Do not panic-log each clamd connection fail. Bug 392
[exim.git] / src / src / malware.c
1 /*************************************************
2 * Exim - an Internet mail transport agent *
3 *************************************************/
5 /* Copyright (c) Tom Kistner <> 2003-2014 */
6 /* License: GPL */
8 /* Code for calling virus (malware) scanners. Called from acl.c. */
10 #include "exim.h"
13 typedef enum {M_FPROTD, M_DRWEB, M_AVES, M_FSEC, M_KAVD, M_CMDL,
15 typedef enum {MC_NONE, MC_TCP, MC_UNIX, MC_STRM} contype_t;
16 static struct scan
17 {
18 scanner_t scancode;
19 const uschar * name;
20 const uschar * options_default;
21 contype_t conn;
22 } m_scans[] =
23 {
24 { M_FPROTD, US"f-protd", US"localhost 10200-10204", MC_TCP },
25 { M_DRWEB, US"drweb", US"/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock", MC_STRM },
26 { M_AVES, US"aveserver", US"/var/run/aveserver", MC_UNIX },
27 { M_FSEC, US"fsecure", US"/var/run/.fsav", MC_UNIX },
28 { M_KAVD, US"kavdaemon", US"/var/run/AvpCtl", MC_UNIX },
29 { M_CMDL, US"cmdline", NULL, MC_NONE },
30 { M_SOPHIE, US"sophie", US"/var/run/sophie", MC_UNIX },
31 { M_CLAMD, US"clamd", US"/tmp/clamd", MC_NONE },
32 { M_SOCK, US"sock", US"/tmp/malware.sock", MC_STRM },
33 { M_MKSD, US"mksd", NULL, MC_NONE },
34 { M_AVAST, US"avast", US"/var/run/avast/scan.sock", MC_STRM },
35 { -1, NULL, NULL, MC_NONE } /* end-marker */
36 };
38 /* The maximum number of clamd servers that are supported in the configuration */
39 #define MAX_CLAMD_SERVERS 32
40 #define MAX_CLAMD_SERVERS_S "32"
41 /* Maximum length of the hostname that can be specified in the clamd address list */
45 typedef struct clamd_address_container {
46 uschar tcp_addr[MAX_CLAMD_ADDRESS_LENGTH+1];
47 unsigned int tcp_port;
48 } clamd_address_container;
50 #ifndef nelements
51 # define nelements(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
52 #endif
55 #define MALWARE_TIMEOUT 120 /* default timeout, seconds */
58 #define DRWEBD_SCAN_CMD (1) /* scan file, buffer or diskfile */
59 #define DRWEBD_RETURN_VIRUSES (1<<0) /* ask daemon return to us viruses names from report */
60 #define DRWEBD_IS_MAIL (1<<19) /* say to daemon that format is "archive MAIL" */
62 #define DERR_READ_ERR (1<<0) /* read error */
63 #define DERR_NOMEMORY (1<<2) /* no memory */
64 #define DERR_TIMEOUT (1<<9) /* scan timeout has run out */
65 #define DERR_BAD_CALL (1<<15) /* wrong command */
68 static const uschar * malware_regex_default = US ".+";
69 static const pcre * malware_default_re = NULL;
71 static const uschar * drweb_re_str = US "infected\\swith\\s*(.+?)$";
72 static const pcre * drweb_re = NULL;
74 static const uschar * fsec_re_str = US "\\S{0,5}INFECTED\\t[^\\t]*\\t([^\\t]+)\\t\\S*$";
75 static const pcre * fsec_re = NULL;
77 static const uschar * kav_re_sus_str = US "suspicion:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$";
78 static const uschar * kav_re_inf_str = US "infected:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$";
79 static const pcre * kav_re_sus = NULL;
80 static const pcre * kav_re_inf = NULL;
82 static const uschar * ava_re_clean_str = US "(?!\\\\)\\t\\[\\+\\]";
83 static const uschar * ava_re_virus_str = US "(?!\\\\)\\t\\[L\\]\\d\\.\\d\\t\\d\\s(.*)";
84 static const pcre * ava_re_clean = NULL;
85 static const pcre * ava_re_virus = NULL;
89 /******************************************************************************/
91 /* Routine to check whether a system is big- or little-endian.
92 Ripped from
93 Needed for proper kavdaemon implementation. Sigh. */
94 #define BIG_MY_ENDIAN 0
95 #define LITTLE_MY_ENDIAN 1
96 static int test_byte_order(void);
97 static inline int
98 test_byte_order()
99 {
100 short int word = 0x0001;
101 char *byte = (char *) &word;
102 return(byte[0] ? LITTLE_MY_ENDIAN : BIG_MY_ENDIAN);
103 }
105 BOOL malware_ok = FALSE;
107 /* Gross hacks for the -bmalware option; perhaps we should just create
108 the scan directory normally for that case, but look into rigging up the
109 needed header variables if not already set on the command-line? */
110 extern int spool_mbox_ok;
111 extern uschar spooled_message_id[17];
115 static inline int
116 malware_errlog_defer(const uschar * str)
117 {
118 log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC, "malware acl condition: %s", str);
119 return DEFER;
120 }
122 static int
123 m_errlog_defer(struct scan * scanent, const uschar * str)
124 {
125 return malware_errlog_defer(string_sprintf("%s: %s", scanent->name, str));
126 }
127 static int
128 m_errlog_defer_3(struct scan * scanent, const uschar * str,
129 int fd_to_close)
130 {
131 (void) close(fd_to_close);
132 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, str);
133 }
135 /*************************************************/
137 /* Only used by the Clamav code, which is working from a list of servers and
138 uses the returned in_addr to get a second connection to the same system.
139 */
140 static inline int
141 m_tcpsocket(const uschar * hostname, unsigned int port,
142 host_item * host, uschar ** errstr)
143 {
144 return ip_connectedsocket(SOCK_STREAM, hostname, port, port, 5, host, errstr);
145 }
147 static int
148 m_tcpsocket_fromdef(const uschar * hostport, uschar ** errstr)
149 {
150 int scan;
151 uschar hostname[256];
152 unsigned int portlow, porthigh;
154 /* extract host and port part */
155 scan = sscanf(CS hostport, "%255s %u-%u", hostname, &portlow, &porthigh);
156 if ( scan != 3 ) {
157 if ( scan != 2 ) {
158 *errstr = string_sprintf("invalid socket '%s'", hostport);
159 return -1;
160 }
161 porthigh = portlow;
162 }
164 return ip_connectedsocket(SOCK_STREAM, hostname, portlow, porthigh,
165 5, NULL, errstr);
166 }
168 static int
169 m_unixsocket(const uschar * path, uschar ** errstr)
170 {
171 int sock;
172 struct sockaddr_un server;
174 if ((sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
175 *errstr = US"can't open UNIX socket.";
176 return -1;
177 }
179 server.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
180 Ustrncpy(server.sun_path, path, sizeof(server.sun_path)-1);
181 server.sun_path[sizeof(server.sun_path)-1] = '\0';
182 if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0) {
183 int err = errno;
184 (void)close(sock);
185 *errstr = string_sprintf("unable to connect to UNIX socket (%s): %s",
186 path, strerror(err));
187 return -1;
188 }
189 return sock;
190 }
192 static inline int
193 m_streamsocket(const uschar * spec, uschar ** errstr)
194 {
195 return *spec == '/'
196 ? m_unixsocket(spec, errstr) : m_tcpsocket_fromdef(spec, errstr);
197 }
199 static int
200 m_sock_send(int sock, uschar * buf, int cnt, uschar ** errstr)
201 {
202 if (send(sock, buf, cnt, 0) < 0) {
203 int err = errno;
204 (void)close(sock);
205 *errstr = string_sprintf("unable to send to socket (%s): %s",
206 buf, strerror(err));
207 return -1;
208 }
209 return sock;
210 }
212 static const pcre *
213 m_pcre_compile(const uschar * re, uschar ** errstr)
214 {
215 const uschar * rerror;
216 int roffset;
217 const pcre * cre;
219 cre = pcre_compile(CS re, PCRE_COPT, (const char **)&rerror, &roffset, NULL);
220 if (!cre)
221 *errstr= string_sprintf("regular expression error in '%s': %s at offset %d",
222 re, rerror, roffset);
223 return cre;
224 }
226 uschar *
227 m_pcre_exec(const pcre * cre, uschar * text)
228 {
229 int ovector[10*3];
230 int i = pcre_exec(cre, NULL, CS text, Ustrlen(text), 0, 0,
231 ovector, nelements(ovector));
232 uschar * substr = NULL;
233 if (i >= 2) /* Got it */
234 pcre_get_substring(CS text, ovector, i, 1, (const char **) &substr);
235 return substr;
236 }
238 static const pcre *
239 m_pcre_nextinlist(uschar ** list, int * sep, char * listerr, uschar ** errstr)
240 {
241 const uschar * list_ele;
242 const pcre * cre = NULL;
244 if (!(list_ele = string_nextinlist(list, sep, NULL, 0)))
245 *errstr = US listerr;
246 else
247 cre = m_pcre_compile(CUS list_ele, errstr);
248 return cre;
249 }
251 /*
252 Simple though inefficient wrapper for reading a line. Drop CRs and the
253 trailing newline. Can return early on buffer full. Null-terminate.
