[squirrelmail.git] / functions / imap_general.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * imap_general.php
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The SquirrelMail Project Team
7 * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
8 *
9 * This implements all functions that do general imap functions.
10 *
11 * @version $Id$
12 * @package squirrelmail
13 * @subpackage imap
14 */
16 /** Includes.. */
17 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php');
18 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/auth.php');
21 /**
22 * Generates a new session ID by incrementing the last one used;
23 * this ensures that each command has a unique ID.
24 * @param bool unique_id
25 * @return string IMAP session id of the form 'A000'.
26 */
27 function sqimap_session_id($unique_id = FALSE) {
28 static $sqimap_session_id = 1;
30 if (!$unique_id) {
31 return( sprintf("A%03d", $sqimap_session_id++) );
32 } else {
33 return( sprintf("A%03d", $sqimap_session_id++) . ' UID' );
34 }
35 }
37 /**
38 * Both send a command and accept the result from the command.
39 * This is to allow proper session number handling.
40 */
41 function sqimap_run_command_list ($imap_stream, $query, $handle_errors, &$response, &$message, $unique_id = false) {
42 if ($imap_stream) {
43 $sid = sqimap_session_id($unique_id);
44 fputs ($imap_stream, $sid . ' ' . $query . "\r\n");
45 $tag_uid_a = explode(' ',trim($sid));
46 $tag = $tag_uid_a[0];
47 $read = sqimap_retrieve_imap_response ($imap_stream, $tag, $handle_errors, $response, $message, $query );
48 /* get the response and the message */
49 $message = $message[$tag];
50 $response = $response[$tag];
51 return $read[$tag];
52 } else {
53 global $squirrelmail_language, $color;
54 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language);
55 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
56 $string = "<b><font color=$color[2]>\n" .
57 _("ERROR : No available imapstream.") .
58 "</b></font>\n";
59 error_box($string,$color);
60 return false;
61 }
62 }
64 function sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, $query, $handle_errors, &$response,
65 &$message, $unique_id = false,$filter=false,
66 $outputstream=false,$no_return=false) {
67 if ($imap_stream) {
68 $sid = sqimap_session_id($unique_id);
69 fputs ($imap_stream, $sid . ' ' . $query . "\r\n");
70 $tag_uid_a = explode(' ',trim($sid));
71 $tag = $tag_uid_a[0];
73 $read = sqimap_read_data ($imap_stream, $tag, $handle_errors, $response,
74 $message, $query,$filter,$outputstream,$no_return);
75 if (empty($read)) { //Imap server dropped its connection
76 $response = '';
77 $message = '';
78 return false;
79 }
80 /* retrieve the response and the message */
81 $response = $response[$tag];
82 $message = $message[$tag];
84 if (!empty($read[$tag])) {
85 return $read[$tag][0];
86 } else {
87 return $read[$tag];
88 }
89 } else {
90 global $squirrelmail_language, $color;
91 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language);
92 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
93 $string = "<b><font color=$color[2]>\n" .
94 _("ERROR : No available imapstream.") .
95 "</b></font>\n";
96 error_box($string,$color);
97 return false;
98 }
99 }
101 function sqimap_prepare_pipelined_query($new_query,&$tag,&$aQuery,$unique_id) {
102 $sid = sqimap_session_id($unique_id);
103 $tag_uid_a = explode(' ',trim($sid));
104 $tag = $tag_uid_a[0];
105 $query = $sid . ' '.$new_query."\r\n";
106 $aQuery[$tag] = $query;
107 }
109 function sqimap_run_pipelined_command ($imap_stream, $aQueryList, $handle_errors,
110 &$aServerResponse, &$aServerMessage, $unique_id = false,
111 $filter=false,$outputstream=false,$no_return=false) {
112 $aResponse = false;
114 /*
115 Do not fire all calls at once to the imap-server but split the calls up
116 in portions of $iChunkSize. If we do not do that I think we misbehave as
117 IMAP client or should handle BYE calls if the IMAP-server drops the
118 connection because the number of queries is to large. This isn't tested
119 but a wild guess how it could work in the field.
121 After testing it on Exchange 2000 we discovered that a chunksize of 32
122 was quicker then when we raised it to 128.
