Incorporated getIconPath to allow third-party packages (like dTree) to getch the...
[squirrelmail.git] / src / left_main.php
59177427 1<?php
895905c0 2
35586184 3/**
4 * left_main.php
5 *
35586184 6 * This is the code for the left bar. The left bar shows the folders
7 * available, and has cookie information.
8 *
47ccfad4 9 * @copyright &copy; 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
4b4abf93 10 * @license GNU Public License
30967a1e 11 * @version $Id$
8f6f9ba5 12 * @package squirrelmail
1c52ba77 13 */
35586184 14
30967a1e 15/**
16 * Path for SquirrelMail required files.
17 * @ignore
18 */
dcc1cc82 19define('SM_PATH','../');
86725763 20
21/* SquirrelMail required files. */
5c4ff7bf 22include_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php');
86725763 23require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php');
24require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/plugin.php');
25require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php');
26require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/html.php');
b6d26135 27require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/date.php');
142499d4 28
29997535 29/** add required includes */
30include_once(SM_PATH . 'templates/util_global.php');
31include_once(SM_PATH . 'templates/util_left_main.php');
95e93571 33/* These constants are used for folder stuff. */
34define('SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED', 0);
35define('SM_BOX_COLLAPSED', 1);
a6d2e0de 36
2d367c68 37/* --------------------- FUNCTIONS ------------------------- */
525b7ae6 38
a6d2e0de 39
29997535 40
95e93571 41/**
29997535 42 * Recursive functions to output a tree of folders.
43 * They are called on a list of boxes and iterates over that tree.
ffb1a3d9 44 *
29997535 45 * NOTE: These functions are deprecated and replaced with templates in 1.5.2.
46 * They remain until the advanced tree tempalte is completed also,
47 * at which point both functions below will be removed
48 *
3cbf882e 49 * @since 1.3.0
29997535 50 * @deprecated
ffb1a3d9 51 */
29997535 52function ListBoxes ($boxes, $j=0) {
53 return '';
f23f6a3a 54}
c8fa94cf 56function ListAdvancedBoxes ($boxes, $mbx, $j='ID.0000' ) {
48879ef0 57 global $data_dir, $username, $color, $unseen_notify, $unseen_type, $unseen_cum,
134e4174 58 $move_to_trash, $trash_folder, $collapse_folders, $use_special_folder_color;
f23f6a3a 59
3cbf882e 60 if (empty($boxes)) {
ccc4580f 61 return;
3cbf882e 62 }
4bdcd5e0 63
f23f6a3a 64 /* use_folder_images only works if the images exist in ../images */
c8fa94cf 65 $use_folder_images = true;
f23f6a3a 66
67 $pre = '';
68 $end = '';
69 $collapse = false;
6c8fee24 70 $unseen_found = false;
71 $unseen = 0;
a6172cd5 72
a6172cd5 73 $mailbox = $boxes->mailboxname_full;
74 $mailboxURL = urlencode($mailbox);
f23f6a3a 75
48879ef0 76 /* get collapse information */
77 if ($collapse_folders) {
78 $form_entry = $j.'F';
79 if (isset($mbx) && isset($mbx[$form_entry])) {
80 $collapse = $mbx[$form_entry];
81 setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_'.$boxes->mailboxname_full ,
83 } else {
84 $collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $mailbox);
85 $collapse = ($collapse == '' ? SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED : $collapse);
86 }
87 $img_src = ($collapse ? '../images/plus.png' : '../images/minus.png');
88 $collapse_link = '<a href="javascript:void(0)">' .
89 " <img src=\"$img_src\" border=\"1\" id=$j onclick=\"hidechilds(this)\" style=\"cursor:hand\" /></a>";
90 } else {
91 $collapse_link='';
92 }
ccc4580f 94 /* get unseen/total messages information */
6c8fee24 95 /* Only need to display info when option is set */
48879ef0 96 if (isset($unseen_notify) && ($unseen_notify > 1)) {
97 /* handle Cumulative Unread Message Notification */
98 if ($collapse && $unseen_cum) {
99 foreach ($boxes->mbxs as $cumn_box) {
100 if (!empty($cumn_box->unseen)) $boxes->unseen += $cumn_box->unseen;
101 if (!empty($cumn_box->total)) $boxes->total += $cumn_box->total;
ccc4580f 102 }
48879ef0 103 }
104 if (($boxes->unseen !== false) || ($boxes->total !== false)) {
105 if ($boxes->unseen !== false) $unseen = $boxes->unseen;
106 /*
107 * Should only display unseen info if the folder is inbox
108 * or you set the option for all folders
109 */
110 if ((strtolower($mailbox) == 'inbox') || ($unseen_notify == 3)) {
111 $unseen_string = $unseen;
113 /* If users requests, display message count too */
114 if (isset($unseen_type) && ($unseen_type == 2) && ($boxes->total !== false)) {
115 $unseen_string .= '/' . $boxes->total;
116 }
5fefb100 117 if (isset($boxes->recent) && $boxes->recent > 0) {
118 $unseen_string = "<span class=\"leftrecent\">($unseen_string)</span>";
119 } else {
120 $unseen_string = "<span class=\"leftunseen\">($unseen_string)</span>";
121 }
48879ef0 122
123 /*
124 * Finally allow the script to display the values by setting a boolean.
