from PIL import Image from functools import partial from .config import * import sys import os """ This file is borrowed from following gist: It's too slow in compare with C program. """ CLUT = [ # color look-up table # 8-bit, RGB hex # Primary 3-bit (8 colors). Unique representation! ('00', '000000'), ('01', '800000'), ('02', '008000'), ('03', '808000'), ('04', '000080'), ('05', '800080'), ('06', '008080'), ('07', 'c0c0c0'), # Equivalent "bright" versions of original 8 colors. ('08', '808080'), ('09', 'ff0000'), ('10', '00ff00'), ('11', 'ffff00'), ('12', '0000ff'), ('13', 'ff00ff'), ('14', '00ffff'), ('15', 'ffffff'), # Strictly ascending. ('16', '000000'), ('17', '00005f'), ('18', '000087'), ('19', '0000af'), ('20', '0000d7'), ('21', '0000ff'), ('22', '005f00'), ('23', '005f5f'), ('24', '005f87'), ('25', '005faf'), ('26', '005fd7'), ('27', '005fff'), ('28', '008700'), ('29', '00875f'), ('30', '008787'), ('31', '0087af'), ('32', '0087d7'), ('33', '0087ff'), ('34', '00af00'), ('35', '00af5f'), ('36', '00af87'), ('37', '00afaf'), ('38', '00afd7'), ('39', '00afff'), ('40', '00d700'), ('41', '00d75f'), ('42', '00d787'), ('43', '00d7af'), ('44', '00d7d7'), ('45', '00d7ff'), ('46', '00ff00'), ('47', '00ff5f'), ('48', '00ff87'), ('49', '00ffaf'), ('50', '00ffd7'), ('51', '00ffff'), ('52', '5f0000'), ('53', '5f005f'), ('54', '5f0087'), ('55', '5f00af'), ('56', '5f00d7'), ('57', '5f00ff'), ('58', '5f5f00'), ('59', '5f5f5f'), ('60', '5f5f87'), ('61', '5f5faf'), ('62', '5f5fd7'), ('63', '5f5fff'), ('64', '5f8700'), ('65', '5f875f'), ('66', '5f8787'), ('67', '5f87af'), ('68', '5f87d7'), ('69', '5f87ff'), ('70', '5faf00'), ('71', '5faf5f'), ('72', '5faf87'), ('73', '5fafaf'), ('74', '5fafd7'), ('75', '5fafff'), ('76', '5fd700'), ('77', '5fd75f'), ('78', '5fd787'), ('79', '5fd7af'), ('80', '5fd7d7'), ('81', '5fd7ff'), ('82', '5fff00'), ('83', '5fff5f'), ('84', '5fff87'), ('85', '5fffaf'), ('86', '5fffd7'), ('87', '5fffff'), ('88', '870000'), ('89', '87005f'), ('90', '870087'), ('91', '8700af'), ('92', '8700d7'), ('93', '8700ff'), ('94', '875f00'), ('95', '875f5f'), ('96', '875f87'), ('97', '875faf'), ('98', '875fd7'), ('99', '875fff'), ('100', '878700'), ('101', '87875f'), ('102', '878787'), ('103', '8787af'), ('104', '8787d7'), ('105', '8787ff'), ('106', '87af00'), ('107', '87af5f'), ('108', '87af87'), ('109', '87afaf'), ('110', '87afd7'), ('111', '87afff'), ('112', '87d700'), ('113', '87d75f'), ('114', '87d787'), ('115', '87d7af'), ('116', '87d7d7'), ('117', '87d7ff'), ('118', '87ff00'), ('119', '87ff5f'), ('120', '87ff87'), ('121', '87ffaf'), ('122', '87ffd7'), ('123', '87ffff'), ('124', 'af0000'), ('125', 'af005f'), ('126', 'af0087'), ('127', 'af00af'), ('128', 'af00d7'), ('129', 'af00ff'), ('130', 'af5f00'), ('131', 'af5f5f'), ('132', 'af5f87'), ('133', 'af5faf'), ('134', 'af5fd7'), ('135', 'af5fff'), ('136', 'af8700'), ('137', 'af875f'), ('138', 'af8787'), ('139', 'af87af'), ('140', 'af87d7'), ('141', 'af87ff'), ('142', 'afaf00'), ('143', 'afaf5f'), ('144', 'afaf87'), ('145', 'afafaf'), ('146', 'afafd7'), ('147', 'afafff'), ('148', 'afd700'), ('149', 'afd75f'), ('150', 'afd787'), ('151', 'afd7af'), ('152', 'afd7d7'), ('153', 'afd7ff'), ('154', 'afff00'), ('155', 'afff5f'), ('156', 'afff87'), ('157', 'afffaf'), ('158', 'afffd7'), ('159', 'afffff'), ('160', 'd70000'), ('161', 'd7005f'), ('162', 'd70087'), ('163', 'd700af'), ('164', 'd700d7'), ('165', 'd700ff'), ('166', 