123 */
124 $iQueryCount = count($aQueryList);
125 $iChunkSize = 32;
126 // array_chunk would also do the job but it's supported from php > 4.2
127 $aQueryChunks = array();
128 $iLoops = floor($iQueryCount / $iChunkSize);
130 if ($iLoops * $iChunkSize != $iQueryCount) ++$iLoops;
132 if (!function_exists('array_chunk')) { // arraychunk replacement
133 reset($aQueryList);
134 for($i=0;$i<$iLoops;++$i) {
135 for($j=0;$j<$iChunkSize;++$j) {
136 $key = key($aQueryList);
137 $aTmp[$key] = $aQueryList[$key];
138 if (next($aQueryList) === false) break;
139 }
140 $aQueryChunks[] = $aTmp;
141 }
142 } else {
143 $aQueryChunks = array_chunk($aQueryList,$iChunkSize,true);
144 }
146 for ($i=0;$i<$iLoops;++$i) {
147 $aQuery = $aQueryChunks[$i];
148 foreach($aQuery as $tag => $query) {
149 fputs($imap_stream,$query);
150 $aResults[$tag] = false;
151 }
152 foreach($aQuery as $tag => $query) {
153 if ($aResults[$tag] == false) {
154 $aReturnedResponse = sqimap_retrieve_imap_response ($imap_stream, $tag,
155 $handle_errors, $response, $message, $query,
156 $filter,$outputstream,$no_return);
157 foreach ($aReturnedResponse as $returned_tag => $aResponse) {
158 if (!empty($aResponse)) {
159 $aResults[$returned_tag] = $aResponse[0];
160 } else {
161 $aResults[$returned_tag] = $aResponse;
162 }
163 $aServerResponse[$returned_tag] = $response[$returned_tag];
164 $aServerMessage[$returned_tag] = $message[$returned_tag];
165 }
166 }
167 }
168 }
169 return $aResults;
170 }
172 /**
173 * Custom fgets function: gets a line from the IMAP-server,
174 * no matter how big it may be.
175 * @param stream imap_stream the stream to read from
176 * @return string a line
177 */
178 function sqimap_fgets($imap_stream) {
179 $read = '';
180 $buffer = 4096;
181 $results = '';
182 $offset = 0;
183 while (strpos($results, "\r\n", $offset) === false) {
184 if (!($read = fgets($imap_stream, $buffer))) {
185 /* this happens in case of an error */
186 /* reset $results because it's useless */
187 $results = false;
188 break;
189 }
190 if ( $results != '' ) {
191 $offset = strlen($results) - 1;
192 }
193 $results .= $read;
194 }
195 return $results;
196 }
198 function sqimap_fread($imap_stream,$iSize,$filter=false,
199 $outputstream=false, $no_return=false) {
200 if (!$filter || !$outputstream) {
201 $iBufferSize = $iSize;
202 } else {
203 // see php bug 24033. They changed fread behaviour %$^&$%
204 $iBufferSize = 7800; // multiple of 78 in case of base64 decoding.
205 }
206 if ($iSize < $iBufferSize) {
207 $iBufferSize = $iSize;
208 }
210 $iRetrieved = 0;
211 $results = '';
212 $sRead = $sReadRem = '';
213 // NB: fread can also stop at end of a packet on sockets.
214 while ($iRetrieved < $iSize) {
215 $sRead = fread($imap_stream,$iBufferSize);
216 $iLength = strlen($sRead);
217 $iRetrieved += $iLength ;
218 $iRemaining = $iSize - $iRetrieved;
219 if ($iRemaining < $iBufferSize) {
220 $iBufferSize = $iRemaining;
221 }
222 if (!$sRead) {
223 $results = false;
224 break;
225 }
226 if ($sReadRem) {
227 $sRead = $sReadRem . $sRead;
228 $sReadRem = '';
229 }
231 if ($filter && $sRead) {
232 // in case the filter is base64 decoding we return a remainder
233 $sReadRem = $filter($sRead);
234 }
235 if ($outputstream && $sRead) {
236 if (is_resource($outputstream)) {
237 fwrite($outputstream,$sRead);
238 } else if ($outputstream == 'php://stdout') {
239 echo $sRead;
240 }
241 }
242 if ($no_return) {
243 $sRead = '';
244 } else {
245 $results .= $sRead;
246 }
247 }
248 return $results;
249 }
252 /**
253 * Obsolete function, inform plugins that use it
254 * @deprecated use sqimap_run_command or sqimap_run_command_list instead
255 */
256 function sqimap_read_data_list($imap_stream, $tag, $handle_errors,
257 &$response, &$message, $query = '') {
258 global $color, $squirrelmail_language;
259 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language);
260 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
261 $string = "<b><font color=$color[2]>\n" .
262 _("ERROR : Bad function call.") .
263 "</b><br>\n" .
264 _("Reason:") . ' '.
265 'There is a plugin installed which make use of the <br>' .
266 'SquirrelMail internal function sqimap_read_data_list.<br>'.
267 'Please adapt the installed plugin and let it use<br>'.
268 'sqimap_run_command or sqimap_run_command_list instead<br><br>'.
269 'The following query was issued:<br>'.
270 htmlspecialchars($query) . '<br>' . "</font><br>\n";
271 error_box($string,$color);
272 echo '</body></html>';
273 exit;
274 }
276 /**
277 * Function to display an error related to an IMAP-query.