125 * This can only occur if the unseen count is great than 0 (if you have
126 * unseen count only), or you have the message count too.
127 */
128 if (($unseen > 0) || (isset($unseen_type) && ($unseen_type ==2))) {
129 $unseen_found = true;
130 }
6c8fee24 131 }
ccc4580f 132 }
6c8fee24 133 }
a6172cd5 134
135 /* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */
136 if ($unseen > 0) { $pre .= '<b>'; }
138 /* color special boxes */
a259636c 139 if ($use_special_folder_color && $boxes->is_special) {
254773f5 140 $pre .= "<span class=\"leftspecial\">";
81132de8 141 $end .= '</span>';
a6172cd5 142 }
144 /* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
145 if ($unseen > 0) { $end .= '</b>'; }
147 /* Print unseen information. */
ccc4580f 148 if ($unseen_found) {
149 $end .= "&nbsp;$unseen_string";
a6172cd5 150 }
152 if (($move_to_trash) && ($mailbox == $trash_folder)) {
324ac3c5 153 $pre = "<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&amp;startMessage=1&amp;mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">" . $pre;
4bdcd5e0 154 $end .= '</a>';
dea5ef88 155 $end .= "\n<small>\n" .
156 '&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a class="mbx_link" href="empty_trash.php">'._("Purge").'</a>]'.
157 '</small>';
a6172cd5 158 } else {
159 if (!$boxes->is_noselect) { /* \Noselect boxes can't be selected */
324ac3c5 160 $pre = "<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&amp;startMessage=1&amp;mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">" . $pre;
4bdcd5e0 161 $end .= '</a>';
a6172cd5 162 }
163 }
8fc208f8 165 // let plugins fiddle with end of line
166 global $imapConnection;
167 $end .= concat_hook_function('left_main_after_each_folder',
324ac3c5 168 array(isset($numMessages) ? $numMessages : '',
8fc208f8 169 $boxes->mailboxname_full, $imapConnection));
29997535 171 $out = '';
a6172cd5 172 if (!$boxes->is_root) {
173 if ($use_folder_images) {
ccc4580f 174 if ($boxes->is_inbox) {
175 $folder_img = '../images/inbox.png';
176 } else if ($boxes->is_sent) {
177 $folder_img = '../images/senti.png';
178 } else if ($boxes->is_trash) {
179 $folder_img = '../images/delitem.png';
180 } else if ($boxes->is_draft) {
181 $folder_img = '../images/draft.png';
182 } else if ($boxes->is_noinferiors) {
183 $folder_img = '../images/folder_noinf.png';
184 } else {
185 $folder_img = '../images/folder.png';
186 }
0bcd11eb 187 $folder_img = '&nbsp;<img src="'.$folder_img.'" height="15" />&nbsp;';
ccc4580f 188 } else {
189 $folder_img = '';
190 }
a6172cd5 191 if (!isset($boxes->mbxs[0])) {
29997535 192 $out .= ' ' . html_tag( 'div',
0bcd11eb 193 $pre . $folder_img .
3cbf882e 194 str_replace( array(' ','<','>'),
195 array('&nbsp;','&lt;','&gt;'),
196 $boxes->mailboxname_sub) .
197 $end,
3170c448 198 'left', '', 'class="mbx_sub" id="' .$j. '"' ) . "\n";
ccc4580f 199 } else {
48879ef0 200
29997535 201 $out .= ' ' . html_tag( 'div',
a6172cd5 202 $collapse_link . $pre . $folder_img . '&nbsp;'. $boxes->mailboxname_sub . $end ,
3170c448 203 'left', '', 'class="mbx_par" id="' .$j. 'P"' ) . "\n";
29997535 204 $out .= ' <input type="hidden" name="mbx['.$j. 'F]" value="'.$collapse.'" id="mbx['.$j.'F]" />'."\n";
a6172cd5 205 }
206 }
a6172cd5 207
4bdcd5e0 208 $visible = ($collapse ? ' style="display:none"' : ' style="display:block"');
209 if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root) /* mailbox contains childs */
29997535 210 $out .= html_tag( 'div', '', 'left', '', 'class="par_area" id='.$j.'.0000 '. $visible ) . "\n";
a6172cd5 211
3cbf882e 212 if ($j !='ID.0000') {
4bdcd5e0 213 $j = $j .'.0000';
3cbf882e 214 }
4bdcd5e0 215 for ($i = 0; $i <count($boxes->mbxs); $i++) {
216 $j++;
29997535 217 $out .= ListAdvancedBoxes($boxes->mbxs[$i],$mbx,$j);
f23f6a3a 218 }
3cbf882e 219 if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root) {
29997535 220 $out .= '</div>'."\n\n";
3cbf882e 221 }
29997535 222
223 return $out;
f23f6a3a 224}
95e93571 228
229/* -------------------- MAIN ------------------------ */
f38b7cf0 231/* get globals */
232sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION);
233sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE);
234sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION);
235sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION);
a32985a5 236
f38b7cf0 237sqgetGlobalVar('fold', $fold, SQ_GET);
238sqgetGlobalVar('unfold', $unfold, SQ_GET);
240/* end globals */
95e93571 241
242// open a connection on the imap port (143)
3cbf882e 243// why hide the output?
