would like, I can write\n"; print "the changes to config.php.\n"; print "Overwrite config.php (y/n) [y]: "; $autoe = ; if (($autoe =~ /^y\n/i) || ($autoe =~ /^\n/)) { system "mv -f cf.php config.php"; }