278 * @param string title the caption of the error box
279 * @param string query the query that went wrong
280 * @param string message_title optional message title
281 * @param string message optional error message
282 * @param string $link an optional link to try again
283 * @return void
284 */
285 function sqimap_error_box($title, $query = '', $message_title = '', $message = '', $link = '')
286 {
287 global $color, $squirrelmail_language;
289 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language);
290 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
291 $string = "<font color=$color[2]><b>\n" . $title . "</b><br>\n";
292 $cmd = explode(' ',$query);
293 $cmd= strtolower($cmd[0]);
295 if ($query != '' && $cmd != 'login')
296 $string .= _("Query:") . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '<br>';
297 if ($message_title != '')
298 $string .= $message_title;
299 if ($message != '')
300 $string .= htmlspecialchars($message);
301 $string .= "</font><br>\n";
302 if ($link != '')
303 $string .= $link;
304 error_box($string,$color);
305 }
307 /**
308 * Reads the output from the IMAP stream. If handle_errors is set to true,
309 * this will also handle all errors that are received. If it is not set,
310 * the errors will be sent back through $response and $message.
311 */
312 function sqimap_retrieve_imap_response($imap_stream, $tag, $handle_errors,
313 &$response, &$message, $query = '',
314 $filter = false, $outputstream = false, $no_return = false) {
315 global $color, $squirrelmail_language;
316 $read = '';
317 if (!is_array($message)) $message = array();
318 if (!is_array($response)) $response = array();
319 $aResponse = '';
320 $resultlist = array();
321 $data = array();
322 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
323 $i = $k = 0;
324 while ($read) {
325 $char = $read{0};
326 switch ($char)
327 {
328 case '+':
329 default:
330 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
331 break;
333 case $tag{0}:
334 {
335 /* get the command */
336 $arg = '';
337 $i = strlen($tag)+1;
338 $s = substr($read,$i);
339 if (($j = strpos($s,' ')) || ($j = strpos($s,"\n"))) {
340 $arg = substr($s,0,$j);
341 }
342 $found_tag = substr($read,0,$i-1);
343 if ($found_tag) {
344 switch ($arg)
345 {
346 case 'OK':
347 case 'BAD':
348 case 'NO':
349 case 'BYE':
350 case 'PREAUTH':
351 $response[$found_tag] = $arg;
352 $message[$found_tag] = trim(substr($read,$i+strlen($arg)));
353 if (!empty($data)) {
354 $resultlist[] = $data;
355 }
356 $aResponse[$found_tag] = $resultlist;
357 $data = $resultlist = array();
358 if ($found_tag == $tag) {
359 break 3; /* switch switch while */
360 }
361 break;
362 default:
363 /* this shouldn't happen */
364 $response[$found_tag] = $arg;
365 $message[$found_tag] = trim(substr($read,$i+strlen($arg)));
366 if (!empty($data)) {
367 $resultlist[] = $data;
368 }
369 $aResponse[$found_tag] = $resultlist;
370 $data = $resultlist = array();
371 if ($found_tag == $tag) {
372 break 3; /* switch switch while */
373 }
374 }
375 }
376 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
377 if ($read === false) { /* error */
378 break 3; /* switch switch while */
379 }
380 break;
381 } // end case $tag{0}
383 case '*':
384 {
385 if (preg_match('/^\*\s\d+\sFETCH/',$read)) {
386 /* check for literal */
387 $s = substr($read,-3);
388 $fetch_data = array();
389 do { /* outer loop, continue until next untagged fetch
390 or tagged reponse */
391 do { /* innerloop for fetching literals. with this loop
392 we prohibid that literal responses appear in the
393 outer loop so we can trust the untagged and
394 tagged info provided by $read */
395 if ($s === "}\r\n") {
396 $j = strrpos($read,'{');
397 $iLit = substr($read,$j+1,-3);
398 $fetch_data[] = $read;
399 $sLiteral = sqimap_fread($imap_stream,$iLit,$filter,$outputstream,$no_return);
400 if ($sLiteral === false) { /* error */
401 break 4; /* while while switch while */
402 }
403 /* backwards compattibility */
404 $aLiteral = explode("\n", $sLiteral);
405 /* release not neaded data */
406 unset($sLiteral);
407 foreach ($aLiteral as $line) {
408 $fetch_data[] = $line ."\n";
409 }
410 /* release not neaded data */
411 unset($aLiteral);
412 /* next fgets belongs to this fetch because
413 we just got the exact literalsize and there
414 must follow data to complete the response */
415 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
416 if ($read === false) { /* error */
417 break 4; /* while while switch while */
418 }
419 $fetch_data[] = $read;
420 } else {
421 $fetch_data[] = $read;
422 }
423 /* retrieve next line and check in the while
424 statements if it belongs to this fetch response */
425 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
426 if ($read === false) { /* error */
427 break 4; /* while while switch while */
428 }
429 /* check for next untagged reponse and break */
430 if ($read{0} == '*') break 2;
431 $s = substr($read,-3);
432 } while ($s === "}\r\n");
433 $s = substr($read,-3);
434 } while ($read{0} !== '*' &&
435 substr($read,0,strlen($tag)) !== $tag);
436 $resultlist[] = $fetch_data;
437 /* release not neaded data */
438 unset ($fetch_data);
439 } else {
