#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """********************************************************************* * Edward is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Edward is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License * * along with Edward. If not, see . * * * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Andrew Engelbrecht (AGPLv3+) * * Copyright (C) 2014 Josh Drake (AGPLv3+) * * Copyright (C) 2014 Lisa Marie Maginnis (AGPLv3+) * * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Tails developers ( GPLv3+) * * Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King ( GPLv2+) * * * * Special thanks to Josh Drake for writing the original edward bot! :) * * * ************************************************************************ Code sourced from these projects: * http://agpl.fsf.org/emailselfdefense.fsf.org/edward/CURRENT/edward.tar.gz * https://git-tails.immerda.ch/whisperback/tree/whisperBack/encryption.py?h=feature/python3 * http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/python/send_pgp_mime """ import sys import gpgme import re import io import os import importlib import email.parser import email.message import email.encoders from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart import edward_config langs = ["de", "el", "en", "fr", "ja", "pt-br", "ro", "ru", "tr"] """This list contains the abbreviated names of reply languages available to edward.""" match_types = [('clearsign', '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----.*?-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----.*?-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----'), ('message', '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----.*?-----END PGP MESSAGE-----'), ('pubkey', '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----.*?-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'), ('detachedsig', '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----.*?-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----')] """This list of tuples matches query names with re.search() queries used to find GPG data for edward to process.""" class EddyMsg (object): """ The EddyMsg class represents relevant parts of a mime message. The represented message can be single-part or multi-part. 'multipart' is set to True if there are multiple mime parts. 'subparts' points to a list of mime sub-parts if it is a multi-part message. Otherwise it points to an empty list. 'payload_bytes' contains the raw mime-decoded bytes that haven't been encoded into a character set. 'payload_pieces' is a list of objects containing strings that when strung together form the fully-decoded string representation of the mime part. The 'charset' describes the character set of payload_bytes. The 'filename', 'content_type' and 'description_list' come from the mime part parameters. """ multipart = False subparts = [] payload_bytes = None payload_pieces = [] charset = None filename = None content_type = None description_list = None class PayloadPiece (object): """ PayloadPiece represents a complte or sub-section of a mime part. Instances of this class are often strung together within one or more arrays pointed to by each instance of the EddyMsg class. 'piece_type' refers to a string whose value describes the content of 'string'. Examples include "pubkey", for public keys, and "message", for encrypted data (or armored signatures until they are known to be such.) The names derive from the header and footer of each of these ascii-encoded gpg blocks. 'string' contains some string of text, such as non-GPG text, an encrypted block of text, a signature, or a public key. 'gpg_data' points to any instances of GPGData that have been created based on the contents of 'string'. """ piece_type = None string = None gpg_data = None class GPGData (object): """ GPGData holds info from decryption, sig. verification, and/or pub. keys. Instances of this class contain decrypted information, signature fingerprints and/or fingerprints of processed and imported public keys. 'decrypted' is set to True if 'plainobj' was created from encrypted data. 'plainobj' points to any decrypted, or signed part of, a GPG signature. It is intended to be an instance of the EddyMsg class. 'sigs' is a list of fingerprints of keys used to sign the data in plainobj. 