## Available themes #### Monokai ![Monokai](./screenshot/themes/Monokai.png) #### Solarized ![Solarized](./screenshot/themes/Solarized.png) #### Tomorrow Night ![Solarized](./screenshot/themes/TomorrowNight.png) #### Larapaste ![Solarized](./screenshot/themes/larapaste.png) ## Customization Modify `~/.rainbow_config.json` and follow next instruction. Examples are available in [Themes folder](https://github.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/blob/master/rainbowstream/colorset) ### Custom config * There is a file named exactly `.rainbow_config.json` and is placed at your home directory. * Add color configurations to above file and follow json format. * Comments as `//` or `/*...*/` are allowed. * Here is an example ```json { "DECORATED_NAME" : 198, "CYCLE_COLOR" :[198,57,166,50,179,74,112], "TWEET" : { "nick" : 112, "clock" : 57, "id" : 166, "favorited" : 50, "retweet_count" : 50, "favorite_count" : 198, "rt" : 179, "link" : 74, "hashtag" : 198, "keyword" : "on_light_green" }, "MESSAGE" : { "partner" : 112, "me" : 112, "me_frame" : 74, "partner_frame" : 198, "sender" : 112, "recipient" : 112, "to" : 50, "clock" : 57, "id" : 166 }, "PROFILE" : { "statuses_count" : 112, "friends_count" : 198, "followers_count" : 57, "nick" : 198, "profile_image_url" : 74, "description" : 166, "location" : 112, "url" : 74, "clock" : 57 }, "TREND" : { "url": 74 }, "CAL" : { "days": 57, "today": "on_light_blue" }, "GROUP" : { "name": 112, "member": 57, "subscriber": 198, "mode": 112, "description": 166, "clock": 57 } } ``` ### Available Colors There are 16 basic colors: * default * black * red * green * yellow * blue * magenta * cyan * grey * light_red * light_green * light_yellow * light_blue * light_magenta * light_cyan * white These colors will be enough for almost terminals. But if your terminal can support 256 colors (check your `$TERM` variable!), you can even use 0 to 255 as the example above. There are also background highlight colors like: * on_default * on_black * on_red * on_green * on_yellow * on_blue * on_magenta * on_cyan * on_grey * on_light_red * on_light_green * on_light_yellow * on_light_blue * on_light_magenta * on_light_cyan * on_white Color reference can be found at [bash colors](http://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting) or [256 xterm colors](http://www.calmar.ws/vim/256-xterm-24bit-rgb-color-chart.html). ### Available options * `DECORATED_NAME`: color of your Twitter's __username__ which is placed at every line's begin. * `CYCLE_COLOR`: list of colors from which Twitter __real name__ 's color is selected. * Color selection is cycle through this list but with _memoization_. * It's means that same names will appear in same colors. * `TWEET`: colors of parts in a tweet's ouput. * `nick` : color for Twitter __username__. * `clock`: color for time of tweet. * `id`: color for tweet's id. * `favorite`: color for the star symbol when a tweet is favorited by you. * `retweet_count`: color for retweets count. * `favorite_count`: color for favorites count. * `rt`: color for `RT` word in tweet's content. * `link`: color for an url. * `hashtag`: color for a hashtag. * `keyword`: color for highlighted keyword (in tweets search). * `MESSAGE`: colors of parts in message's output. * `partner`: color for __partner__. * `me`: color for __authenticated user__. * `partner_frame`: color for __partner's frame__. * `me_frame`: color for __authenticated user's frame__. * `sender`: color for sender's __username__. * `recipient`: color for recipient's __username__. * `to`: color for the `>>>` symbol. * `clock`: color for time of message. * `id`: color for message's id. * `PROFILE`: colors for parts in profile's ouput. * `statuses_count`: color for statuses count. * `friends_count`: color for friends count. * `followers_count`: color for followers count. * `nick`: color for Twitter __username__. * `profile_image_url`: color for profile image url. * `description`: color for description. * `location`: color for location. * `url`: color for url. * `clock`: color for joined time. * `TREND`: colors for trend's output: * `url`: color for trend's url. * `CAL`: colors for calendar's output: * `days`: color for days in current month. * `today`: color for today. * `GROUP`: colors for twitter list output: * `name`: color for twitter list's name. * `member`: color member count. * `subscriber`: color subscriber count. * `mode`: color twitter list's mode. * `description`: color twitter list's description. * `clock`: color twitter list's created time. ### Theme usage While entered Rainbow Stream: * `theme` and hit ENTER to see which is available. * `theme` + TAB twice will show themes list instantly. * `theme monokai` will apply `monokai` theme immediately. You can use TAB key for theme's name autocompletion. ### Theme contribution I appreciate any contribution for themes for this app. Please add a file to [themes folder](https://github.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/tree/master/rainbowstream/colorset) (json format!) and create a [pull request](https://github.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/compare/) with a screenshot.