Rainbow Stream -------------- Terminal-based Twitter Client. Realtime tweetstream, compose, search , favorite … and much more fun directly from terminal. This package build on the top of `Python Twitter Tool`_ and `Twitter Streaming API`_ and inspired by `EarthQuake`_ Screenshot ---------- .. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/master/screenshot/RainbowStreamvSS.png :alt: v0.0.1 Install ------- You will need Python 2.7+ and pip. .. code:: bash pip install rainbowstream Usage ----- The stream ^^^^^^^^^^ Just type .. code:: bash rainbow and see your stream. In the first time you will be asked for authorization of Rainbow Stream app at Twitter. Just click the “Authorize access” button and paste PIN number to the terminal, the rainbow will start. The interactive mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ While your personal stream is continued, you are also ready to tweet, search, reply, retweet… directly from console. Simply type “h” and hit the Enter key to see the help Input is in interactive mode. It means that you can use arrow key to move up and down history, tab-autocomplete or 2 tab to view available suggestion Here is full list of supported command **Stream Command** ** - ``switch public #AKB48`` will switch current stream to public stream and track keyword ``AKB48`` - ``switch public #AKB48 -f`` will do exactly as above but will ask you to provide 2 list: ``Only nicks`` decide what nicks will be include only. ``Ignore nicks`` decide what nicks will be exclude. - ``switch public #AKB48 -d`` will apply filter to *ONLY\_LIST* and *IGNORE\_LIST*. You can setup 2 list above at ``config.py`` - ``switch mine`` will switch current stream to personal stream. ``-f`` and ``-d`` will work as well. **Action Command** - ``home`` will show your timeline. ``home 10`` will print exactly 10 tweet. - ``view @mdo`` will show @mdo ’s timeline. ``view @dmo 9`` will print exactly 9 tweet. - ``t the rainbow is god's promise to noah`` will tweet exactly *‘the rainbow is god’s promise to noah’* - ``rt 12`` will retweet the tweet with *[id=12]*. You can see id of each tweet beside the time. - ``fav 12`` will favorite the tweet with *[id=12]*. - ``rep 12 Really`` will reply *‘Really’* to the tweet with *[id=12]*. - ``del 12`` will delete tweet with *[id=12]*. - ``ufav 12`` will unfavorite tweet with *[id=12]*. - ``s #noah`` will search the word *‘noah’*. Result will come back with highlight. - ``fr`` will list all friend (You are following people). - ``fl`` will list all follower. - ``h`` will show the help. - ``c`` will clear the screen. - ``q`` will quit. For example see the screenshot above. Bug Report ---------- Please `create an issue`_ or contact me at [@dtvd88](https://twitter.com/dtvd88) License ------- Rainbow Stream are released under an MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details .. _Python Twitter Tool: http://mike.verdone.ca/twitter/ .. _Twitter Streaming API: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/streaming .. _EarthQuake: https://github.com/jugyo/earthquake .. _create an issue: https://github.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/issues/new