440 $s = substr($read,-3);
441 do {
442 if ($s === "}\r\n") {
443 $j = strrpos($read,'{');
444 $iLit = substr($read,$j+1,-3);
445 $data[] = $read;
446 $sLiteral = fread($imap_stream,$iLit);
447 if ($sLiteral === false) { /* error */
448 $read = false;
449 break 3; /* while switch while */
450 }
451 $data[] = $sLiteral;
452 $data[] = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
453 } else {
454 $data[] = $read;
455 }
456 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
457 if ($read === false) {
458 break 3; /* while switch while */
459 } else if ($read{0} == '*') {
460 break;
461 }
462 $s = substr($read,-3);
463 } while ($s === "}\r\n");
464 break 1;
465 }
466 break;
467 } // end case '*'
468 } // end switch
469 } // end while
471 /* error processing in case $read is false */
472 if ($read === false && $handle_errors) {
473 // try to retrieve an untagged bye respons from the results
474 $sResponse = array_pop($data);
475 if ($sResponse != NULL && strpos($sResponse,'* BYE')) {
476 $message[$tag] = substr($sResponse,5);
477 $response[$tag] = 'BYE';
478 } else {
479 unset($data);
480 sqimap_error_box(_("ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."), $query);
481 exit;
482 }
483 }
485 /* Set $resultlist array */
486 if (!empty($data)) {
487 //$resultlist[] = $data;
488 }
489 elseif (empty($resultlist)) {
490 $resultlist[] = array();
491 }
493 /* Return result or handle errors */
494 if ($handle_errors == false) {
495 return $aResponse;
496 }
497 switch ($response[$tag]) {
498 case 'OK':
499 return $aResponse;
500 break;
501 case 'NO':
502 /* ignore this error from M$ exchange, it is not fatal (aka bug) */
503 if (strstr($message[$tag], 'command resulted in') === false) {
504 sqimap_error_box(_("ERROR : Could not complete request."), $query, _("Reason Given: "), $message[$tag]);
505 echo '</body></html>';
506 exit;
507 }
508 break;
509 case 'BAD':
510 sqimap_error_box(_("ERROR : Bad or malformed request."), $query, _("Server responded: "), $message[$tag]);
511 echo '</body></html>';
512 exit;
513 case 'BYE':
514 sqimap_error_box(_("ERROR : Imap server closed the connection."), $query, _("Server responded: "), $message[$tag]);
515 echo '</body></html>';
516 exit;
517 default:
518 sqimap_error_box(_("ERROR : Unknown imap response."), $query, _("Server responded: "), $message[$tag]);
519 /* the error is displayed but because we don't know the reponse we
520 return the result anyway */
521 return $aResponse;
522 break;
523 }
524 }
526 function sqimap_read_data ($imap_stream, $tag_uid, $handle_errors,
527 &$response, &$message, $query = '',
528 $filter=false,$outputstream=false,$no_return=false) {
530 $tag_uid_a = explode(' ',trim($tag_uid));
531 $tag = $tag_uid_a[0];
533 $res = sqimap_retrieve_imap_response($imap_stream, $tag, $handle_errors,
534 $response, $message, $query,$filter,$outputstream,$no_return);
535 /* sqimap_read_data should be called for one response
536 but since it just calls sqimap_retrieve_imap_response which
537 handles multiple responses we need to check for that
538 and merge the $res array IF they are seperated and
539 IF it was a FETCH response. */
541 // if (isset($res[1]) && is_array($res[1]) && isset($res[1][0])
542 // && preg_match('/^\* \d+ FETCH/', $res[1][0])) {
543 // $result = array();
544 // foreach($res as $index=>$value) {
545 // $result = array_merge($result, $res["$index"]);
546 // }
547 // }
548 if (isset($result)) {
549 return $result[$tag];
550 }
551 else {
552 return $res;
553 }
554 }
556 /**
557 * Connects to the IMAP server and returns a resource identifier for use with
558 * the other SquirrelMail IMAP functions. Does NOT login!
559 * @param string server hostname of IMAP server
560 * @param int port port number to connect to
561 * @param bool tls whether to use TLS when connecting.
562 * @return imap-stream resource identifier
563 */
564 function sqimap_create_stream($server,$port,$tls=false) {
565 global $username, $use_imap_tls;
567 if ($tls == true) {
568 if ((check_php_version(4,3)) and (extension_loaded('openssl'))) {
569 /* Use TLS by prefixing "tls://" to the hostname */
570 $server = 'tls://' . $server;
571 } else {
572 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
573 $string = "Unable to connect to IMAP server!<br>TLS is enabled, but this " .
574 "version of PHP does not support TLS sockets, or is missing the openssl " .
575 "extension.<br><br>Please contact your system administrator.";
576 logout_error($string,$color);
577 }
578 }
580 $imap_stream = fsockopen($server, $port, $error_number, $error_string, 15);
582 /* Do some error correction */
583 if (!$imap_stream) {
584 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true);
585 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
586 $string = sprintf (_("Error connecting to IMAP server: %s.") .
587 "<br>\r\n", $server) .
588 "$error_number : $error_string<br>\r\n";
589 logout_error($string,$color);
590 exit;
591 }
592 $server_info = fgets ($imap_stream, 1024);
593 return $imap_stream;
594 }
596 /**
597 * Logs the user into the imap server. If $hide is set, no error messages
598 * will be displayed. This function returns the imap connection handle.
