sendmail_args = $params['sendmail_args']; } } } /** * function preWriteToStream * * Sendmail needs LF's as line endings instead of CRLF. * This function translates the line endings to LF and should be called * before each line is written to the stream. * * @param string $s Line to process * @return void * @access private */ function preWriteToStream(&$s) { if ($s) { $s = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $s); } } /** * function initStream * * Initialise the sendmail connection. * * @param Message $message Message object containing the from address * @param string $sendmail_path Location of sendmail binary * @param mixed $ignore Eight extra arguments that the parent class * requires which are not used here * @return resource * @access public */ function initStream($message, $sendmail_path, $ignore=0, $ignore='', $ignore='', $ignore='', $ignore='', $ignore=false, $ignore='', $ignore=array()) { $rfc822_header = $message->rfc822_header; $from = $rfc822_header->from[0]; $envelopefrom = trim($from->mailbox.'@'.$from->host); $envelopefrom = str_replace(array("\0","\n"),array('',''),$envelopefrom); // save executed command for future reference $this->sendmail_command = "$sendmail_path $this->sendmail_args -f$envelopefrom"; // open process handle for writing $stream = popen (escapeshellcmd($this->sendmail_command), "w"); return $stream; } /** * Closes process handle. * * @param resource $stream * @return boolean * @access public */ function finalizeStream($stream) { $ret = true; $status = pclose($stream); // check pclose() status. if ($status!=0) { $ret = false; $this->dlv_msg=_("Email delivery error"); $this->dlv_ret_nr=$status; // we can get better error messsage only if we switch to php 4.3+ and proc_open(). $this->dlv_server_msg=sprintf(_("Can't execute command '%s'."),$this->sendmail_command); } return $ret; } /** * function getBcc * * In case of sendmail, the rfc822header must contain the bcc header. * * @return boolean true if rfc822header should include the bcc header. * @access private */ function getBcc() { return true; } /** * function clean_crlf * * Cleans each line to only end in a LF * Returns the length of the line including a CR, * so that length is correct when the message is saved to imap * Implemented to fix sendmail->postfix rejection of messages with * attachments because of stray LF's * * @param string $s string to strip of CR's * @return integer length of string including a CR for each LF * @access private */ function clean_crlf(&$s) { $s = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $s); $s = str_replace("\r", "\n", $s); $s2 = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $s); return strlen($s2); } }