244$imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, true);
95e93571 245
f43c35f8 246/**
3cbf882e 247 * Using stristr since very old preferences may contain "None" and "none".
f43c35f8 248 */
3cbf882e 249if (!empty($left_refresh) &&
d68323ff 250 !stristr($left_refresh, 'none')){
251 $xtra = "\n<meta http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT\" />\n" .
252 "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n".
dcc1cc82 253 "<meta http-equiv=\"REFRESH\" content=\"$left_refresh;URL=left_main.php\" />\n";
95e93571 254} else {
255 $xtra = '';
f23f6a3a 258/**
3cbf882e 259 * $advanced_tree and is a boolean var which is default set to default
a6172cd5 260 * SM behaviour.
a6172cd5 261 * Setting $advanced tree to true causes SM to display a experimental
29997535 262 * mailbox-tree with dhtml behaviour.
263 *
264 * See templates/default/left_main_advanced.tpl
a6172cd5 265 **/
f23f6a3a 266
78e5377d 267/* set this to true if you want to see a nicer mailboxtree */
3cbf882e 268if (empty($advanced_tree)) {
ccc4580f 269 $advanced_tree=false;
f23f6a3a 271
a462b928 272// get mailbox list and cache it
dcc1cc82 275displayHtmlHeader( 'SquirrelMail', $xtra );
a462b928 276
852abae7 277sqgetGlobalVar('auto_create_done',$auto_create_done,SQ_SESSION);
95e93571 278/* If requested and not yet complete, attempt to autocreate folders. */
279if ($auto_create_special && !isset($auto_create_done)) {
a3439b27 280 $autocreate = array($sent_folder, $trash_folder, $draft_folder);
3bf08e48 281 $folders_created = false;
95e93571 282 foreach( $autocreate as $folder ) {
a3439b27 283 if (($folder != '') && ($folder != 'none')) {
a462b928 284 // use $mailboxes array for checking if mailbox exists
285 if ( !sqimap_mailbox_exists($imapConnection, $folder, $mailboxes)) {
95e93571 286 sqimap_mailbox_create($imapConnection, $folder, '');
3bf08e48 287 $folders_created = true;
852abae7 288 } else {
7b1f03c9 289 // check for subscription is useless and expensive, just
290 // surpress the NO response. Unless we're on Mecury, which
291 // will just subscribe a folder again if it's already
292 // subscribed.