599 */
600 function sqimap_login ($username, $password, $imap_server_address, $imap_port, $hide) {
601 global $color, $squirrelmail_language, $onetimepad, $use_imap_tls,
602 $imap_auth_mech, $sqimap_capabilities;
604 if (!isset($onetimepad) || empty($onetimepad)) {
605 sqgetglobalvar('onetimepad' , $onetimepad , SQ_SESSION );
606 }
607 if (!isset($sqimap_capabilities)) {
608 sqgetglobalvar('sqimap_capabilities' , $capability , SQ_SESSION );
609 }
611 $host = $imap_server_address;
612 $imap_server_address = sqimap_get_user_server($imap_server_address, $username);
614 $imap_stream = sqimap_create_stream($imap_server_address,$imap_port,$use_imap_tls);
616 /* Decrypt the password */
617 $password = OneTimePadDecrypt($password, $onetimepad);
619 if (($imap_auth_mech == 'cram-md5') OR ($imap_auth_mech == 'digest-md5')) {
620 // We're using some sort of authentication OTHER than plain or login
621 $tag=sqimap_session_id(false);
622 if ($imap_auth_mech == 'digest-md5') {
623 $query = $tag . " AUTHENTICATE DIGEST-MD5\r\n";
624 } elseif ($imap_auth_mech == 'cram-md5') {
625 $query = $tag . " AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5\r\n";
626 }
627 fputs($imap_stream,$query);
628 $answer=sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
629 // Trim the "+ " off the front
630 $response=explode(" ",$answer,3);
631 if ($response[0] == '+') {
632 // Got a challenge back
633 $challenge=$response[1];
634 if ($imap_auth_mech == 'digest-md5') {
635 $reply = digest_md5_response($username,$password,$challenge,'imap',$host);
636 } elseif ($imap_auth_mech == 'cram-md5') {
637 $reply = cram_md5_response($username,$password,$challenge);
638 }
639 fputs($imap_stream,$reply);
640 $read=sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
641 if ($imap_auth_mech == 'digest-md5') {
642 // DIGEST-MD5 has an extra step..
643 if (substr($read,0,1) == '+') { // OK so far..
644 fputs($imap_stream,"\r\n");
645 $read=sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
646 }
647 }
648 $results=explode(" ",$read,3);
649 $response=$results[1];
650 $message=$results[2];
651 } else {
652 // Fake the response, so the error trap at the bottom will work
653 $response="BAD";
654 $message='IMAP server does not appear to support the authentication method selected.';
655 $message .= ' Please contact your system administrator.';
656 }
657 } elseif ($imap_auth_mech == 'login') {
658 // Original IMAP login code
659 $query = 'LOGIN "' . quoteimap($username) . '" "' . quoteimap($password) . '"';
660 $read = sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, $query, false, $response, $message);
661 } elseif ($imap_auth_mech == 'plain') {
662 /***
664 *
665 * RFC 2595 Chapter 6
666 *
667 * The mechanism consists of a single message from the client to the
668 * server. The client sends the authorization identity (identity to
669 * login as), followed by a US-ASCII NUL character, followed by the
670 * authentication identity (identity whose password will be used),
671 * followed by a US-ASCII NUL character, followed by the clear-text
672 * password. The client may leave the authorization identity empty to
673 * indicate that it is the same as the authentication identity.
674 *
675 **/
676 $tag=sqimap_session_id(false);
677 $sasl = (isset($capability['SASL-IR']) && $capability['SASL-IR']) ? true : false;
678 $auth = base64_encode("$username\0$username\0$password");
679 if ($sasl) {
680 // IMAP Extension for SASL Initial Client Response
681 // <draft-siemborski-imap-sasl-initial-response-01b.txt>
682 $query = $tag . " AUTHENTICATE PLAIN $auth\r\n";
683 fputs($imap_stream, $query);
684 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
685 } else {
686 $query = $tag . " AUTHENTICATE PLAIN\r\n";
687 fputs($imap_stream, $query);
688 $read=sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
689 if (substr($read,0,1) == '+') { // OK so far..
690 fputs($imap_stream, "$auth\r\n");
691 $read = sqimap_fgets($imap_stream);
692 }
693 }
694 $results=explode(" ",$read,3);
695 $response=$results[1];
696 $message=$results[2];
697 } else {
698 $response="BAD";
699 $message="Internal SquirrelMail error - unknown IMAP authentication method chosen. Please contact the developers.";
700 }
702 /* If the connection was not successful, lets see why */
703 if ($response != 'OK') {
704 if (!$hide) {
705 if ($response != 'NO') {
706 /* "BAD" and anything else gets reported here. */
707 $message = htmlspecialchars($message);
708 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true);
709 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
710 if ($response == 'BAD') {
711 $string = sprintf (_("Bad request: %s")."<br>\r\n", $message);
712 } else {
713 $string = sprintf (_("Unknown error: %s") . "<br>\n", $message);
714 }
715 if (isset($read) && is_array($read)) {
716 $string .= '<br>' . _("Read data:") . "<br>\n";
717 foreach ($read as $line) {
718 $string .= htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br>\n";
719 }
720 }
721 error_box($string,$color);
722 exit;
723 } else {
724 /*
725 * If the user does not log in with the correct
726 * username and password it is not possible to get the
727 * correct locale from the user's preferences.
