Giving Guide

Are you giving your loved ones holiday gifts they can use freely?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae nisl et lacus vestibulum scelerisque. Fusce vitae vestibulum mauris, quis eleifend turpis. Mauris placerat laoreet nisi, nec pellentesque magna gravida id. Nulla nisi est, auctor in arcu eu, sodales condimentum elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel gravida risus, non porttitor nibh. Suspendisse mattis maximus mauris, ut ullamcorper turpis commodo non. Aenean a condimentum quam, ac finibus erat. Duis iaculis iaculis diam, sit amet rutrum nisl lobortis ut. Sed accumsan dolor id lectus pretium, at semper tellus dictum. Proin fringilla efficitur justo, et posuere metus aliquam vestibulum. Vivamus ullamcorper nulla in urna mollis, a bibendum erat tempus. Integer luctus neque non magna aliquam congue. Nullam gravida lectus urna, ut vulputate elit lobortis non.

Operating System: Give the gift of free, flexible, and ethical computing

good Linux


  • Completely free operating system: transparent and modifiable
  • Break the cycle of forced upgrades and planned obsolescence
  • Comes with all the software you need and an easy software manager to find more.
bad Windows


  • Proprietary software that profits from controlling how you use your computer
  • Invades privacy and exposes personal data to Microsoft, the NSA, and other malicious attackers
  • Dependent on mandatory upgrades and devices that don't support older versions of Windows

Operating System: Give the gift of free, flexible, and ethical computing

good Linux


  • Completely free operating system: transparent and modifiable
  • Break the cycle of forced upgrades and planned obsolescence
  • Comes with all the software you need and an easy software manager to find more.
bad Windows


  • Proprietary software that profits from controlling how you use your computer
  • Invades privacy and exposes personal data to Microsoft, the NSA, and other malicious attackers
  • Dependent on mandatory upgrades and devices that don't support older versions of Windows

Operating System: Give the gift of free, flexible, and ethical computing

good Linux


  • Completely free operating system: transparent and modifiable
  • Break the cycle of forced upgrades and planned obsolescence
  • Comes with all the software you need and an easy software manager to find more.
bad Windows


  • Proprietary software that profits from controlling how you use your computer
  • Invades privacy and exposes personal data to Microsoft, the NSA, and other malicious attackers
  • Dependent on mandatory upgrades and devices that don't support older versions of Windows