#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Cambridge: exim/release-process/scripts/mk_exim_release.pl,v 1.1 2010/06/03 12:00:38 nm4 Exp $ # use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use File::Copy; use File::Spec; use File::Path; use File::Temp; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my $debug = 0; my $verbose = 0; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get_and_check_version { my $release = shift; # make sure this looks like a real release version # which should (currently) be 4.xx or 4.xx_RCx unless ( $release =~ /^(4\.\d\d(?:_RC\d+)?)$/ ) { croak "The given version number does not look right - $release"; } return $1; # untainted here... } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub build_tag { my $context = shift; # The CVS tag consists of exim-$version where $version # is the version number with . replaced with _ my $modversion = $context->{release}; $modversion =~ tr/0-9RC/_/cs; return sprintf( 'exim-%s', $modversion ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub deal_with_working_directory { my $context = shift; my $delete = shift; # Set default directory $context->{directory} ||= File::Spec->rel2abs( sprintf( 'exim-packaging-%s', $context->{release} ) ); my $directory = $context->{directory}; # ensure the working directory is not in place if ( -d $directory ) { if ($delete) { print "Deleting existing $directory\n" if ($verbose); rmtree( $directory, { verbose => $debug } ); } if ( -d $directory ) { croak "Working directory $directory exists"; } } mkpath( $context->{directory}, { verbose => ( $verbose || $debug ) } ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub export_git_tree { my $context = shift; # build git command my $archive_file = sprintf( '%s/%s-%s.tar', $context->{tmp_dir}, $context->{pkgname}, $context->{release} ); $context->{tmp_archive_file} = $archive_file; my @cmd = ( 'git', 'archive', '--format=tar', "--output=$archive_file", $context->{tag} ); # run git command print( "Running: ", join( ' ', @cmd ), "\n" ) if ($verbose); system(@cmd) == 0 || croak "Export failed"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub unpack_tree { my $context = shift; die "Cannot see archive file\n" unless ( -f $context->{tmp_archive_file} ); my @cmd = ( 'tar', 'xf', $context->{tmp_archive_file} ); # run command print( "Running: ", join( ' ', @cmd ), "\n" ) if ($verbose); system(@cmd) == 0 || croak "Unpack failed"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub build_documentation { system("cd doc/doc-docbook && ./OS-Fixups && make everything") == 0 || croak "Doc build failed"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub move_text_docs_into_pkg { my $context = shift; my $old_docdir = 'doc/doc-docbook'; my $new_docdir = File::Spec->catdir( $context->{pkgdir}, 'doc' ); mkpath( $new_docdir, { verbose => ( $verbose || $debug ) } ); # move generated documents from docbook stuff foreach my $file (qw/exim.8 spec.txt filter.txt/) { move( File::Spec->catfile( $old_docdir, $file ), File::Spec->catfile( $new_docdir, $file ) ); } # move text documents across foreach my $file ( glob( File::Spec->catfile( 'doc/doc-txt', '*' ) ) ) { # skip a few we dont want my $fn = ( File::Spec->splitpath($file) )[2]; next if ( ( $fn eq 'ABOUT' ) || ( $fn eq 'ChangeLog.0' ) || ( $fn eq 'test-harness.txt' ) ); move( $file, File::Spec->catfile( $new_docdir, $fn ) ); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub build_pspdfinfo_directory { my $context = shift; ##foreach my $format (qw/pdf postscript texinfo info/) { foreach my $format (qw/pdf postscript/) { my $dir = sprintf( 'exim-%s-%s', $format, $context->{release} ); my $target = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 'doc' ); mkpath( $target, { verbose => ( $verbose || $debug ) } ); # move documents across foreach my $file ( glob( File::Spec->catfile( 'doc/doc-docbook', ( ( $format eq 'postscript' ) ? '*.ps' : ( '*.' . $format ) ) ) ) ) { my $fn = ( File::Spec->splitpath($file) )[2]; move( $file, File::Spec->catfile( $target, $fn ) ); } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub build_main_package_directory { my $context = shift; # initially we move the exim-src directory to the new directory name my $pkgdir = sprintf( 'exim-%s', $context->{release} ); $context->{pkgdir} = $pkgdir; rename( 'src', $pkgdir ) || croak "Rename of src dir failed - $!"; # add Local subdirectory my $target = File::Spec->catdir( $pkgdir, 'Local' ); mkpath( $target, { verbose => ( $verbose || $debug ) } ); # now add the text docs move_text_docs_into_pkg($context); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub build_package_directories { my $context = shift; build_main_package_directory($context); build_pspdfinfo_directory($context); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_tar_files { my $context = shift; foreach my $dir ( glob( 'exim*-' . $context->{release} ) ) { system("tar cfz ${dir}.tar.gz ${dir}"); system("tar cfj ${dir}.tar.bz2 ${dir}"); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ { my $man; my $help; my $context = { pkgname => 'exim', orig_dir => File::Spec->curdir(), tmp_dir => File::Temp->newdir(), }; my $delete; ##$ENV{'PATH'} = '/opt/local/bin:' . $ENV{'PATH'}; unless ( GetOptions( 'directory=s' => \$context->{directory}, 'verbose!' => \$verbose, 'debug!' => \$debug, 'help|?' => \$help, 'man!' => \$man, 'delete!' => \$delete, ) ) { pod2usage( -exitval => 1, -verbose => 0 ); } pod2usage(0) if $help; pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man; $context->{release} = get_and_check_version(shift); $context->{tag} = build_tag($context); deal_with_working_directory( $context, $delete ); export_git_tree($context); chdir( $context->{directory} ) || die; unpack_tree($context); build_documentation($context); build_package_directories($context); create_tar_files($context); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME mk_exim_release.pl - Build an exim release =head1 SYNOPSIS mk_exim_release.pl [options] version Options: --debug force debug mode (SQL Trace) --verbose force verbose mode --help display this help and exits --man displays man page --directory=dir dir to package --delete Delete packaging directory at start =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--debug> Forces debug mode cause all SQL statements generated by L to be output. =item B<--verbose> Force verbose mode - currently this has no effect =item B<--help> Display help and exits =item B<--man> Display man page =back =head1 DESCRIPTION Builds an exim release. Starting in a populated git repo that has already been tagged for release, build docs, build packages etc. Parameter is the version number to build as - ie 4.72 4.72RC1 etc =head1 AUTHOR Nigel Metheringham =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 Exim Maintainers. All rights reserved. =cut