254 Apply initial timeout if no data ready.
256 Return: number of chars - zero for an empty line
257 -1 on EOF
258 -2 on timeout or error
259 */
260 static int
261 recv_line(int fd, uschar * buffer, int bsize, int tmo)
262 {
263 uschar * p = buffer;
264 ssize_t rcv;
265 BOOL ok = FALSE;
267 if (!fd_ready(fd, tmo-time(NULL)))
268 return -2;
270 /*XXX tmo handling assumes we always get a whole line */
271 /* read until \n */
272 errno = 0;
273 while ((rcv = read(fd, p, 1)) > 0)
274 {
275 ok = TRUE;
276 if (p-buffer > bsize-2) break;
277 if (*p == '\n') break;
278 if (*p != '\r') p++;
279 }
280 if (!ok)
281 {
282 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: read %s (%s)\n",
283 rcv==0 ? "EOF" : "error", strerror(errno));
284 return rcv==0 ? -1 : -2;
285 }
286 *p = '\0';
288 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: read '%s'\n", buffer);
289 return p - buffer;
290 }
292 /* return TRUE iff size as requested */
293 static BOOL
294 recv_len(int sock, void * buf, int size, int tmo)
295 {
296 return fd_ready(sock, tmo-time(NULL))
297 ? recv(sock, buf, size, 0) == size
298 : FALSE;
299 }
303 /* ============= private routines for the "mksd" scanner type ============== */
305 #include <sys/uio.h>
307 static inline int
308 mksd_writev (int sock, struct iovec * iov, int iovcnt)
309 {
310 int i;
312 for (;;)
313 {
314 do
315 i = writev (sock, iov, iovcnt);
316 while (i < 0 && errno == EINTR);
317 if (i <= 0)
318 {
319 (void) malware_errlog_defer(
320 US"unable to write to mksd UNIX socket (/var/run/mksd/socket)");
321 return -1;
322 }
323 for (;;) /* check for short write */
324 if (i >= iov->iov_len)
325 {
326 if (--iovcnt == 0)
327 return 0;
328 i -= iov->iov_len;
329 iov++;
330 }
331 else
332 {
333 iov->iov_len -= i;
334 iov->iov_base = CS iov->iov_base + i;
335 break;
336 }
337 }
338 }
340 static inline int
341 mksd_read_lines (int sock, uschar *av_buffer, int av_buffer_size, int tmo)
342 {
343 int offset = 0;
344 int i;
346 do
347 {
348 i = ip_recv(sock, av_buffer+offset, av_buffer_size-offset, tmo-time(NULL));
349 if (i <= 0)
350 {
351 (void) malware_errlog_defer(US"unable to read from mksd UNIX socket (/var/run/mksd/socket)");
352 return -1;
353 }
355 offset += i;
356 /* offset == av_buffer_size -> buffer full */
357 if (offset == av_buffer_size)
358 {
359 (void) malware_errlog_defer(US"malformed reply received from mksd");
360 return -1;
361 }
362 } while (av_buffer[offset-1] != '\n');
364 av_buffer[offset] = '\0';
365 return offset;
366 }
368 static inline int
369 mksd_parse_line(struct scan * scanent, char * line)
370 {
371 char *p;
373 switch (*line)
374 {
375 case 'O': /* OK */
376 return OK;
378 case 'E':
379 case 'A': /* ERR */
380 if ((p = strchr (line, '\n')) != NULL)
381 *p = '\0';
382 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
383 string_sprintf("scanner failed: %s", line));
385 default: /* VIR */
386 if ((p = strchr (line, '\n')) != NULL)
387 {
388 *p = '\0';
389 if ( p-line > 5
390 && line[3] == ' '
391 && (p = strchr(line+4, ' ')) != NULL
392 && p-line > 4
393 )
394 {
395 *p = '\0';
396 malware_name = string_copy(US line+4);
397 return OK;
398 }
399 }
400 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
401 string_sprintf("malformed reply received: %s", line));
402 }
403 }
405 static int
406 mksd_scan_packed(struct scan * scanent, int sock, const uschar * scan_filename,
407 int tmo)
408 {
409 struct iovec iov[3];
410 const char *cmd = "MSQ\n";
411 uschar av_buffer[1024];
413 iov[0].iov_base = (void *) cmd;
414 iov[0].iov_len = 3;
415 iov[1].iov_base = (void *) scan_filename;
416 iov[1].iov_len = Ustrlen(scan_filename);
417 iov[2].iov_base = (void *) (cmd + 3);
418 iov[2].iov_len = 1;
420 if (mksd_writev (sock, iov, 3) < 0)
421 return DEFER;
423 if (mksd_read_lines (sock, av_buffer, sizeof (av_buffer), tmo) < 0)
424 return DEFER;
426 return mksd_parse_line (scanent, CS av_buffer);
427 }
429 /*************************************************
430 * Scan content for malware *
431 *************************************************/
433 /* This is an internal interface for scanning an email; the normal interface
434 is via malware(), or there's malware_in_file() used for testing/debugging.
436 Arguments:
437 malware_re match condition for "malware="
438 eml_filename the file holding the email to be scanned
439 timeout if nonzero, non-default timeoutl
440 faking whether or not we're faking this up for the -bmalware test
442 Returns: Exim message processing code (OK, FAIL, DEFER, ...)
443 where true means malware was found (condition applies)
444 */
445 static int
446 malware_internal(const uschar * malware_re, const uschar * eml_filename,
447 int timeout, BOOL faking)
448 {
449 int sep = 0;
450 uschar *av_scanner_work = av_scanner;
451 uschar *scanner_name;
452 unsigned long mbox_size;
453 FILE *mbox_file;
454 const pcre *re;
455 uschar * errstr;
456 struct scan * scanent;
457 const uschar * scanner_options;
458 int sock = -1;
459 time_t tmo;
461 /* make sure the eml mbox file is spooled up */
462 if (!(mbox_file = spool_mbox(&mbox_size, faking ? eml_filename : NULL)))
463 return malware_errlog_defer(US"error while creating mbox spool file");
465 /* none of our current scanners need the mbox
466 file as a stream, so we can close it right away */
467 (void)fclose(mbox_file);
469 if (!malware_re)
470 return FAIL; /* empty means "don't match anything" */
472 /* parse 1st option */
473 if ( (strcmpic(malware_re, US"false") == 0) ||
474 (Ustrcmp(malware_re,"0") == 0) )
475 return FAIL; /* explicitly no matching */
477 /* special cases (match anything except empty) */
478 if ( strcmpic(malware_re,US"true") == 0
479 || Ustrcmp(malware_re,"*") == 0
480 || Ustrcmp(malware_re,"1") == 0
481 )
482 {
483 if ( !malware_default_re
484 && !(malware_default_re = m_pcre_compile(malware_regex_default, &errstr)))
485 return malware_errlog_defer(errstr);
486 malware_re = malware_regex_default;
487 re = malware_default_re;
488 }
490 /* compile the regex, see if it works */
491 else if (!(re = m_pcre_compile(malware_re, &errstr)))
492 return malware_errlog_defer(errstr);
494 /* Reset sep that is set by previous string_nextinlist() call */
495 sep = 0;
497 /* if av_scanner starts with a dollar, expand it first */
498 if (*av_scanner == '$')
499 {
500 if (!(av_scanner_work = expand_string(av_scanner)))
501 return malware_errlog_defer(
502 string_sprintf("av_scanner starts with $, but expansion failed: %s",
503 expand_string_message));
505 DEBUG(D_acl)
506 debug_printf("Expanded av_scanner global: %s\n", av_scanner_work);
507 /* disable result caching in this case */
508 malware_name = NULL;
509 malware_ok = FALSE;
510 }
512 /* Do not scan twice (unless av_scanner is dynamic). */
513 if (!malware_ok)
514 {
515 /* find the scanner type from the av_scanner option */
516 if (!(scanner_name = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep, NULL, 0)))
517 return malware_errlog_defer(US"av_scanner configuration variable is empty");
518 if (!timeout) timeout = MALWARE_TIMEOUT;
519 tmo = time(NULL) + timeout;
521 for (scanent = m_scans; ; scanent++) {
522 if (!scanent->name)
523 return malware_errlog_defer(string_sprintf("unknown scanner type '%s'",
524 scanner_name));
525 if (strcmpic(scanner_name, US scanent->name) != 0)
526 continue;
527 if (!(scanner_options = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep, NULL, 0)))
528 scanner_options = scanent->options_default;
529 if (scanent->conn == MC_NONE)
530 break;
531 switch(scanent->conn)
532 {
533 case MC_TCP: sock = m_tcpsocket_fromdef(scanner_options, &errstr); break;
