import random import itertools from functools import wraps from termcolor import * from pyfiglet import figlet_format from functools import reduce grey = lambda x: colored(x, 'grey', attrs=['bold']) red = lambda x: colored(x, 'red', attrs=['bold']) green = lambda x: colored(x, 'green', attrs=['bold']) yellow = lambda x: colored(x, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']) blue = lambda x: colored(x, 'blue', attrs=['bold']) magenta = lambda x: colored(x, 'magenta', attrs=['bold']) cyan = lambda x: colored(x, 'cyan', attrs=['bold']) white = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', attrs=['bold']) on_grey = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_grey', attrs=['bold']) on_red = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_red', attrs=['bold']) on_green = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_green', attrs=['bold']) on_yellow = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_yellow', attrs=['bold']) on_blue = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_blue', attrs=['bold']) on_magenta = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_magenta', attrs=['bold']) on_cyan = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_cyan', attrs=['bold']) on_white = lambda x: colored(x, 'white', 'on_white', attrs=['bold']) colors_shuffle = [grey, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan] background_shuffle = [ on_grey, on_red, on_green, on_yellow, on_blue, on_magenta, on_cyan] cyc = itertools.cycle(colors_shuffle[1:]) def order_rainbow(s): """ Print a string with ordered color with each character """ c = [colors_shuffle[i % 7](s[i]) for i in xrange(len(s))] return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, c) def random_rainbow(s): """ Print a string with random color with each character """ c = [random.choice(colors_shuffle)(i) for i in s] return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, c) def Memoize(func): """ Memoize decorator """ cache = {} @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args): if args not in cache: cache[args] = func(*args) return cache[args] return wrapper @Memoize def cycle_color(s): """ Cycle the colors_shuffle """ return next(cyc)(s) def ascii_art(text): """ Draw the Ascii Art """ fi = figlet_format(text, font='doom') print('\n'.join( [next(cyc)(i) for i in fi.split('\n')] ) )