import json from twitter.util import printNicely from .colors import * from .config import * def detail_twitter_error(twitterException): """ Display Twitter Errors nicely """ try: # twitterException.response_data can be byte string on Python 3 # or nornal dict on Python 2 loadedJson = json.loads(twitterException.response_data.decode('utf8')) for m in loadedJson.get('errors', dict()): info = "Error " + str(m.get('code')) + ": " + m.get('message') printNicely(yellow(info)) except: info = "Error: " + twitterException.response_data.decode('utf8') printNicely(yellow(info)) def format_prefix(listname='', keyword=''): """ Format the custom prefix """ formattedPrefix = c['PREFIX'] owner = '@' + c['original_name'] place = '' # Public stream if keyword: formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#owner')) formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#place')) formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#me')) # List stream elif listname: formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#keyword')) formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#me')) owner, place = listname.split('/') place = '/' + place # Personal stream else: formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#keyword')) formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#owner')) formattedPrefix = ''.join(formattedPrefix.split('#place')) formattedPrefix = formattedPrefix.replace("#owner", owner) formattedPrefix = formattedPrefix.replace("#place", place) formattedPrefix = formattedPrefix.replace("#keyword", keyword) formattedPrefix = formattedPrefix.replace("#me", '@' + c['original_name']) return formattedPrefix