534 case MC_UNIX: sock = m_unixsocket(scanner_options, &errstr); break;
535 case MC_STRM: sock = m_streamsocket(scanner_options, &errstr); break;
536 default: /* compiler quietening */ break;
537 }
538 if (sock < 0)
539 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
540 break;
541 }
542 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: %s tmo %s\n", scanner_name, readconf_printtime(timeout));
544 switch (scanent->scancode)
545 {
546 case M_FPROTD: /* "f-protd" scanner type -------------------------------- */
547 {
548 uschar *fp_scan_option;
549 unsigned int detected=0, par_count=0;
550 uschar * scanrequest;
551 uschar buf[32768], *strhelper, *strhelper2;
552 uschar * malware_name_internal = NULL;
553 int len;
555 scanrequest = string_sprintf("GET %s", eml_filename);
557 while ((fp_scan_option = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
558 NULL, 0)))
559 {
560 scanrequest = string_sprintf("%s%s%s", scanrequest,
561 par_count ? "%20" : "?", fp_scan_option);
562 par_count++;
563 }
564 scanrequest = string_sprintf("%s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", scanrequest);
565 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s: %s\n",
566 scanner_name, scanrequest);
568 /* send scan request */
569 if (m_sock_send(sock, scanrequest, Ustrlen(scanrequest)+1, &errstr) < 0)
570 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
572 while ((len = recv_line(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), tmo)) >= 0)
573 if (len > 0)
574 {
575 if (Ustrstr(buf, US"<detected type=\"") != NULL)
576 detected = 1;
577 else if (detected && (strhelper = Ustrstr(buf, US"<name>")))
578 {
579 if ((strhelper2 = Ustrstr(buf, US"</name>")) != NULL)
580 {
581 *strhelper2 = '\0';
582 malware_name_internal = string_copy(strhelper+6);
583 }
584 }
585 else if (Ustrstr(buf, US"<summary code=\""))
586 {
587 malware_name = Ustrstr(buf, US"<summary code=\"11\">")
588 ? malware_name_internal : NULL;
589 break;
590 }
591 }
592 if (len < -1)
593 {
594 (void)close(sock);
595 return DEFER;
596 }
597 break;
598 } /* f-protd */
600 case M_DRWEB: /* "drweb" scanner type ----------------------------------- */
601 /* v0.1 - added support for tcp sockets */
602 /* v0.0 - initial release -- support for unix sockets */
603 {
604 int result;
605 off_t fsize;
606 unsigned int fsize_uint;
607 uschar * tmpbuf, *drweb_fbuf;
608 int drweb_rc, drweb_cmd, drweb_flags = 0x0000, drweb_fd,
609 drweb_vnum, drweb_slen, drweb_fin = 0x0000;
611 /* prepare variables */
612 drweb_cmd = htonl(DRWEBD_SCAN_CMD);
613 drweb_flags = htonl(DRWEBD_RETURN_VIRUSES | DRWEBD_IS_MAIL);
615 if (*scanner_options != '/')
616 {
617 /* calc file size */
618 if ((drweb_fd = open(CCS eml_filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
619 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
620 string_sprintf("can't open spool file %s: %s",
621 eml_filename, strerror(errno)),
622 sock);
624 if ((fsize = lseek(drweb_fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1)
625 {
626 int err = errno;
627 (void)close(drweb_fd);
628 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
629 string_sprintf("can't seek spool file %s: %s",
630 eml_filename, strerror(err)),
631 sock);
632 }
633 fsize_uint = (unsigned int) fsize;
634 if ((off_t)fsize_uint != fsize)
635 {
636 (void)close(drweb_fd);
637 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
638 string_sprintf("seeking spool file %s, size overflow",
639 eml_filename),
640 sock);
641 }
642 drweb_slen = htonl(fsize);
643 lseek(drweb_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
645 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s remote scan [%s]\n",
646 scanner_name, scanner_options);
648 /* send scan request */
649 if ((send(sock, &drweb_cmd, sizeof(drweb_cmd), 0) < 0) ||
650 (send(sock, &drweb_flags, sizeof(drweb_flags), 0) < 0) ||
651 (send(sock, &drweb_fin, sizeof(drweb_fin), 0) < 0) ||
652 (send(sock, &drweb_slen, sizeof(drweb_slen), 0) < 0))
653 {
654 (void)close(drweb_fd);
655 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, string_sprintf(
656 "unable to send commands to socket (%s)", scanner_options),
657 sock);
658 }
660 if (!(drweb_fbuf = (uschar *) malloc (fsize_uint)))
661 {
662 (void)close(drweb_fd);
663 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
664 string_sprintf("unable to allocate memory %u for file (%s)",
665 fsize_uint, eml_filename),
666 sock);
667 }
669 if ((result = read (drweb_fd, drweb_fbuf, fsize)) == -1)
670 {
671 int err = errno;
672 (void)close(drweb_fd);
673 free(drweb_fbuf);
674 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
675 string_sprintf("can't read spool file %s: %s",
676 eml_filename, strerror(err)),
677 sock);
678 }
679 (void)close(drweb_fd);
681 /* send file body to socket */
682 if (send(sock, drweb_fbuf, fsize, 0) < 0)
683 {
684 free(drweb_fbuf);
685 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, string_sprintf(
686 "unable to send file body to socket (%s)", scanner_options),
687 sock);
688 }
689 (void)close(drweb_fd);
690 }
691 else
692 {
693 drweb_slen = htonl(Ustrlen(eml_filename));
695 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s local scan [%s]\n",
696 scanner_name, scanner_options);
698 /* send scan request */
699 if ((send(sock, &drweb_cmd, sizeof(drweb_cmd), 0) < 0) ||
700 (send(sock, &drweb_flags, sizeof(drweb_flags), 0) < 0) ||
701 (send(sock, &drweb_slen, sizeof(drweb_slen), 0) < 0) ||
702 (send(sock, eml_filename, Ustrlen(eml_filename), 0) < 0) ||
703 (send(sock, &drweb_fin, sizeof(drweb_fin), 0) < 0))
704 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, string_sprintf(
705 "unable to send commands to socket (%s)", scanner_options),
706 sock);
707 }
709 /* wait for result */
710 if (!recv_len(sock, &drweb_rc, sizeof(drweb_rc), tmo))
711 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
712 US"unable to read return code", sock);
713 drweb_rc = ntohl(drweb_rc);
715 if (!recv_len(sock, &drweb_vnum, sizeof(drweb_vnum), tmo))
716 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
717 US"unable to read the number of viruses", sock);
718 drweb_vnum = ntohl(drweb_vnum);
720 /* "virus(es) found" if virus number is > 0 */
721 if (drweb_vnum)
722 {
723 int i;
725 /* setup default virus name */
726 malware_name = US"unknown";
728 /* set up match regex */
729 if (!drweb_re)
730 drweb_re = m_pcre_compile(drweb_re_str, &errstr);
732 /* read and concatenate virus names into one string */
733 for (i = 0; i < drweb_vnum; i++)
734 {
735 int size = 0, off = 0, ovector[10*3];
736 /* read the size of report */
737 if (!recv_len(sock, &drweb_slen, sizeof(drweb_slen), tmo))
738 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
739 US"cannot read report size", sock);
740 drweb_slen = ntohl(drweb_slen);
741 tmpbuf = store_get(drweb_slen);
743 /* read report body */
744 if (!recv_len(sock, tmpbuf, drweb_slen, tmo))
745 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
746 US"cannot read report string", sock);
747 tmpbuf[drweb_slen] = '\0';
749 /* try matcher on the line, grab substring */
750 result = pcre_exec(drweb_re, NULL, CS tmpbuf, Ustrlen(tmpbuf), 0, 0,
751 ovector, nelements(ovector));
752 if (result >= 2)
753 {
754 const char * pre_malware_nb;
756 pcre_get_substring(CS tmpbuf, ovector, result, 1, &pre_malware_nb);
758 if (i==0) /* the first name we just copy to malware_name */
759 malware_name = string_append(NULL, &size, &off,
760 1, pre_malware_nb);
762 else /* concatenate each new virus name to previous */
763 malware_name = string_append(malware_name, &size, &off,
764 2, "/", pre_malware_nb);