'keys' is a list of fingerprints of keys obtained in public key blocks. """ decrypted = False plainobj = None sigs = [] keys = [] class ReplyInfo (object): """ ReplyInfo contains details that edward uses in generating its reply. Instances of this class contain information about whether a message was successfully encrypted or signed, and whether a public key was attached, or retrievable, from the local GPG store. It stores the fingerprints of potential encryption key candidates and the message (if any at all) to quote in edward's reply. 'replies' points one of the dictionaries of translated replies. 'target_key' refers to the fingerprint of a key used to sign encrypted data. This is the preferred key, if it is set, and if is available. 'fallback_target_key' referst to the fingerprint of a key used to sign unencrypted data; alternatively it may be a public key attached to the message. 'msg_to_quote' refers to the part of a message which edward should quote in his reply. This should remain as None if there was no encrypted and singed part. This is to avoid making edward a service for decrypting other people's messages to edward. 'success_decrypt' is set to True if edward could decrypt part of the message. 'failed_decrypt' is set to True if edward failed to decrypt part of the message. 'publick_key_received' is set to True if edward successfully imported a public key. 'no_public_key' is set to True if edward doesn't have a key to encrypt to when replying to the user. 'sig_success' is set to True if edward could to some extent verify the signature of a signed part of the message to edward. 'sig_failure' is set to True if edward failed to some extent verify the signature of a signed part of the message to edward. """ replies = None target_key = None fallback_target_key = None msg_to_quote = "" success_decrypt = False failed_decrypt = False public_key_received = False no_public_key = False sig_success = False sig_failure = False def main (): """ This is the main function for edward, a GPG reply bot. Edward responds to GPG-encrypted and signed mail, encrypting and signing the response if the user's public key is, or was, included in the message. Args: None Returns: None Pre: Mime or plaintext email passing in through standard input. Portions of the email may be encrypted. If the To: address contains the text "edward-ja", then the reply will contain a reply written in the Japanese language. There are other languages as well. The default language is English. Post: A reply email will be printed to standard output. The contents of the reply email depends on whether the original email was encrypted or not, has or doesn't have a signature, whether a public key used in the original message is provided or locally stored, and the language implied by the To: address in the original email. """ handle_args() gpgme_ctx = get_gpg_context(edward_config.gnupghome, edward_config.sign_with_key) email_text = sys.stdin.read() email_struct = parse_pgp_mime(email_text, gpgme_ctx) email_to, email_from, email_subject = email_to_from_subject(email_text) lang = import_lang(email_to) replyinfo_obj = ReplyInfo() replyinfo_obj.replies = lang.replies prepare_for_reply(email_struct, replyinfo_obj) encrypt_to_key = get_key_from_fp(replyinfo_obj, gpgme_ctx) reply_plaintext = write_reply(replyinfo_obj) reply_mime = generate_encrypted_mime(reply_plaintext, email_from, \ email_subject, encrypt_to_key, gpgme_ctx) print(reply_mime) def get_gpg_context (gnupghome, sign_with_key_fp): os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupghome gpgme_ctx = gpgme.Context() gpgme_ctx.armor = True try: sign_with_key = gpgme_ctx.get_key(sign_with_key_fp) except: error("unable to load signing key. is the gnupghome " + "and signing key properly set in the edward_config.py?") exit(1) gpgme_ctx.signers = [sign_with_key] return gpgme_ctx def parse_pgp_mime (email_text, gpgme_ctx): email_struct = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(email_text) eddymsg_obj = parse_mime(email_struct) split_payloads(eddymsg_obj) gpg_on_payloads(eddymsg_obj, gpgme_ctx) return eddymsg_obj def parse_mime(msg_struct): eddymsg_obj = EddyMsg() if msg_struct.is_multipart() == True: payloads = msg_struct.get_payload() eddymsg_obj.multipart = True eddymsg_obj.subparts = list(map(parse_mime, payloads)) else: eddymsg_obj = get_subpart_data(msg_struct) return eddymsg_obj def scan_and_split (payload_piece, match_type, pattern): # don't try to re-split pieces containing gpg data if payload_piece.piece_type != "text": return [payload_piece] flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE matches = re.search("(?P.