2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmistyle fixes
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmimove process task to afform
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiupdate class visibility
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmitest fixes
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmitypo fixes
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd submission verification functionality
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmicode cleanup
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd email sending functionality
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd view submission link
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmistyle fixes
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiremove submit button in view mode. also add validation...
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmichange the saving submitted values
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmistyling fixes
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd view submission link only for Pending submissions
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiprocess the form after viewing, strict check for valid...
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmihelptext cleanup
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd message template meta data and option to select...
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd manual processing option
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiupdate submission SK
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiload the data from submission tableif submission id...
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd batch action for processing submissions
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd new process api to fetch the data from submissions...
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiupdate packaged SK for form submissions
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmilets not process data if email confirmation is enabled.
2023-12-06 Kurund Jalmiadd email verification flag in the UI and API
2023-12-06 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28485 from eileenmcnaughton/transaction
2023-12-06 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28489 from eileenmcnaughton/members...
2023-12-06 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28498 from eileenmcnaughton/main_no...
2023-12-06 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28509 from pradpnayak/mappingseaechkit
2023-12-06 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28508 from pradpnayak/mappingseaech
2023-12-06 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28438 from colemanw/civiGrantCleanup
2023-12-06 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28515 from MegaphoneJon/sk-undefine...
2023-12-06 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #28524 from totten/master-exception
2023-12-05 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #28526 from 19ATF72/mailing-componen...
2023-12-05 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #28472 from 19ATF72/mailing-componen...
2023-12-05 19ATF72Fix ID retrieval for MailingComponent edit page
2023-12-05 colemanwMerge pull request #28500 from pradpnayak/urlChange
2023-12-05 Tim OttenTemplateTrait - Fix references to CRM_Core_Exception
2023-12-05 Rich LottMerge pull request #28441 from vingle/a11y-accordions-ang
2023-12-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #28490 from mattwire/dorefund
2023-12-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #28516 from demeritcowboy/regen
2023-12-05 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28452 from colemanw/autocompleteValues
2023-12-05 Matthew WireClarify doRefund() signature
2023-12-05 colemanwMerge pull request #28510 from pradpnayak/providerapi
2023-12-05 demeritcowboyregen
2023-12-05 Rich LottMerge pull request #28507 from artfulrobot/artfulrobot...
2023-12-05 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27162 from eileenmcnaughton/text
2023-12-05 Jon GoldbergSearchKit: Don't assume a comparison value when none...
2023-12-05 Pradeep NayakAdded Export Mapping search kit UI
2023-12-05 colemanwMerge pull request #28499 from ufundo/afform-json-php
2023-12-05 Pradeep NayakAdd SMS provider API 4 Support
2023-12-05 Rich Lott ... standalone: fix test, cleanup unnecessary javascript
2023-12-05 Pradeep Nayakmake Mapping entity available on searchkit
2023-12-05 Tim OttenMerge pull request #28475 from artfulrobot/artfulrobot...
2023-12-05 Rich Lott ... standalone: fix failing E2E test due to getting resourc...
2023-12-05 19ATF72Update ext/civi_mail/Civi/Api4/MailingComponent.php
2023-12-05 Rich LottMerge pull request #28478 from wmortada/standalone...
2023-12-05 19ATF72Fix string parameter being passed non string variable
2023-12-05 benjaminconvert .aff.json to .aff.php and add ts()
2023-12-05 Pradeep NayakChanged the URL path for DatePreference screen
2023-12-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #28494 from eileenmcnaughton/crazy_param
2023-12-05 Eileen McNaughtonCleanup return on processContact
2023-12-05 Eileen McNaughtonRemove notice from main donate page
2023-12-05 Eileen McNaughtonPartial standardisation of MembershipType::Add
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #28486 from 19ATF72/contributor...
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #28398 from MegaphoneJon/better...
2023-12-04 19ATF72Update contributor-key.yml
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonAdd deprecation to transition components
2023-12-04 Tim OttenMerge pull request #28425 from demeritcowboy/lang-eco
2023-12-04 Matthew WireMerge pull request #26227 from eileenmcnaughton/payment
2023-12-04 William MortadaMake active flag required and labelled enabled
2023-12-04 19ATF72Add MailingComponent.php
2023-12-04 Jon Goldbergensure this exception class supports getErrorData
2023-12-04 Rich LottMerge pull request #28419 from ufundo/standalone-url...
2023-12-04 colemanwMerge pull request #28470 from demeritcowboy/not4
2023-12-04 benjamintest Standalone urls (use drupal format)
2023-12-04 benjaminpat => pattern
2023-12-04 benjamintypo in joomla path
2023-12-04 colemanwMerge pull request #28449 from vingle/a11y-fbuilder
2023-12-04 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28469 from jaapjansma/language_clean_up
2023-12-04 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28463 from eileenmcnaughton/process...
2023-12-04 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28459 from eileenmcnaughton/deprecate
2023-12-04 Matthew WireMerge pull request #28461 from eileenmcnaughton/add_payment
2023-12-04 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27496 from eileenmcnaughton/activit...
2023-12-04 demeritcowboyuse buttons instead of buttons, but only when not 4...
2023-12-04 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #28462 from eileenmcnaughton/notice_mem
2023-12-04 Rich LottMerge pull request #28448 from colemanw/summaryStyle
2023-12-04 Jaap Jansmadev/core#4411: follow up PR of the language pr, this...
2023-12-04 Rich LottMerge pull request #28420 from wmortada/standalone...
2023-12-04 colemanwFormBuilder - Use summary/details instead of af-collapsible
2023-12-04 Rich LottMerge pull request #28429 from wmortada/standalone...
2023-12-04 colemanwAfform - Handle details element at runtime
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonFIx tests caling AdditionalPayment form to use full...
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #28465 from lemniscus/fix-typo-entitiy
2023-12-04 Noah MillerFix a tiypo
2023-12-04 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #28321 from colemanw/angEverywhere
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonAdd warnings to processAmount
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonNotice fix in membership_online_receipt
2023-12-04 Tim OttenMerge pull request #28455 from ufundo/standalone-public...
2023-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #28460 from colemanw/searchKitAutoco...