766 pcre_free_substring(pre_malware_nb);
767 }
768 }
769 }
770 else
771 {
772 const char *drweb_s = NULL;
774 if (drweb_rc & DERR_READ_ERR) drweb_s = "read error";
775 if (drweb_rc & DERR_NOMEMORY) drweb_s = "no memory";
776 if (drweb_rc & DERR_TIMEOUT) drweb_s = "timeout";
777 if (drweb_rc & DERR_BAD_CALL) drweb_s = "wrong command";
781 * and others are ignored */
782 if (drweb_s)
783 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
784 string_sprintf("drweb daemon retcode 0x%x (%s)", drweb_rc, drweb_s),
785 sock);
787 /* no virus found */
788 malware_name = NULL;
789 }
790 break;
791 } /* drweb */
793 case M_AVES: /* "aveserver" scanner type -------------------------------- */
794 {
795 uschar buf[32768];
796 int result;
798 /* read aveserver's greeting and see if it is ready (2xx greeting) */
799 buf[0] = 0;
800 recv_line(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), tmo);
802 if (buf[0] != '2') /* aveserver is having problems */
803 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
804 string_sprintf("unavailable (Responded: %s).",
805 ((buf[0] != 0) ? buf : (uschar *)"nothing") ),
806 sock);
808 /* prepare our command */
809 (void)string_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "SCAN bPQRSTUW %s\r\n",
810 eml_filename);
812 /* and send it */
813 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s %s\n",
814 scanner_name, buf);
815 if (m_sock_send(sock, buf, Ustrlen(buf), &errstr) < 0)
816 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
818 malware_name = NULL;
819 result = 0;
820 /* read response lines, find malware name and final response */
821 while (recv_line(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), tmo) > 0)
822 {
823 if (buf[0] == '2')
824 break;
825 if (buf[0] == '5') /* aveserver is having problems */
826 {
827 result = m_errlog_defer(scanent,
828 string_sprintf("unable to scan file %s (Responded: %s).",
829 eml_filename, buf));
830 break;
831 }
832 if (Ustrncmp(buf,"322",3) == 0)
833 {
834 uschar *p = Ustrchr(&buf[4], ' ');
835 *p = '\0';
836 malware_name = string_copy(&buf[4]);
837 }
838 }
840 if (m_sock_send(sock, US"quit\r\n", 6, &errstr) < 0)
841 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
843 /* read aveserver's greeting and see if it is ready (2xx greeting) */
844 buf[0] = 0;
845 recv_line(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), tmo);
847 if (buf[0] != '2') /* aveserver is having problems */
848 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
849 string_sprintf("unable to quit dialogue (Responded: %s).",
850 ((buf[0] != 0) ? buf : (uschar *)"nothing") ),
851 sock);
853 if (result == DEFER)
854 {
855 (void)close(sock);
856 return DEFER;
857 }
858 break;
859 } /* aveserver */
861 case M_FSEC: /* "fsecure" scanner type ---------------------------------- */
862 {
863 int i, j, bread = 0;
864 uschar * file_name;
865 uschar av_buffer[1024];
866 static uschar *cmdopt[] = { US"CONFIGURE\tARCHIVE\t1\n",
869 US"CONFIGURE\tMIME\t1\n" };
871 malware_name = NULL;
873 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s scan [%s]\n",
874 scanner_name, scanner_options);
875 /* pass options */
876 memset(av_buffer, 0, sizeof(av_buffer));
877 for (i = 0; i != nelements(cmdopt); i++)
878 {
880 if (m_sock_send(sock, cmdopt[i], Ustrlen(cmdopt[i]), &errstr) < 0)
881 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
883 bread = ip_recv(sock, av_buffer, sizeof(av_buffer), tmo-time(NULL));
884 if (bread > 0) av_buffer[bread]='\0';
885 if (bread < 0)
886 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
887 string_sprintf("unable to read answer %d (%s)", i, strerror(errno)),
888 sock);
889 for (j = 0; j < bread; j++)
890 if (av_buffer[j] == '\r' || av_buffer[j] == '\n')
891 av_buffer[j] ='@';
892 }
894 /* pass the mailfile to fsecure */
895 file_name = string_sprintf("SCAN\t%s\n", eml_filename);
897 if (m_sock_send(sock, file_name, Ustrlen(file_name), &errstr) < 0)
898 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
900 /* set up match */
901 /* todo also SUSPICION\t */
902 if (!fsec_re)
903 fsec_re = m_pcre_compile(fsec_re_str, &errstr);
905 /* read report, linewise. Apply a timeout as the Fsecure daemon
906 sometimes wants an answer to "PING" but they won't tell us what */
907 {
908 uschar * p = av_buffer;
909 uschar * q;
911 for (;;)
912 {
913 errno = ETIME;
914 i = av_buffer+sizeof(av_buffer)-p;
915 if ((bread= ip_recv(sock, p, i-1, tmo-time(NULL))) < 0)
916 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
917 string_sprintf("unable to read result (%s)", strerror(errno)),
918 sock);
920 for (p[bread] = '\0'; q = strchr(p, '\n'); p = q+1)
921 {
922 *q = '\0';
924 /* Really search for virus again? */
925 if (!malware_name)
926 /* try matcher on the line, grab substring */
927 malware_name = m_pcre_exec(fsec_re, p);
929 if (Ustrstr(p, "OK\tScan ok."))
930 goto fsec_found;
931 }
933 /* copy down the trailing partial line then read another chunk */
934 i = av_buffer+sizeof(av_buffer)-p;
935 memmove(av_buffer, p, i);
936 p = av_buffer+i;
937 }
938 }
940 fsec_found:
941 break;
942 } /* fsecure */
944 case M_KAVD: /* "kavdaemon" scanner type -------------------------------- */
945 {
946 time_t t;
947 uschar tmpbuf[1024];
948 uschar * scanrequest;
949 int kav_rc;
950 unsigned long kav_reportlen, bread;
951 const pcre *kav_re;
952 uschar *p;
954 /* get current date and time, build scan request */
955 time(&t);
956 /* pdp note: before the eml_filename parameter, this scanned the
957 directory; not finding documentation, so we'll strip off the directory.
958 The side-effect is that the test framework scanning may end up in
959 scanning more than was requested, but for the normal interface, this is
960 fine. */
962 strftime(CS tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%d %b %H:%M:%S", localtime(&t));
963 scanrequest = string_sprintf("<0>%s:%s", CS tmpbuf, eml_filename);
964 p = Ustrrchr(scanrequest, '/');
965 if (p)
966 *p = '\0';
968 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s scan [%s]\n",
969 scanner_name, scanner_options);
971 /* send scan request */
972 if (m_sock_send(sock, scanrequest, Ustrlen(scanrequest)+1, &errstr) < 0)
973 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
975 /* wait for result */
976 if (!recv_len(sock, tmpbuf, 2, tmo))
977 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
978 US"unable to read 2 bytes from socket.", sock);
980 /* get errorcode from one nibble */
981 kav_rc = tmpbuf[ test_byte_order()==LITTLE_MY_ENDIAN ? 0 : 1 ] & 0x0F;
982 switch(kav_rc)
983 {
984 case 5: case 6: /* improper kavdaemon configuration */
985 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
986 US"please reconfigure kavdaemon to NOT disinfect or remove infected files.",
987 sock);
988 case 1:
989 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
990 US"reported 'scanning not completed' (code 1).", sock);
991 case 7:
992 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
993 US"reported 'kavdaemon damaged' (code 7).", sock);
994 }
996 /* code 8 is not handled, since it is ambigous. It appears mostly on
997 bounces where part of a file has been cut off */
999 /* "virus found" return codes (2-4) */
1000 if (kav_rc > 1 && kav_rc < 5)
1001 {
1002 int report_flag = 0;
1004 /* setup default virus name */
1005 malware_name = US"unknown";
1007 report_flag = tmpbuf[ test_byte_order() == LITTLE_MY_ENDIAN ? 1 : 0 ];
1009 /* read the report, if available */
1010 if (report_flag == 1)
1011 {
1012 /* read report size */
1013 if (!recv_len(sock, &kav_reportlen, 4, tmo))