293 if ( strtolower($imap_server_type) != 'mercury32' ||
294 !sqimap_mailbox_is_subscribed($imapConnection, $folder) ) {
295 sqimap_subscribe($imapConnection, $folder, false);
3bf08e48 296 $folders_created = true;
7b1f03c9 297 }
2d367c68 298 }
ebf18afa 299 }
2d367c68 300 }
a6d2e0de 301
95e93571 302 /* Let the world know that autocreation is complete! Hurrah! */
90de1755 303 $auto_create_done = TRUE;
a32985a5 304 sqsession_register($auto_create_done, 'auto_create_done');
3bf08e48 305 // reload mailbox list
306 if ($folders_created)
307 $mailboxes=sqimap_get_mailboxes($imapConnection,true,$show_only_subscribed_folders);
95e93571 308}
dcc1cc82 309
29997535 310$clock = '';
95e93571 311if ($date_format != 6) {
312 /* First, display the clock. */
313 if ($hour_format == 1) {
3208c2a5 314 $hr = 'H:i';
95e93571 315 if ($date_format == 4) {
316 $hr .= ':s';
a6d2e0de 317 }
95e93571 318 } else {
319 if ($date_format == 4) {
320 $hr = 'g:i:s a';
321 } else {
322 $hr = 'g:i a';
2d367c68 323 }
324 }
95e93571 326 switch( $date_format ) {
e4f5158a 327 case 0:
134e4174 328 $clk = date('Y-m-d '.$hr. ' T', time());
329 break;
95e93571 330 case 1:
331 $clk = date('m/d/y '.$hr, time());
332 break;
333 case 2:
334 $clk = date('d/m/y '.$hr, time());
335 break;
336 case 4:
337 case 5:
338 $clk = date($hr, time());
339 break;
340 default:
67eb95d7 341 $clk = getDayAbrv( date( 'w', time() ) ) . date( ', ' . $hr, time() );
2d367c68 342 }
95e93571 343 $clk = str_replace(' ','&nbsp;',$clk);
29997535 345 $clock = '<small><span style="white-space: nowrap;">'
f8a1ed5a 346 . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', _("Last Refresh"))
3cbf882e 347 . ":</span><br /><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">$clk</span></small><br />\n";
95e93571 348}
95e93571 350if ( $collapse_folders ) {
351 /* If directed, collapse or uncollapse a folder. */
352 if (isset($fold)) {
353 setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $fold, SM_BOX_COLLAPSED);
354 } else if (isset($unfold)) {
355 setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $unfold, SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED);
356 }
c5a52f46 359/* Get unseen/total display prefs */
360$unseen_type = getPref( $data_dir , $username , 'unseen_type' );
361$unseen_notify = getPref( $data_dir , $username , 'unseen_notify' );
3cbf882e 363if (empty($unseen_type)) {
364 if (!empty($default_unseen_type)) {
c5a52f46 365 $unseen_type = $default_unseen_type;
366 } else {
367 $unseen_type = 1;
368 }
3cbf882e 371if (empty($unseen_notify)) {
372 if (!empty($default_unseen_notify)) {
c5a52f46 373 $unseen_notify = $default_unseen_notify;
374 } else {
375 $unseen_notify = 0;
376 }
29997535 378
a462b928 379/**
380 * pass $mailboxes now instead of $imapconnection - sqimap_get_mailboxes() has been separated from
381 * sqimap_mailbox_tree() so that the cached mailbox list can be used elsewhere in left_main and beyond
382 */
383$boxes = sqimap_mailbox_tree($imapConnection,$mailboxes,$show_only_subscribed_folders);
c5a52f46 384
29997535 385$mailbox_listing = '';
3cbf882e 386if (isset($advanced_tree) && $advanced_tree) {
29997535 387 $mailbox_listing = '<form name="collapse" action="left_main.php" method="post" ' .
0bcd11eb 388 'enctype="multipart/form-data">'."\n";
29997535 389 $mailbox_listing .= '<button type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="buttonover(this,true)" onmouseout="buttonover(this,false)" onmousedown="buttonclick(this,true)" onmouseup="buttonclick(this,false)">'. _("Save folder tree") .'</button><br /><br />';
390 $mailbox_listing .= '<div id="mailboxes" class="mailboxes">'."\n\n";
3cbf882e 391 sqgetGlobalVar('mbx', $mbx, SQ_POST);
392 if (!isset($mbx)) $mbx=NULL;
29997535 393 $mailbox_listing .=ListAdvancedBoxes($boxes, $mbx);
394 $mailbox_listing .= '</div>';
395 $mailbox_listing .= '</form>'."\n";
3cbf882e 396} else {
29997535 397 $mailbox_listing = ListBoxes($boxes);
95e93571 398}
29997535 400$mailbox_structure = getBoxStructure($boxes);
402$oTemplate->assign('clock', $clock);
403$oTemplate->assign('mailbox_listing', $mailbox_listing);
404$oTemplate->assign('location_of_bar', $location_of_bar);
405$oTemplate->assign('left_size', $left_size);
407$oTemplate->assign('mailboxes', $mailbox_structure);
408$oTemplate->assign('imapConnection', $imapConnection);
410$oTemplate->assign('unread_notification_enabled', $unseen_notify!=1);
411$oTemplate->assign('unread_notification_cummulative', $unseen_cum==1);
412$oTemplate->assign('unread_notification_allFolders', $unseen_notify == 3);
413$oTemplate->assign('unread_notification_displayTotal', $unseen_type == 2);
414$oTemplate->assign('collapsable_folders_enabled', $collapse_folders==1);
415$oTemplate->assign('icon_theme_path', $icon_theme_path);
416$oTemplate->assign('use_special_folder_color', $use_special_folder_color);
417$oTemplate->assign('message_recycling_enabled', $move_to_trash);
29997535 418
419if (isset($advanced_tree) && $advanced_tree) {
420 $oTemplate->display('left_main_advanced.tpl');
421} else {
422 $oTemplate->display('left_main.tpl');
dcc1cc82 424
29997535 425sqimap_logout($imapConnection);
5c4ff7bf 426$oTemplate->display('footer.tpl');