728 * Therefore, apply the same hack as on the login
729 * screen.
730 *
731 * $squirrelmail_language is set by a cookie when
732 * the user selects language and logs out
733 */
735 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true);
736 include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php' );
737 sqsession_destroy();
738 logout_error( _("Unknown user or password incorrect.") );
739 exit;
740 }
741 } else {
742 exit;
743 }
744 }
745 return $imap_stream;
746 }
748 /**
749 * Simply logs out the IMAP session
750 * @param stream imap_stream the IMAP connection to log out.
751 * @return void
752 */
753 function sqimap_logout ($imap_stream) {
754 /* Logout is not valid until the server returns 'BYE'
755 * If we don't have an imap_ stream we're already logged out */
756 if(isset($imap_stream) && $imap_stream)
757 sqimap_run_command($imap_stream, 'LOGOUT', false, $response, $message);
758 }
760 /**
761 * Retreive the CAPABILITY string from the IMAP server.
762 * If capability is set, returns only that specific capability,
763 * else returns array of all capabilities.
764 */
765 function sqimap_capability($imap_stream, $capability='') {
766 global $sqimap_capabilities;
767 if (!is_array($sqimap_capabilities)) {
768 $read = sqimap_run_command($imap_stream, 'CAPABILITY', true, $a, $b);
770 $c = explode(' ', $read[0]);
771 for ($i=2; $i < count($c); $i++) {
772 $cap_list = explode('=', $c[$i]);
773 if (isset($cap_list[1])) {
774 // FIX ME. capabilities can occure multiple times.
776 $sqimap_capabilities[$cap_list[0]] = $cap_list[1];
777 } else {
778 $sqimap_capabilities[$cap_list[0]] = TRUE;
779 }
780 }
781 }
782 if ($capability) {
783 if (isset($sqimap_capabilities[$capability])) {
784 return $sqimap_capabilities[$capability];
785 } else {
786 return false;
787 }
788 }
789 return $sqimap_capabilities;
790 }
792 /**
793 * Returns the delimeter between mailboxes: INBOX/Test, or INBOX.Test
794 */
795 function sqimap_get_delimiter ($imap_stream = false) {
796 global $sqimap_delimiter, $optional_delimiter;
798 /* Use configured delimiter if set */
799 if((!empty($optional_delimiter)) && $optional_delimiter != 'detect') {
800 return $optional_delimiter;
801 }
803 /* Do some caching here */
804 if (!$sqimap_delimiter) {
805 if (sqimap_capability($imap_stream, 'NAMESPACE')) {
806 /*
807 * According to something that I can't find, this is supposed to work on all systems
808 * OS: This won't work in Courier IMAP.
809 * OS: According to rfc2342 response from NAMESPACE command is:
811 * OS: We want to lookup all personal NAMESPACES...
812 */
813 $read = sqimap_run_command($imap_stream, 'NAMESPACE', true, $a, $b);
814 if (eregi('\\* NAMESPACE +(\\( *\\(.+\\) *\\)|NIL) +(\\( *\\(.+\\) *\\)|NIL) +(\\( *\\(.+\\) *\\)|NIL)', $read[0], $data)) {
815 if (eregi('^\\( *\\((.*)\\) *\\)', $data[1], $data2)) {
816 $pn = $data2[1];
817 }
818 $pna = explode(')(', $pn);
819 while (list($k, $v) = each($pna)) {
820 $lst = explode('"', $v);
821 if (isset($lst[3])) {
822 $pn[$lst[1]] = $lst[3];
823 } else {
824 $pn[$lst[1]] = '';
825 }
826 }
827 }
828 $sqimap_delimiter = $pn[0];
829 } else {
830 fputs ($imap_stream, ". LIST \"INBOX\" \"\"\r\n");
831 $read = sqimap_read_data($imap_stream, '.', true, $a, $b);
832 $read = $read['.'][0]; //sqimap_read_data() now returns a tag array of response array
833 $quote_position = strpos ($read[0], '"');
834 $sqimap_delimiter = substr ($read[0], $quote_position+1, 1);
835 }
836 }
837 return $sqimap_delimiter;
838 }
840 /**
841 * This encodes a mailbox name for use in IMAP commands.
842 * @param string what the mailbox to encode
843 * @return string the encoded mailbox string
844 */
845 function sqimap_encode_mailbox_name($what)
846 {
847 if (ereg("[\"\\\r\n]", $what))
848 return '{' . strlen($what) . "}\r\n" . $what; /* 4.3 literal form */
849 return '"' . $what . '"'; /* 4.3 quoted string form */
850 }
853 /**
854 * Gets the number of messages in the current mailbox.