1014 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1015 US"cannot read report size", sock);
1017 /* it's possible that avp returns av_buffer[1] == 1 but the
1018 reportsize is 0 (!?) */
1019 if (kav_reportlen > 0)
1020 {
1021 /* set up match regex, depends on retcode */
1022 if (kav_rc == 3)
1023 {
1024 if (!kav_re_sus) kav_re_sus = m_pcre_compile(kav_re_sus_str, &errstr);
1025 kav_re = kav_re_sus;
1026 }
1027 else
1028 {
1029 if (!kav_re_inf) kav_re_inf = m_pcre_compile(kav_re_inf_str, &errstr);
1030 kav_re = kav_re_inf;
1031 }
1033 /* read report, linewise */
1034 while (kav_reportlen > 0)
1035 {
1036 if ((bread = recv_line(sock, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), tmo)) < 0)
1037 break;
1038 kav_reportlen -= bread+1;
1040 /* try matcher on the line, grab substring */
1041 if ((malware_name = m_pcre_exec(kav_re, tmpbuf)))
1042 break;
1043 }
1044 }
1045 }
1046 }
1047 else /* no virus found */
1048 malware_name = NULL;
1050 break;
1051 }
1053 case M_CMDL: /* "cmdline" scanner type ---------------------------------- */
1054 {
1055 const uschar *cmdline_scanner = scanner_options;
1056 const pcre *cmdline_trigger_re;
1057 const pcre *cmdline_regex_re;
1058 uschar * file_name;
1059 uschar * commandline;
1060 void (*eximsigchld)(int);
1061 void (*eximsigpipe)(int);
1062 FILE *scanner_out = NULL;
1063 int scanner_fd;
1064 FILE *scanner_record = NULL;
1065 uschar linebuffer[32767];
1066 int rcnt;
1067 int trigger = 0;
1068 uschar *p;
1070 if (!cmdline_scanner)
1071 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
1073 /* find scanner output trigger */
1074 cmdline_trigger_re = m_pcre_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
1075 "missing trigger specification", &errstr);
1076 if (!cmdline_trigger_re)
1077 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
1079 /* find scanner name regex */
1080 cmdline_regex_re = m_pcre_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
1081 "missing virus name regex specification", &errstr);
1082 if (!cmdline_regex_re)
1083 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
1085 /* prepare scanner call; despite the naming, file_name holds a directory
1086 name which is documented as the value given to %s. */
1088 file_name = string_copy(eml_filename);
1089 p = Ustrrchr(file_name, '/');
1090 if (p)
1091 *p = '\0';
1092 commandline = string_sprintf(CS cmdline_scanner, file_name);
1094 /* redirect STDERR too */
1095 commandline = string_sprintf("%s 2>&1", commandline);
1097 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s scan [%s]\n",
1098 scanner_name, commandline);
1100 /* store exims signal handlers */
1101 eximsigchld = signal(SIGCHLD,SIG_DFL);
1102 eximsigpipe = signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_DFL);
1104 if (!(scanner_out = popen(CS commandline,"r")))
1105 {
1106 int err = errno;
1107 signal(SIGCHLD,eximsigchld); signal(SIGPIPE,eximsigpipe);
1108 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1109 string_sprintf("call (%s) failed: %s.", commandline, strerror(err)));
1110 }
1111 scanner_fd = fileno(scanner_out);
1113 file_name = string_sprintf("%s/scan/%s/%s_scanner_output",
1114 spool_directory, message_id, message_id);
1116 if (!(scanner_record = modefopen(file_name, "wb", SPOOL_MODE)))
1117 {
1118 int err = errno;
1119 (void) pclose(scanner_out);
1120 signal(SIGCHLD,eximsigchld); signal(SIGPIPE,eximsigpipe);
1121 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, string_sprintf(
1122 "opening scanner output file (%s) failed: %s.",
1123 file_name, strerror(err)));
1124 }
1126 /* look for trigger while recording output */
1127 while ((rcnt = recv_line(scanner_fd, linebuffer,
1128 sizeof(linebuffer), tmo)))
1129 {
1130 if (rcnt < 0)
1131 if (rcnt == -1)
1132 break;
1133 else
1134 {
1135 int err = errno;
1136 (void) pclose(scanner_out);
1137 signal(SIGCHLD,eximsigchld); signal(SIGPIPE,eximsigpipe);
1138 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, string_sprintf(
1139 "unable to read from scanner (%s): %s",
1140 commandline, strerror(err)));
1141 }
1143 if (Ustrlen(linebuffer) > fwrite(linebuffer, 1, Ustrlen(linebuffer), scanner_record))
1144 {
1145 /* short write */
1146 (void) pclose(scanner_out);
1147 signal(SIGCHLD,eximsigchld); signal(SIGPIPE,eximsigpipe);
1148 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, string_sprintf(
1149 "short write on scanner output file (%s).", file_name));
1150 }
1151 putc('\n', scanner_record);
1152 /* try trigger match */
1153 if ( !trigger
1154 && regex_match_and_setup(cmdline_trigger_re, linebuffer, 0, -1)
1155 )
1156 trigger = 1;
1157 }
1159 (void)fclose(scanner_record);
1160 sep = pclose(scanner_out);
1161 signal(SIGCHLD,eximsigchld); signal(SIGPIPE,eximsigpipe);
1162 if (sep != 0)
1163 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1164 sep == -1
1165 ? string_sprintf("running scanner failed: %s", strerror(sep))
1166 : string_sprintf("scanner returned error code: %d", sep));
1168 if (trigger)
1169 {
1170 uschar * s;
1171 /* setup default virus name */
1172 malware_name = US"unknown";
1174 /* re-open the scanner output file, look for name match */
1175 scanner_record = fopen(CS file_name, "rb");
1176 while (fgets(CS linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), scanner_record))
1177 {
1178 /* try match */
1179 if ((s = m_pcre_exec(cmdline_regex_re, linebuffer)))
1180 malware_name = s;
1181 }
1182 (void)fclose(scanner_record);
1183 }
1184 else /* no virus found */
1185 malware_name = NULL;
1186 break;
1187 } /* cmdline */
1189 case M_SOPHIE: /* "sophie" scanner type --------------------------------- */
1190 {
1191 int bread = 0;
1192 uschar *p;
1193 uschar * file_name;
1194 uschar av_buffer[1024];
1196 /* pass the scan directory to sophie */
1197 file_name = string_copy(eml_filename);
1198 if ((p = Ustrrchr(file_name, '/')))
1199 *p = '\0';
1201 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s scan [%s]\n",
1202 scanner_name, scanner_options);
1204 if ( write(sock, file_name, Ustrlen(file_name)) < 0
1205 || write(sock, "\n", 1) != 1
1206 )
1207 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1208 string_sprintf("unable to write to UNIX socket (%s)", scanner_options),
1209 sock);
1211 /* wait for result */
1212 memset(av_buffer, 0, sizeof(av_buffer));
1213 if ((bread = ip_recv(sock, av_buffer, sizeof(av_buffer), tmo-time(NULL))) <= 0)
1214 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1215 string_sprintf("unable to read from UNIX socket (%s)", scanner_options),
1216 sock);
1218 /* infected ? */
1219 if (av_buffer[0] == '1') {
1220 uschar * s = Ustrchr(av_buffer, '\n');
1221 if (s)
1222 *s = '\0';
1223 malware_name = string_copy(&av_buffer[2]);
1224 }
1225 else if (!strncmp(CS av_buffer, "-1", 2))
1226 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, US"scanner reported error", sock);
1227 else /* all ok, no virus */
1228 malware_name = NULL;
1230 break;
1231 }
1233 case M_CLAMD: /* "clamd" scanner type ----------------------------------- */
1234 {
1235 /* This code was originally contributed by David Saez */
1236 /* There are three scanning methods available to us:
1237 * (1) Use the SCAN command, pointing to a file in the filesystem
1238 * (2) Use the STREAM command, send the data on a separate port
1239 * (3) Use the zINSTREAM command, send the data inline
1240 * The zINSTREAM command was introduced with ClamAV 0.95, which marked
1241 * STREAM deprecated; see:
1242 * In Exim, we use SCAN if using a Unix-domain socket or explicitly told that
1243 * the TCP-connected daemon is actually local; otherwise we use zINSTREAM unless
1244 * WITH_OLD_CLAMAV_STREAM is defined.