'd75f00'), ('167', 'd75f5f'), ('168', 'd75f87'), ('169', 'd75faf'), ('170', 'd75fd7'), ('171', 'd75fff'), ('172', 'd78700'), ('173', 'd7875f'), ('174', 'd78787'), ('175', 'd787af'), ('176', 'd787d7'), ('177', 'd787ff'), ('178', 'd7af00'), ('179', 'd7af5f'), ('180', 'd7af87'), ('181', 'd7afaf'), ('182', 'd7afd7'), ('183', 'd7afff'), ('184', 'd7d700'), ('185', 'd7d75f'), ('186', 'd7d787'), ('187', 'd7d7af'), ('188', 'd7d7d7'), ('189', 'd7d7ff'), ('190', 'd7ff00'), ('191', 'd7ff5f'), ('192', 'd7ff87'), ('193', 'd7ffaf'), ('194', 'd7ffd7'), ('195', 'd7ffff'), ('196', 'ff0000'), ('197', 'ff005f'), ('198', 'ff0087'), ('199', 'ff00af'), ('200', 'ff00d7'), ('201', 'ff00ff'), ('202', 'ff5f00'), ('203', 'ff5f5f'), ('204', 'ff5f87'), ('205', 'ff5faf'), ('206', 'ff5fd7'), ('207', 'ff5fff'), ('208', 'ff8700'), ('209', 'ff875f'), ('210', 'ff8787'), ('211', 'ff87af'), ('212', 'ff87d7'), ('213', 'ff87ff'), ('214', 'ffaf00'), ('215', 'ffaf5f'), ('216', 'ffaf87'), ('217', 'ffafaf'), ('218', 'ffafd7'), ('219', 'ffafff'), ('220', 'ffd700'), ('221', 'ffd75f'), ('222', 'ffd787'), ('223', 'ffd7af'), ('224', 'ffd7d7'), ('225', 'ffd7ff'), ('226', 'ffff00'), ('227', 'ffff5f'), ('228', 'ffff87'), ('229', 'ffffaf'), ('230', 'ffffd7'), ('231', 'ffffff'), # Gray-scale range. ('232', '080808'), ('233', '121212'), ('234', '1c1c1c'), ('235', '262626'), ('236', '303030'), ('237', '3a3a3a'), ('238', '444444'), ('239', '4e4e4e'), ('240', '585858'), ('241', '626262'), ('242', '6c6c6c'), ('243', '767676'), ('244', '808080'), ('245', '8a8a8a'), ('246', '949494'), ('247', '9e9e9e'), ('248', 'a8a8a8'), ('249', 'b2b2b2'), ('250', 'bcbcbc'), ('251', 'c6c6c6'), ('252', 'd0d0d0'), ('253', 'dadada'), ('254', 'e4e4e4'), ('255', 'eeeeee'), ] def _create_dicts(): """ Create dictionary """ short2rgb_dict = dict(CLUT) rgb2short_dict = {} for k, v in short2rgb_dict.items(): rgb2short_dict[v] = k return rgb2short_dict, short2rgb_dict RGB2SHORT_DICT, SHORT2RGB_DICT = _create_dicts() def short2rgb(short): """ Short to RGB """ return SHORT2RGB_DICT[short] def pixel_print(ansicolor): """ Print a pixel with given Ansi color """ sys.stdout.write('\033[48;5;%sm \033[0m' % (ansicolor)) def hex_to_rgb(value): """ Hex to RGB """ value = value.lstrip('#') lv = len(value) return tuple(int(value[i:i + lv / 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv / 3)) def rgb_to_hex(rgb): """ RGB to Hex """ return '%02x%02x%02x' % rgb def rgb2short(r, g, b): """ RGB to short """ dist = lambda s, d: (s[0] - d[0]) ** 2 + \ (s[1] - d[1]) ** 2 + (s[2] - d[2]) ** 2 ary = [hex_to_rgb(hex) for hex in RGB2SHORT_DICT] m = min(ary, key=partial(dist, (r, g, b))) return RGB2SHORT_DICT[rgb_to_hex(m)] def image_to_display(path, start=None, length=None): """ Display an image """ rows, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() if not start: start = IMAGE_SHIFT if not length: length = int(columns) - 2 * start i = i = i.convert('RGBA') w, h = i.size i.load() width = min(w, length) height = int(float(h) * (float(width) / float(w))) height //= 2 i = i.resize((width, height), Image.BICUBIC) height = min(height, IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT) for y in xrange(height): sys.stdout.write(' ' * start) for x in xrange(width): p = i.getpixel((x, y)) r, g, b = p[:3] pixel_print(rgb2short(r, g, b)) sys.stdout.write('\n') """ For direct using purpose """ if __name__ == '__main__': image_to_display(sys.argv[1])