{ // After 120 minutes, the stream will automatically hangup "HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT" : 120, // Image on term "IMAGE_ON_TERM" : false, // Resize image to fit on terminal view "IMAGE_RESIZE_TO_FIT" : false, // Themes "THEME" : "monokai", // Ascii Art "ASCII_ART" : true, // Hide promt when receive a tweet "HIDE_PROMPT" : true, // Prefix "PREFIX" : "#owner#place#me#keyword", // 'search': search type ('mixed','recent','popular') "SEARCH_TYPE" : "mixed", // 'search': search max result, number over 100 will fallback to 100 "SEARCH_MAX_RECORD" : 5, // 'home': default number of home's tweets "HOME_TWEET_NUM" : 5, // 'allrt': default number of retweets "RETWEETS_SHOW_NUM" : 5, // 'conversation': max tweet in a thread "CONVERSATION_MAX" : 30, // 'quote' format "QUOTE_FORMAT" : "#comment RT #owner: #tweet", // 'thread' meta format "THREAD_META_LEFT" : "(#id) #clock", "THREAD_META_RIGHT" : "#clock (#id)", // 'thread' frame's minimum width "THREAD_MIN_WIDTH" : 20, // 'Notification' format "NOTIFY_FORMAT" : " #source_user #notify #clock", // 'inbox','sent': default number of direct message "MESSAGES_DISPLAY" : 5, // 'trend': max trending topics "TREND_MAX" : 10, // List home timeline max "LIST_MAX" : 5, // 'switch': Filter and Ignore list ex: ['@fat','@mdo'] "ONLY_LIST" : [], "IGNORE_LIST" : [], // Autocomplete history file name "HISTORY_FILENAME" : "completer.hist", // Image margin "IMAGE_SHIFT" : 2, // Image max height "IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT" : 90, // Seconds to wait before displaying another tweet, will drop all tweets while waiting. "STREAM_DELAY" : 0, // Stream config "USER_DOMAIN" : "userstream.twitter.com", "PUBLIC_DOMAIN" : "stream.twitter.com", "SITE_DOMAIN" : "sitestream.twitter.com", // Format "FORMAT": { "TWEET": { "CLOCK_FORMAT" : "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", "DISPLAY" : "\n #name #nick #clock \n \u267A:#rt_count \u2665:#fa_count id:#id via #client #fav\n #tweet" }, "MESSAGE": { "CLOCK_FORMAT" : "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", "DISPLAY" : "\n #sender_name #sender_nick #to #recipient_name #recipient_nick :\n #clock message_id:#id\n #message" } }, "POCKET_SUPPORT": false }