1245 * See Exim bug 926 for details. */
1247 uschar *p, *vname, *result_tag, *response_end;
1248 int bread=0;
1249 uschar * file_name;
1250 uschar av_buffer[1024];
1251 uschar *hostname = US"";
1252 host_item connhost;
1253 uschar *clamav_fbuf;
1254 int clam_fd, result;
1255 off_t fsize;
1256 unsigned int fsize_uint;
1257 BOOL use_scan_command = FALSE;
1258 clamd_address_container * clamd_address_vector[MAX_CLAMD_SERVERS];
1259 int current_server;
1260 int num_servers = 0;
1262 unsigned int port;
1263 uschar av_buffer2[1024];
1264 int sockData;
1265 #else
1266 uint32_t send_size, send_final_zeroblock;
1267 #endif
1269 if (*scanner_options == '/')
1270 /* Local file; so we def want to use_scan_command and don't want to try
1271 * passing IP/port combinations */
1272 use_scan_command = TRUE;
1273 else
1274 {
1275 const uschar *address = scanner_options;
1276 uschar address_buffer[MAX_CLAMD_ADDRESS_LENGTH + 20];
1278 /* Go through the rest of the list of host/port and construct an array
1279 * of servers to try. The first one is the bit we just passed from
1280 * scanner_options so process that first and then scan the remainder of
1281 * the address buffer */
1282 do
1283 {
1284 clamd_address_container *this_clamd;
1286 /* The 'local' option means use the SCAN command over the network
1287 * socket (ie common file storage in use) */
1288 if (strcmpic(address,US"local") == 0)
1289 {
1290 use_scan_command = TRUE;
1291 continue;
1292 }
1294 /* XXX: If unsuccessful we should free this memory */
1295 this_clamd =
1296 (clamd_address_container *)store_get(sizeof(clamd_address_container));
1298 /* extract host and port part */
1299 if( sscanf(CS address, "%" MAX_CLAMD_ADDRESS_LENGTH_S "s %u",
1300 this_clamd->tcp_addr, &(this_clamd->tcp_port)) != 2 )
1301 {
1302 (void) m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1303 string_sprintf("invalid address '%s'", address));
1304 continue;
1305 }
1307 clamd_address_vector[num_servers] = this_clamd;
1308 num_servers++;
1309 if (num_servers >= MAX_CLAMD_SERVERS)
1310 {
1311 (void) m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1312 US"More than " MAX_CLAMD_SERVERS_S " clamd servers "
1313 "specified; only using the first " MAX_CLAMD_SERVERS_S );
1314 break;
1315 }
1316 } while ((address = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
1317 address_buffer,
1318 sizeof(address_buffer))) != NULL);
1320 /* check if we have at least one server */
1321 if (!num_servers)
1322 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1323 US"no useable server addresses in malware configuration option.");
1324 }
1326 /* See the discussion of response formats below to see why we really
1327 don't like colons in filenames when passing filenames to ClamAV. */
1328 if (use_scan_command && Ustrchr(eml_filename, ':'))
1329 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1330 string_sprintf("local/SCAN mode incompatible with" \
1331 " : in path to email filename [%s]", eml_filename));
1333 /* We have some network servers specified */
1334 if (num_servers)
1335 {
1336 /* Confirmed in ClamAV source (0.95.3) that the TCPAddr option of clamd
1337 * only supports AF_INET, but we should probably be looking to the
1338 * future and rewriting this to be protocol-independent anyway. */
1340 while (num_servers > 0)
1341 {
1342 int i;
1343 /* Randomly pick a server to start with */
1344 current_server = random_number( num_servers );
1346 DEBUG(D_acl)
1347 debug_printf("trying server name %s, port %u\n",
1348 clamd_address_vector[current_server]->tcp_addr,
1349 clamd_address_vector[current_server]->tcp_port);
1351 /* Lookup the host. This is to ensure that we connect to the same IP
1352 * on both connections (as one host could resolve to multiple ips) */
1353 sock= m_tcpsocket(clamd_address_vector[current_server]->tcp_addr,
1354 clamd_address_vector[current_server]->tcp_port,
1355 &connhost, &errstr);
1356 if (sock >= 0)
1357 {
1358 /* Connection successfully established with a server */
1359 hostname = clamd_address_vector[current_server]->tcp_addr;
1360 break;
1361 }
1363 log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "malware acl condition: %s: %s",
1364 scanent->name, errstr);
1366 /* Remove the server from the list. XXX We should free the memory */
1367 num_servers--;
1368 for (i = current_server; i < num_servers; i++)
1369 clamd_address_vector[i] = clamd_address_vector[i+1];
1370 }
1372 if (num_servers == 0)
1373 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, US"all servers failed");
1374 }
1375 else
1376 {
1377 if ((sock = m_unixsocket(scanner_options, &errstr)) < 0)
1378 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
1379 }
1381 /* have socket in variable "sock"; command to use is semi-independent of
1382 * the socket protocol. We use SCAN if is local (either Unix/local
1383 * domain socket, or explicitly told local) else we stream the data.
1384 * How we stream the data depends upon how we were built. */
1386 if (!use_scan_command)
1387 {
1389 /* "STREAM\n" command, get back a "PORT <N>\n" response, send data to
1390 * that port on a second connection; then in the scan-method-neutral
1391 * part, read the response back on the original connection. */
1393 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf(
1394 "Malware scan: issuing %s old-style remote scan (PORT)\n",
1395 scanner_name);
1397 /* Pass the string to ClamAV (7 = "STREAM\n") */
1398 if (m_sock_send(sock, US"STREAM\n", 7, &errstr) < 0)
1399 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
1401 memset(av_buffer2, 0, sizeof(av_buffer2));
1402 bread = ip_recv(sock, av_buffer2, sizeof(av_buffer2), tmo-time(NULL));
1404 if (bread < 0)
1405 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1406 string_sprintf("unable to read PORT from socket (%s)",
1407 strerror(errno)),
1408 sock);
1410 if (bread == sizeof(av_buffer2))
1411 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, "buffer too small", sock);
1413 if (!(*av_buffer2))
1414 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, "ClamAV returned null", sock);
1416 av_buffer2[bread] = '\0';
1417 if( sscanf(CS av_buffer2, "PORT %u\n", &port) != 1 )
1418 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1419 string_sprintf("Expected port information from clamd, got '%s'",
1420 av_buffer2),
1421 sock);
1423 sockData = m_tcpsocket(connhost.address, port, NULL, &errstr);
1424 if (sockData < 0)
1425 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, errstr, sock);
1427 # define CLOSE_SOCKDATA (void)close(sockData)
1428 #else /* WITH_OLD_CLAMAV_STREAM not defined */
1429 /* New protocol: "zINSTREAM\n" followed by a sequence of <length><data>
1430 chunks, <n> a 4-byte number (network order), terminated by a zero-length
1431 chunk. */
1433 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf(
1434 "Malware scan: issuing %s new-style remote scan (zINSTREAM)\n",
1435 scanner_name);
1437 /* Pass the string to ClamAV (10 = "zINSTREAM\0") */
1438 if (send(sock, "zINSTREAM", 10, 0) < 0)
1439 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1440 string_sprintf("unable to send zINSTREAM to socket (%s)",
1441 strerror(errno)),
1442 sock);
1444 # define CLOSE_SOCKDATA /**/
1445 #endif
1447 /* calc file size */
1448 if ((clam_fd = open(CS eml_filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
1449 {
1450 int err = errno;
1452 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1453 string_sprintf("can't open spool file %s: %s",
1454 eml_filename, strerror(err)),
1455 sock);
1456 }
1457 if ((fsize = lseek(clam_fd, 0, SEEK_END)) < 0)
1458 {
1459 int err = errno;
1460 CLOSE_SOCKDATA; (void)close(clam_fd);
1461 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1462 string_sprintf("can't seek spool file %s: %s",
1463 eml_filename, strerror(err)),
1464 sock);
1465 }
1466 fsize_uint = (unsigned int) fsize;
1467 if ((off_t)fsize_uint != fsize)
1468 {
1469 CLOSE_SOCKDATA; (void)close(clam_fd);
1470 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1471 string_sprintf("seeking spool file %s, size overflow",
1472 eml_filename),
1473 sock);
1474 }
1475 lseek(clam_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
1477 if (!(clamav_fbuf = (uschar *) malloc (fsize_uint)))
1478 {
1479 CLOSE_SOCKDATA; (void)close(clam_fd);
1480 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1481 string_sprintf("unable to allocate memory %u for file (%s)",
1482 fsize_uint, eml_filename),
1483 sock);
1484 }
1486 if ((result = read(clam_fd, clamav_fbuf, fsize_uint)) < 0)
1487 {
1488 int err = errno;
1489 free(clamav_fbuf); CLOSE_SOCKDATA; (void)close(clam_fd);
1490 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1491 string_sprintf("can't read spool file %s: %s",
1492 eml_filename, strerror(err)),
1493 sock);
1494 }
1495 (void)close(clam_fd);
1497 /* send file body to socket */
1499 if (send(sockData, clamav_fbuf, fsize_uint, 0) < 0)
1500 {
1501 free(clamav_fbuf); CLOSE_SOCKDATA;
1502 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1503 string_sprintf("unable to send file body to socket (%s:%u)",
1504 hostname, port),
1505 sock);
1506 }
1507 #else
1508 send_size = htonl(fsize_uint);
1509 send_final_zeroblock = 0;
1510 if ((send(sock, &send_size, sizeof(send_size), 0) < 0) ||
1511 (send(sock, clamav_fbuf, fsize_uint, 0) < 0) ||
1512 (send(sock, &send_final_zeroblock, sizeof(send_final_zeroblock), 0) < 0))
1513 {
1514 free(clamav_fbuf);
1515 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1516 string_sprintf("unable to send file body to socket (%s)", hostname),
1517 sock);
1518 }
1519 #endif
1521 free(clamav_fbuf);
1524 #undef CLOSE_SOCKDATA
1525 }
1526 else
1527 { /* use scan command */
1528 /* Send a SCAN command pointing to a filename; then in the then in the
1529 * scan-method-neutral part, read the response back */
1531 /* ================================================================= */
1533 /* Prior to the reworking post-Exim-4.72, this scanned a directory,
1534 which dates to when ClamAV needed us to break apart the email into the
1535 MIME parts (eg, with the now deprecated demime condition coming first).
1536 Some time back, ClamAV gained the ability to deconstruct the emails, so
1537 doing this would actually have resulted in the mail attachments being
1538 scanned twice, in the broken out files and from the original .eml.