*?)(?P" + pattern + ")(?P.*)", payload_piece.string, flags=flags) if matches == None: pieces = [payload_piece] else: beginning = PayloadPiece() beginning.string = matches.group('beginning') beginning.piece_type = payload_piece.piece_type match = PayloadPiece() match.string = matches.group('match') match.piece_type = match_type rest = PayloadPiece() rest.string = matches.group('rest') rest.piece_type = payload_piece.piece_type more_pieces = scan_and_split(rest, match_type, pattern) pieces = [beginning, match ] + more_pieces return pieces def get_subpart_data (part): obj = EddyMsg() obj.charset = part.get_content_charset() obj.payload_bytes = part.get_payload(decode=True) obj.filename = part.get_filename() obj.content_type = part.get_content_type() obj.description_list = part['content-description'] # your guess is as good as a-myy-ee-ine... if obj.charset == None: obj.charset = 'utf-8' if obj.payload_bytes != None: try: payload = PayloadPiece() payload.string = obj.payload_bytes.decode(obj.charset) payload.piece_type = 'text' obj.payload_pieces = [payload] except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return obj def do_to_eddys_pieces (function_to_do, eddymsg_obj, data): if eddymsg_obj.multipart == True: for sub in eddymsg_obj.subparts: do_to_eddys_pieces(function_to_do, sub, data) else: function_to_do(eddymsg_obj, data) def split_payloads (eddymsg_obj): for match_type in match_types: do_to_eddys_pieces(split_payload_pieces, eddymsg_obj, match_type) def split_payload_pieces (eddymsg_obj, match_type): (match_name, pattern) = match_type new_pieces_list = [] for piece in eddymsg_obj.payload_pieces: new_pieces_list += scan_and_split(piece, match_name, pattern) eddymsg_obj.payload_pieces = new_pieces_list def gpg_on_payloads (eddymsg_obj, gpgme_ctx, prev_parts=[]): if eddymsg_obj.multipart == True: prev_parts=[] for sub in eddymsg_obj.subparts: gpg_on_payloads (sub, gpgme_ctx, prev_parts) prev_parts += [sub] return for piece in eddymsg_obj.payload_pieces: if piece.piece_type == "text": # don't transform the plaintext. pass elif piece.piece_type == "message": (plaintext, sigs) = decrypt_block(piece.string, gpgme_ctx) if plaintext: piece.gpg_data = GPGData() piece.gpg_data.decrypted = True piece.gpg_data.sigs = sigs # recurse! piece.gpg_data.plainobj = parse_pgp_mime(plaintext, gpgme_ctx) continue # if not encrypted, check to see if this is an armored signature. (plaintext, sigs) = verify_sig_message(piece.string, gpgme_ctx) if plaintext: piece.piece_type = "signature" piece.gpg_data = GPGData() piece.gpg_data.sigs = sigs # recurse! piece.gpg_data.plainobj = parse_pgp_mime(plaintext, gpgme_ctx) elif piece.piece_type == "pubkey": key_fps = add_gpg_key(piece.string, gpgme_ctx) if key_fps != []: piece.gpg_data = GPGData() piece.gpg_data.keys = key_fps elif piece.piece_type == "clearsign": (plaintext, sig_fps) = verify_clear_signature(piece.string, gpgme_ctx) if sig_fps != []: piece.gpg_data = GPGData() piece.gpg_data.sigs = sig_fps piece.gpg_data.plainobj = parse_pgp_mime(plaintext, gpgme_ctx) elif piece.piece_type == "detachedsig": for prev in prev_parts: payload_bytes = prev.payload_bytes sig_fps = verify_detached_signature(piece.string, payload_bytes, gpgme_ctx) if sig_fps != []: piece.gpg_data = GPGData() piece.gpg_data.sigs = sig_fps piece.gpg_data.plainobj = prev break else: pass def prepare_for_reply (eddymsg_obj, replyinfo_obj): do_to_eddys_pieces(prepare_for_reply_pieces, eddymsg_obj, replyinfo_obj) def prepare_for_reply_pieces (eddymsg_obj, replyinfo_obj): for piece in eddymsg_obj.payload_pieces: if piece.piece_type == "text": # don't quote the plaintext part. pass elif piece.piece_type == "message": prepare_for_reply_message(piece, replyinfo_obj) elif piece.piece_type == "pubkey": prepare_for_reply_pubkey(piece, replyinfo_obj) elif (piece.piece_type == "clearsign") \ or (piece.piece_type == "detachedsig") \ or (piece.piece_type == "signature"): prepare_for_reply_sig(piece, replyinfo_obj) def