855 */
856 function sqimap_get_num_messages ($imap_stream, $mailbox) {
857 $read_ary = sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, 'EXAMINE ' . sqimap_encode_mailbox_name($mailbox), false, $result, $message);
858 for ($i = 0; $i < count($read_ary); $i++) {
859 if (ereg("[^ ]+ +([^ ]+) +EXISTS", $read_ary[$i], $regs)) {
860 return $regs[1];
861 }
862 }
863 return false; //"BUG! Couldn't get number of messages in $mailbox!";
864 }
866 function parseAddress($address, $max=0) {
867 $aTokens = array();
868 $aAddress = array();
869 $iCnt = strlen($address);
870 $aSpecials = array('(' ,'<' ,',' ,';' ,':');
871 $aReplace = array(' (',' <',' ,',' ;',' :');
872 $address = str_replace($aSpecials,$aReplace,$address);
873 $i = $iAddrFound = $bGroup = 0;
874 while ($i < $iCnt) {
875 $cChar = $address{$i};
876 switch($cChar)
877 {
878 case '<':
879 $iEnd = strpos($address,'>',$i+1);
880 if (!$iEnd) {
881 $sToken = substr($address,$i);
882 $i = $iCnt;
883 } else {
884 $sToken = substr($address,$i,$iEnd - $i +1);
885 $i = $iEnd;
886 }
887 $sToken = str_replace($aReplace, $aSpecials,$sToken);
888 $aTokens[] = $sToken;
889 break;
890 case '"':
891 $iEnd = strpos($address,$cChar,$i+1);
892 if ($iEnd) {
893 // skip escaped quotes
894 $prev_char = $address{$iEnd-1};
895 while ($prev_char === '\\' && substr($address,$iEnd-2,2) !== '\\\\') {
896 $iEnd = strpos($address,$cChar,$iEnd+1);
897 if ($iEnd) {
898 $prev_char = $address{$iEnd-1};
899 } else {
900 $prev_char = false;
901 }
902 }
903 }
904 if (!$iEnd) {
905 $sToken = substr($address,$i);
906 $i = $iCnt;
907 } else {
908 // also remove the surrounding quotes
909 $sToken = substr($address,$i+1,$iEnd - $i -1);
910 $i = $iEnd;
911 }
912 $sToken = str_replace($aReplace, $aSpecials,$sToken);
913 if ($sToken) $aTokens[] = $sToken;
914 break;
915 case '(':
916 $iEnd = strpos($address,')',$i);
917 if (!$iEnd) {
918 $sToken = substr($address,$i);
919 $i = $iCnt;
920 } else {
921 $sToken = substr($address,$i,$iEnd - $i + 1);
922 $i = $iEnd;
923 }
924 $sToken = str_replace($aReplace, $aSpecials,$sToken);
925 $aTokens[] = $sToken;
926 break;
927 case ',':
928 ++$iAddrFound;
929 case ';':
930 if (!$bGroup) {
931 ++$iAddrFound;
932 } else {
933 $bGroup = false;
934 }
935 if ($max && $max == $iAddrFound) {
936 break 2;
937 } else {
938 $aTokens[] = $cChar;
939 break;
940 }
941 case ':':
942 $bGroup = true;
943 case ' ':
944 $aTokens[] = $cChar;
945 break;
946 default:
947 $iEnd = strpos($address,' ',$i+1);
948 if ($iEnd) {
949 $sToken = trim(substr($address,$i,$iEnd - $i));
950 $i = $iEnd-1;
951 } else {
952 $sToken = trim(substr($address,$i));
953 $i = $iCnt;
954 }
955 if ($sToken) $aTokens[] = $sToken;
956 }
957 ++$i;
958 }
959 $sPersonal = $sEmail = $sComment = $sGroup = '';
960 $aStack = $aComment = array();
961 foreach ($aTokens as $sToken) {
962 if ($max && $max == count($aAddress)) {
963 return $aAddress;
964 }
965 $cChar = $sToken{0};
966 switch ($cChar)
967 {
968 case '=':
969 case '"':
970 case ' ':
971 $aStack[] = $sToken;
972 break;
973 case '(':
974 $aComment[] = substr($sToken,1,-1);
975 break;
976 case ';':
977 if ($sGroup) {
978 $sEmail = trim(implode(' ',$aStack));
979 $aAddress[] = array($sGroup,$sEmail);
980 $aStack = $aComment = array();
981 $sGroup = '';
982 break;
983 }
984 case ',':
985 if (!$sEmail) {
986 while (count($aStack) && !$sEmail) {
987 $sEmail = trim(array_pop($aStack));
988 }
989 }
990 if (count($aStack)) {
991 $sPersonal = trim(implode('',$aStack));
992 } else {
993 $sPersonal = '';
994 }
995 if (!$sPersonal && count($aComment)) {
996 $sComment = implode(' ',$aComment);
997 $sPersonal .= $sComment;
998 }
999 $aAddress[] = array($sEmail,$sPersonal);
1000 $sPersonal = $sComment = $sEmail = '';
1001 $aStack = $aComment = array();
1002 break;
1003 case ':':
1004 $sGroup = implode(' ',$aStack); break;
1005 $aStack = array();
1006 break;
1007 case '<':
1008 $sEmail = trim(substr($sToken,1,-1));
1009 break;
1010 case '>':
1011 /* skip */
1012 break;
1013 default: $aStack[] = $sToken; break;
1014 }
1015 }
1016 /* now do the action again for the last address */
1017 if (!$sEmail) {
1018 while (count($aStack) && !$sEmail) {
1019 $sEmail = trim(array_pop($aStack));
1020 }
1021 }
1022 if (count($aStack)) {
1023 $sPersonal = trim(implode('',$aStack));
1024 } else {
1025 $sPersonal = '';
1026 }
1027 if (!$sPersonal && count($aComment)) {
1028 $sComment = implode(' ',$aComment);
1029 $sPersonal .= $sComment;
1030 }
1031 $aAddress[] = array($sEmail,$sPersonal);
1032 return $aAddress;
1033 }
1036 /**
1037 * Returns the number of unseen messages in this folder.