1539 Since ClamAV now handles emails (and has for quite some time) we can
1540 just use the email file itself. */
1541 /* Pass the string to ClamAV (7 = "SCAN \n" + \0) */
1542 file_name = string_sprintf("SCAN %s\n", eml_filename);
1544 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf(
1545 "Malware scan: issuing %s local-path scan [%s]\n",
1546 scanner_name, scanner_options);
1548 if (send(sock, file_name, Ustrlen(file_name), 0) < 0)
1549 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1550 string_sprintf("unable to write to socket (%s)", strerror(errno)),
1551 sock);
1553 /* Do not shut down the socket for writing; a user report noted that
1554 * clamd 0.70 does not react well to this. */
1555 }
1556 /* Commands have been sent, no matter which scan method or connection
1557 * type we're using; now just read the result, independent of method. */
1559 /* Read the result */
1560 memset(av_buffer, 0, sizeof(av_buffer));
1561 bread = ip_recv(sock, av_buffer, sizeof(av_buffer), tmo-time(NULL));
1562 (void)close(sock);
1563 sock = -1;
1565 if (bread <= 0)
1566 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1567 string_sprintf("unable to read from socket (%s)",
1568 errno == 0 ? "EOF" : strerror(errno)));
1570 if (bread == sizeof(av_buffer))
1571 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, US"buffer too small");
1572 /* We're now assured of a NULL at the end of av_buffer */
1574 /* Check the result. ClamAV returns one of two result formats.
1575 In the basic mode, the response is of the form:
1576 infected: -> "<filename>: <virusname> FOUND"
1577 not-infected: -> "<filename>: OK"
1578 error: -> "<filename>: <errcode> ERROR
1579 If the ExtendedDetectionInfo option has been turned on, then we get:
1580 "<filename>: <virusname>(<virushash>:<virussize>) FOUND"
1581 for the infected case. Compare:
1582 /tmp/ Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND
1583 /tmp/ Eicar-Test-Signature(44d88612fea8a8f36de82e1278abb02f:68) FOUND
1585 In the streaming case, clamd uses the filename "stream" which you should
1586 be able to verify with { ktrace clamdscan --stream /tmp/ }. (The
1587 client app will replace "stream" with the original filename before returning
1588 results to stdout, but the trace shows the data).
1590 We will assume that the pathname passed to clamd from Exim does not contain
1591 a colon. We will have whined loudly above if the eml_filename does (and we're
1592 passing a filename to clamd). */
1594 if (!(*av_buffer))
1595 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, US"ClamAV returned null");
1597 /* strip newline at the end (won't be present for zINSTREAM)
1598 (also any trailing whitespace, which shouldn't exist, but we depend upon
1599 this below, so double-check) */
1600 p = av_buffer + Ustrlen(av_buffer) - 1;
1601 if (*p == '\n') *p = '\0';
1603 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware response: %s\n", av_buffer);
1605 while (isspace(*--p) && (p > av_buffer))
1606 *p = '\0';
1607 if (*p) ++p;
1608 response_end = p;
1610 /* colon in returned output? */
1611 if((p = Ustrchr(av_buffer,':')) == NULL)
1612 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, string_sprintf(
1613 "ClamAV returned malformed result (missing colon): %s",
1614 av_buffer));
1616 /* strip filename */
1617 while (*p && isspace(*++p)) /**/;
1618 vname = p;
1620 /* It would be bad to encounter a virus with "FOUND" in part of the name,
1621 but we should at least be resistant to it. */
1622 p = Ustrrchr(vname, ' ');
1623 result_tag = p ? p+1 : vname;
1625 if (Ustrcmp(result_tag, "FOUND") == 0)
1626 {
1627 /* p should still be the whitespace before the result_tag */
1628 while (isspace(*p)) --p;
1629 *++p = '\0';
1630 /* Strip off the extended information too, which will be in parens
1631 after the virus name, with no intervening whitespace. */
1632 if (*--p == ')')
1633 {
1634 /* "(hash:size)", so previous '(' will do; if not found, we have
1635 a curious virus name, but not an error. */
1636 p = Ustrrchr(vname, '(');
1637 if (p)
1638 *p = '\0';
1639 }
1640 malware_name = string_copy(vname);
1641 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware found, name \"%s\"\n", malware_name);
1643 }
1644 else if (Ustrcmp(result_tag, "ERROR") == 0)
1645 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1646 string_sprintf("ClamAV returned: %s", av_buffer));
1648 else if (Ustrcmp(result_tag, "OK") == 0)
1649 {
1650 /* Everything should be OK */
1651 malware_name = NULL;
1652 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware not found\n");
1654 }
1655 else
1656 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1657 string_sprintf("unparseable response from ClamAV: {%s}", av_buffer));
1659 break;
1660 } /* clamd */
1662 case M_SOCK: /* "sock" scanner type ------------------------------------- */
1663 /* This code was derived by Martin Poole from the clamd code contributed
1664 by David Saez and the cmdline code
1665 */
1666 {
1667 int bread;
1668 uschar * commandline;
1669 uschar av_buffer[1024];
1670 uschar * linebuffer;
1671 uschar * sockline_scanner;
1672 uschar sockline_scanner_default[] = "%s\n";
1673 const pcre *sockline_trig_re;
1674 const pcre *sockline_name_re;
1676 /* find scanner command line */
1677 if ((sockline_scanner = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
1678 NULL, 0)))
1679 { /* check for no expansions apart from one %s */
1680 uschar * s = Ustrchr(sockline_scanner, '%');
1681 if (s++)
1682 if ((*s != 's' && *s != '%') || Ustrchr(s+1, '%'))
1683 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1684 US"unsafe sock scanner call spec", sock);
1685 }
1686 else
1687 sockline_scanner = sockline_scanner_default;
1689 /* find scanner output trigger */
1690 sockline_trig_re = m_pcre_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
1691 "missing trigger specification", &errstr);
1692 if (!sockline_trig_re)
1693 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, errstr, sock);
1695 /* find virus name regex */
1696 sockline_name_re = m_pcre_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
1697 "missing virus name regex specification", &errstr);
1698 if (!sockline_name_re)
1699 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, errstr, sock);
1701 /* prepare scanner call - security depends on expansions check above */
1702 commandline = string_sprintf("%s/scan/%s/%s.eml", spool_directory, message_id, message_id);
1703 commandline = string_sprintf( CS sockline_scanner, CS commandline);
1706 /* Pass the command string to the socket */
1707 if (m_sock_send(sock, commandline, Ustrlen(commandline), &errstr) < 0)
1708 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
1710 /* Read the result */
1711 bread = ip_recv(sock, av_buffer, sizeof(av_buffer), tmo-time(NULL));
1713 if (bread <= 0)
1714 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1715 string_sprintf("unable to read from socket (%s)", strerror(errno)),
1716 sock);
1718 if (bread == sizeof(av_buffer))
1719 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, US"buffer too small", sock);
1720 av_buffer[bread] = '\0';
1721 linebuffer = string_copy(av_buffer);
1723 /* try trigger match */
1724 if (regex_match_and_setup(sockline_trig_re, linebuffer, 0, -1))
1725 {
1726 if (!(malware_name = m_pcre_exec(sockline_name_re, av_buffer)))
1727 malware_name = US "unknown";
1728 }
1729 else /* no virus found */
1730 malware_name = NULL;
1731 break;
1732 }
1734 case M_MKSD: /* "mksd" scanner type ------------------------------------- */
1735 {
1736 char *mksd_options_end;
1737 int mksd_maxproc = 1; /* default, if no option supplied */
1738 int retval;
1740 if (scanner_options)
1741 {
1742 mksd_maxproc = (int)strtol(CS scanner_options, &mksd_options_end, 10);
1743 if ( *scanner_options == '\0'
1744 || *mksd_options_end != '\0'
1745 || mksd_maxproc < 1
1746 || mksd_maxproc > 32
1747 )
1748 return m_errlog_defer(scanent,
1749 string_sprintf("invalid option '%s'", scanner_options));
1750 }
1752 if((sock = m_unixsocket(US "/var/run/mksd/socket", &errstr)) < 0)
1753 return m_errlog_defer(scanent, errstr);
1755 malware_name = NULL;
1757 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s scan\n", scanner_name);
1759 if ((retval = mksd_scan_packed(scanent, sock, eml_filename, tmo)) != OK)
1760 {
1761 close (sock);
1762 return retval;
1763 }
1764 break;
1765 }
1767 case M_AVAST: /* "avast" scanner type ----------------------------------- */
1768 {
1769 int ovector[1*3];
1770 uschar buf[1024];
1771 uschar * scanrequest;
1772 enum {AVA_HELO, AVA_OPT, AVA_RSP, AVA_DONE} avast_stage;
1773 int nread;
1775 /* According to Martin Tuma @avast the protocol uses "escaped
1776 whitespace", that is, every embedded whitespace is backslash
1777 escaped, as well as backslash is protected by backslash.
