owneraccount for gitolite
last changeTue, 27 Apr 2021 18:32:58 +0000 (14:32 -0400)
2021-04-27 Penar MusarajBump base image (#538) master
2021-04-12 Jeff Wongno longer allow nested templates (#535)
2021-04-12 Penar MusarajBump base image to add Terser, remove SVGO (#536)
2021-04-09 SamFEATURE: ensure pups runs a specific version (#534)
2021-04-08 Penar MusarajRemove Svgo, update ImageMagick, Redis, Libheif (#533)
2021-04-06 Penar MusarajAdd Terser (#532)
2021-04-05 Jeff WongReverse the order of nested templates. (#531)
2021-03-23 David TaylorDEV: Parse and install bundler version from Gemfile...
2021-03-08 Justin DiRoseDEV: Add import template for Vanilla (#529)
2021-02-22 Jay PfaffmanFIX: discourse-setup stop running container (#528)
2021-02-22 Jay Pfaffmanfeature: discourse-setup email config improvements
2021-02-18 Rafael dos... Bump base image for OpenSSL CVEs
2021-02-18 YAEGASHI TakeshiEnsure it overrides all locale related variables
2021-02-18 Sam SaffronFIX: match prune time for cleanup with description
2021-02-04 Jay PfaffmanFIX: discourse-setup MAXMIND works correctly
2021-02-04 Jay Pfaffmanuse $web_file not app.yml
20 months ago fsf-master
2 years ago main
3 years ago master