prepare_for_reply_message (piece, replyinfo_obj): if piece.gpg_data == None: replyinfo_obj.failed_decrypt = True return replyinfo_obj.success_decrypt = True # we already have a key (and a message) if replyinfo_obj.target_key != None: return if piece.gpg_data.sigs != []: replyinfo_obj.target_key = piece.gpg_data.sigs[0] get_signed_part = False else: # only include a signed message in the reply. get_signed_part = True replyinfo_obj.msg_to_quote = flatten_decrypted_payloads(piece.gpg_data.plainobj, get_signed_part) # to catch public keys in encrypted blocks prepare_for_reply(piece.gpg_data.plainobj, replyinfo_obj) def prepare_for_reply_pubkey (piece, replyinfo_obj): if piece.gpg_data == None or piece.gpg_data.keys == []: replyinfo_obj.no_public_key = True else: replyinfo_obj.public_key_received = True if replyinfo_obj.fallback_target_key == None: replyinfo_obj.fallback_target_key = piece.gpg_data.keys[0] def prepare_for_reply_sig (piece, replyinfo_obj): if piece.gpg_data == None or piece.gpg_data.sigs == []: replyinfo_obj.sig_failure = True else: replyinfo_obj.sig_success = True if replyinfo_obj.fallback_target_key == None: replyinfo_obj.fallback_target_key = piece.gpg_data.sigs[0] def flatten_decrypted_payloads (eddymsg_obj, get_signed_part): flat_string = "" if eddymsg_obj == None: return "" # recurse on multi-part mime if eddymsg_obj.multipart == True: for sub in eddymsg_obj.subparts: flat_string += flatten_decrypted_payloads (sub, get_signed_part) return flat_string for piece in eddymsg_obj.payload_pieces: if piece.piece_type == "text": flat_string += piece.string if (get_signed_part): # don't include nested encryption if (piece.piece_type == "message") \ and (piece.gpg_data != None) \ and (piece.gpg_data.decrypted == False): flat_string += flatten_decrypted_payloads(piece.gpg_data.plainobj, get_signed_part) elif ((piece.piece_type == "clearsign") \ or (piece.piece_type == "detachedsig") \ or (piece.piece_type == "signature")) \ and (piece.gpg_data != None): # FIXME: the key used to sign this message needs to be the one that is used for the encrypted reply. flat_string += flatten_decrypted_payloads (piece.gpg_data.plainobj, get_signed_part) return flat_string def get_key_from_fp (replyinfo_obj, gpgme_ctx): if replyinfo_obj.target_key == None: replyinfo_obj.target_key = replyinfo_obj.fallback_target_key if replyinfo_obj.target_key != None: try: encrypt_to_key = gpgme_ctx.get_key(replyinfo_obj.target_key) return encrypt_to_key except: pass # no available key to use replyinfo_obj.target_key = None replyinfo_obj.fallback_target_key = None replyinfo_obj.no_public_key = True replyinfo_obj.public_key_received = False return None def write_reply (replyinfo_obj): reply_plain = "" if replyinfo_obj.success_decrypt == True: reply_plain += replyinfo_obj.replies['success_decrypt'] if replyinfo_obj.no_public_key == False: quoted_text = email_quote_text(replyinfo_obj.msg_to_quote) reply_plain += quoted_text elif replyinfo_obj.failed_decrypt == True: reply_plain += replyinfo_obj.replies['failed_decrypt'] if replyinfo_obj.sig_success == True: reply_plain += "\n\n" reply_plain += replyinfo_obj.replies['sig_success'] elif replyinfo_obj.sig_failure == True: reply_plain += "\n\n" reply_plain += replyinfo_obj.replies['sig_failure'] if replyinfo_obj.public_key_received == True: reply_plain += "\n\n" reply_plain += replyinfo_obj.replies['public_key_received'] elif replyinfo_obj.no_public_key == True: reply_plain += "\n\n" reply_plain += replyinfo_obj.replies['no_public_key'] reply_plain += "\n\n" reply_plain += replyinfo_obj.replies['signature'] return reply_plain def add_gpg_key (key_block, gpgme_ctx): fp = io.BytesIO(key_block.encode('ascii')) result = gpgme_ctx.import_(fp) imports = result.imports key_fingerprints = [] if imports != []: for import_ in imports: fingerprint = import_[0] key_fingerprints += [fingerprint] debug("added gpg key: " + fingerprint) return key_fingerprints def verify_sig_message (msg_block, gpgme_ctx): block_b = io.BytesIO(msg_block.encode('ascii')) plain_b = io.BytesIO() try: sigs = gpgme_ctx.verify(block_b, None, plain_b) except: return ("",[]) plaintext = plain_b.getvalue().decode('utf-8') fingerprints = [] for sig in sigs: fingerprints += [sig.fpr] return (plaintext, fingerprints) def verify_clear_signature (sig_block, gpgme_ctx): # FIXME: this might require the un-decoded bytes # or the correct re-encoding with the carset of the mime part. msg_fp = io.BytesIO(sig_block.encode('utf-8')) ptxt_fp = io.BytesIO() result = gpgme_ctx.verify(msg_fp, None, ptxt_fp) # FIXME: this might require using the charset of the mime part. plaintext = ptxt_fp.getvalue().decode('utf-8') sig_fingerprints = [] for res_ in result: sig_fingerprints += [res_.fpr] return plaintext, sig_fingerprints def verify_detached_signature (detached_sig, plaintext_bytes, gpgme_ctx): detached_sig_fp = io.BytesIO(detached_sig.encode('ascii')) plaintext_fp = io.BytesIO(plaintext_bytes) ptxt_fp = io.BytesIO() result = gpgme_ctx.verify(detached_sig_fp, plaintext_fp, None) sig_fingerprints = [] for res_ in result: sig_fingerprints += [res_.fpr] return sig_fingerprints def decrypt_block (msg_block, gpgme_ctx): block_b = io.BytesIO(msg_block.encode('ascii')) plain_b = io.BytesIO() try: sigs = gpgme_ctx.decrypt_verify(block_b, plain_b) except: return ("",[]) plaintext = plain_b.getvalue().decode('utf-8') fingerprints = [] for sig in sigs: fingerprints += [sig.fpr] return (plaintext, fingerprints) def choose_reply_encryption_key (gpgme_ctx, fingerprints): reply_key = None for fp in fingerprints: try: key = gpgme_ctx.get_key(fp) if (key.can_encrypt == True): reply_key = key break except: continue return reply_key def email_to_from_subject (email_text): email_struct = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(email_text) email_to = email_struct['To'] email_from = email_struct['From'] email_subject = email_struct['Subject'] return email_to, email_from, email_subject def import_lang(email_to): if email_to != None: for lang in langs: if "edward-" + lang in email_to: lang = "lang." + re.sub('-', '_', lang) language = importlib.import_module(lang) return language return importlib.import_module("lang.en") def generate_encrypted_mime (plaintext, email_from, email_subject, encrypt_to_key, gpgme_ctx): # quoted printable encoding lets most ascii characters look normal # before the mime message is decoded. char_set = email.charset.Charset("utf-8") char_set.body_encoding = email.charset.QP # MIMEText doesn't allow setting the text encoding # so we use MIMENonMultipart. plaintext_mime = MIMENonMultipart('text', 'plain') plaintext_mime.set_payload(plaintext, charset=char_set) if (encrypt_to_key != None): encrypted_text = encrypt_sign_message(plaintext_mime.as_string(), encrypt_to_key, gpgme_ctx) control_mime = MIMEApplication("Version: 1", _subtype='pgp-encrypted', _encoder=email.encoders.encode_7or8bit) control_mime['Content-Description'] = 'PGP/MIME version identification' control_mime.set_charset('us-ascii') encoded_mime = MIMEApplication(encrypted_text, _subtype='octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"', _encoder=email.encoders.encode_7or8bit) encoded_mime['Content-Description'] = 'OpenPGP encrypted message' encoded_mime['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename="encrypted.asc"' encoded_mime.set_charset('us-ascii') message_mime = MIMEMultipart(_subtype="encrypted", protocol="application/pgp-encrypted") message_mime.attach(control_mime) message_mime.attach(encoded_mime) message_mime['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline' else: message_mime = plaintext_mime message_mime['To'] = email_from message_mime['Subject'] = email_subject reply = message_mime.as_string() return reply def email_quote_text (text): quoted_message = re.sub(r'^', r'> ', text, flags=re.MULTILINE) return quoted_message def encrypt_sign_message (plaintext, encrypt_to_key, gpgme_ctx): plaintext_bytes = io.BytesIO(plaintext.encode('ascii')) encrypted_bytes = io.BytesIO() gpgme_ctx.encrypt_sign([encrypt_to_key], gpgme.ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST, plaintext_bytes, encrypted_bytes) encrypted_txt = encrypted_bytes.getvalue().decode('ascii') return encrypted_txt def error (error_msg): sys.stderr.write(progname + ": " + str(error_msg) + "\n") def debug (debug_msg): if edward_config.debug == True: error(debug_msg) def handle_args (): if __name__ == "__main__": global progname progname = sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv) > 1: print(progname + ": error, this program doesn't " \ "need any arguments.", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) main()