1038 */
1039 function sqimap_unseen_messages ($imap_stream, $mailbox) {
1040 $read_ary = sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, 'STATUS ' . sqimap_encode_mailbox_name($mailbox) . ' (UNSEEN)', false, $result, $message);
1041 $i = 0;
1042 $regs = array(false, false);
1043 while (isset($read_ary[$i])) {
1044 if (ereg("UNSEEN ([0-9]+)", $read_ary[$i], $regs)) {
1045 break;
1046 }
1047 $i++;
1048 }
1049 return $regs[1];
1050 }
1052 /**
1053 * Returns the number of total/unseen/recent messages in this folder
1054 */
1055 function sqimap_status_messages ($imap_stream, $mailbox) {
1056 $read_ary = sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, 'STATUS ' . sqimap_encode_mailbox_name($mailbox) . ' (MESSAGES UNSEEN RECENT)', false, $result, $message);
1057 $i = 0;
1058 $messages = $unseen = $recent = false;
1059 $regs = array(false,false);
1060 while (isset($read_ary[$i])) {
1061 if (preg_match('/UNSEEN\s+([0-9]+)/i', $read_ary[$i], $regs)) {
1062 $unseen = $regs[1];
1063 }
1064 if (preg_match('/MESSAGES\s+([0-9]+)/i', $read_ary[$i], $regs)) {
1065 $messages = $regs[1];
1066 }
1067 if (preg_match('/RECENT\s+([0-9]+)/i', $read_ary[$i], $regs)) {
1068 $recent = $regs[1];
1069 }
1070 $i++;
1071 }
1072 return array('MESSAGES' => $messages, 'UNSEEN'=>$unseen, 'RECENT' => $recent);
1073 }
1076 /**
1077 * Saves a message to a given folder -- used for saving sent messages
1078 */
1079 function sqimap_append ($imap_stream, $sent_folder, $length) {
1080 fputs ($imap_stream, sqimap_session_id() . ' APPEND ' . sqimap_encode_mailbox_name($sent_folder) . " (\\Seen) \{$length}\r\n");
1081 $tmp = fgets ($imap_stream, 1024);
1082 }
1084 function sqimap_append_done ($imap_stream, $folder='') {
1085 global $squirrelmail_language, $color;
1086 fputs ($imap_stream, "\r\n");
1087 $tmp = fgets ($imap_stream, 1024);
1088 if (preg_match("/(.*)(BAD|NO)(.*)$/", $tmp, $regs)) {
1089 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language);
1090 require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
1091 $reason = $regs[3];
1092 if ($regs[2] == 'NO') {
1093 $string = "<b><font color=$color[2]>\n" .
1094 _("ERROR : Could not append message to") ." $folder." .
1095 "</b><br>\n" .
1096 _("Server responded: ") .
1097 $reason . "<br>\n";
1098 if (preg_match("/(.*)(quota)(.*)$/i", $reason, $regs)) {
1099 $string .= _("Solution: ") .
1100 _("Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash folder.")
1101 ."<br>\n";
1102 }
1103 $string .= "</font>\n";
1104 error_box($string,$color);
1105 } else {
1106 $string = "<b><font color=$color[2]>\n" .
1107 _("ERROR : Bad or malformed request.") .
1108 "</b><br>\n" .
1109 _("Server responded: ") .
1110 $tmp . "</font><br>\n";
1111 error_box($string,$color);
1112 exit;
1113 }
1114 }
1115 }
1117 function sqimap_get_user_server ($imap_server, $username) {
1118 if (substr($imap_server, 0, 4) != "map:") {
1119 return $imap_server;
1120 }
1121 $function = substr($imap_server, 4);
1122 return $function($username);
1123 }
1125 /**
1126 * This is an example that gets imapservers from yellowpages (NIS).
1127 * you can simple put map:map_yp_alias in your $imap_server_address
1128 * in config.php use your own function instead map_yp_alias to map your
1129 * LDAP whatever way to find the users imapserver.
1130 */
1131 function map_yp_alias($username) {
1132 $yp = `ypmatch $username aliases`;
1133 return chop(substr($yp, strlen($username)+1));
1134 }
1136 ?>