1778 The returned lines contain the name of the scanned file, a tab
1779 and the [ ] marker.
1780 [+] - not infected
1781 [L] - infected
1782 [E] - some error occured
1783 Such marker follows the first non-escaped TAB. */
1784 if ( ( !ava_re_clean
1785 && !(ava_re_clean = m_pcre_compile(ava_re_clean_str, &errstr)))
1786 || ( !ava_re_virus
1787 && !(ava_re_virus = m_pcre_compile(ava_re_virus_str, &errstr)))
1788 )
1789 return malware_errlog_defer(errstr);
1791 /* wait for result */
1792 for (avast_stage = AVA_HELO;
1793 (nread = recv_line(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), tmo)) > 0;
1794 )
1795 {
1796 int slen = Ustrlen(buf);
1797 if (slen >= 1)
1798 {
1799 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("got from avast: %s\n", buf);
1800 switch (avast_stage)
1801 {
1802 case AVA_HELO:
1803 if (Ustrncmp(buf, "220", 3) != 0)
1804 goto endloop; /* require a 220 */
1805 goto sendreq;
1807 case AVA_OPT:
1808 if (Ustrncmp(buf, "210", 3) == 0)
1809 break; /* ignore 210 responses */
1810 if (Ustrncmp(buf, "200", 3) != 0)
1811 goto endloop; /* require a 200 */
1813 sendreq:
1814 {
1815 int len;
1816 /* Check for another option to send. Newline-terminate it. */
1817 if ((scanrequest = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
1818 NULL, 0)))
1819 {
1820 scanrequest = string_sprintf("%s\n", scanrequest);
1821 avast_stage = AVA_OPT; /* just sent option */
1822 }
1823 else
1824 {
1825 scanrequest = string_sprintf("SCAN %s/scan/%s\n",
1826 spool_directory, message_id);
1827 avast_stage = AVA_RSP; /* just sent command */
1828 }
1830 /* send config-cmd or scan-request to socket */
1831 len = Ustrlen(scanrequest);
1832 if (send(sock, scanrequest, len, 0) < 0)
1833 {
1834 scanrequest[len-1] = '\0';
1835 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, string_sprintf(
1836 "unable to send request '%s' to socket (%s): %s",
1837 scanrequest, scanner_options, strerror(errno)), sock);
1838 }
1839 break;
1840 }
1842 case AVA_RSP:
1843 if (Ustrncmp(buf, "210", 3) == 0)
1844 break; /* ignore the "210 SCAN DATA" message */
1846 if (pcre_exec(ava_re_clean, NULL, CS buf, slen,
1847 0, 0, ovector, nelements(ovector)) > 0)
1848 break;
1850 if ((malware_name = m_pcre_exec(ava_re_virus, buf)))
1851 { /* remove backslash in front of [whitespace|backslash] */
1852 uschar * p, * p0;
1853 for (p = malware_name; *p; ++p)
1854 if (*p == '\\' && (isspace(p[1]) || p[1] == '\\'))
1855 for (p0 = p; *p0; ++p0) *p0 = p0[1];
1857 avast_stage = AVA_DONE;
1858 goto endloop;
1859 }
1861 if (Ustrncmp(buf, "200 SCAN OK", 11) == 0)
1862 { /* we're done finally */
1863 if (send(sock, "QUIT\n", 5, 0) < 0) /* courtesy */
1864 return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent, string_sprintf(
1865 "unable to send quit request to socket (%s): %s",
1866 scanner_options, strerror(errno)),
1867 sock);
1868 malware_name = NULL;
1869 avast_stage = AVA_DONE;
1870 goto endloop;
1871 }
1873 /* here for any unexpected response from the scanner */
1874 goto endloop;
1875 }
1876 }
1877 }
1878 endloop:
1880 switch(avast_stage)
1881 {
1882 case AVA_HELO:
1883 case AVA_OPT:
1884 case AVA_RSP: return m_errlog_defer_3(scanent,
1885 nread >= 0
1886 ? string_sprintf(
1887 "invalid response from scanner: '%s'", buf)
1888 : nread == -1
1889 ? US"EOF from scanner"
1890 : US"timeout from scanner",
1891 sock);
1892 default: break;
1893 }
1894 }
1895 break;
1896 } /* scanner type switch */
1898 if (sock >= 0)
1899 (void) close (sock);
1900 malware_ok = TRUE; /* set "been here, done that" marker */
1901 }
1903 /* match virus name against pattern (caseless ------->----------v) */
1904 if (malware_name && regex_match_and_setup(re, malware_name, 0, -1))
1905 {
1906 DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf(
1907 "Matched regex to malware [%s] [%s]\n", malware_re, malware_name);
1908 return OK;
1909 }
1910 else
1911 return FAIL;
1912 }
1915 /*************************************************
1916 * Scan an email for malware *
1917 *************************************************/
1919 /* This is the normal interface for scanning an email, which doesn't need a
1920 filename; it's a wrapper around the malware_file function.
1922 Arguments:
1923 malware_re match condition for "malware="
1924 timeout if nonzero, timeout in seconds
1926 Returns: Exim message processing code (OK, FAIL, DEFER, ...)
1927 where true means malware was found (condition applies)
1928 */
1929 int
1930 malware(const uschar * malware_re, int timeout)
1931 {
1932 uschar * scan_filename;
1933 int ret;
1935 scan_filename = string_sprintf("%s/scan/%s/%s.eml",
1936 spool_directory, message_id, message_id);
1937 ret = malware_internal(malware_re, scan_filename, timeout, FALSE);
1938 if (ret == DEFER) av_failed = TRUE;
1940 return ret;
1941 }
1944 /*************************************************
1945 * Scan a file for malware *
1946 *************************************************/
1948 /* This is a test wrapper for scanning an email, which is not used in
1949 normal processing. Scan any file, using the Exim scanning interface.
1950 This function tampers with various global variables so is unsafe to use
1951 in any other context.
1953 Arguments:
1954 eml_filename a file holding the message to be scanned
1956 Returns: Exim message processing code (OK, FAIL, DEFER, ...)
1957 where true means malware was found (condition applies)
1958 */
1959 int
1960 malware_in_file(uschar *eml_filename)
1961 {
1962 uschar message_id_buf[64];
1963 int ret;
1965 /* spool_mbox() assumes various parameters exist, when creating
1966 the relevant directory and the email within */
1967 (void) string_format(message_id_buf, sizeof(message_id_buf),
1968 "dummy-%d", vaguely_random_number(INT_MAX));
1969 message_id = message_id_buf;
1970 sender_address = US"";
1971 return_path = US"";
1972 recipients_list = NULL;
1973 receive_add_recipient(US"", -1);
1974 enable_dollar_recipients = TRUE;
1976 ret = malware_internal(US"*", eml_filename, 0, TRUE);
1978 Ustrncpy(spooled_message_id, message_id, sizeof(spooled_message_id));
1979 spool_mbox_ok = 1;
1980 /* don't set no_mbox_unspool; at present, there's no way for it to become
1981 set, but if that changes, then it should apply to these tests too */
1982 unspool_mbox();
1984 /* silence static analysis tools */
1985 message_id = NULL;
1987 return ret;
1988 }
1991 void
1992 malware_init(void)
1993 {
1994 if (!malware_default_re)
1995 malware_default_re = regex_must_compile(malware_regex_default, FALSE, TRUE);
1996 if (!drweb_re)
1997 drweb_re = regex_must_compile(drweb_re_str, FALSE, TRUE);
1998 if (!fsec_re)
1999 fsec_re = regex_must_compile(fsec_re_str, FALSE, TRUE);
2000 if (!kav_re_sus)
2001 kav_re_sus = regex_must_compile(kav_re_sus_str, FALSE, TRUE);
2002 if (!kav_re_inf)
2003 kav_re_inf = regex_must_compile(kav_re_inf_str, FALSE, TRUE);
2004 if (!ava_re_clean)
2005 ava_re_clean = regex_must_compile(ava_re_clean_str, FALSE, TRUE);
2006 if (!ava_re_virus)
2007 ava_re_virus = regex_must_compile(ava_re_virus_str, FALSE, TRUE);
2008 }
2010 #endif /*WITH_CONTENT_SCAN*/
2011 /*
2012 * vi: aw ai sw=2
2013 */