2003-01-19 kinkFix html errors that cause display problems in NS4...
2003-01-18 tokulHebrew locale is not he_HE, but he_IL
2003-01-18 tokulIncluded all plugins in xgetpo. Updated main squirrelma...
2003-01-17 janglissFor a more 'professional' look, using broken instead...
2003-01-17 kinkChangeLog
2003-01-17 kinkFix abook_take
2003-01-17 kinkObsolete sqm_topdir(), thanks Jimmy Connor for the...
2003-01-16 tokulAdded fortune plugin and --no-location options.
2003-01-16 tokulTranslated strings in plugin to gettext.
2003-01-16 tokulAdded Turkish option. But plugin still needs to be...
2003-01-16 stekkel* fix for e-mail addresses like: <mailbox@host> (person...
2003-01-15 kinkObsolete code because crc32() does exist in our minimum...
2003-01-15 kinkRemove unused pref.
2003-01-15 tassiumModified Deliver_SMTP to use HTTP_HOST in SMTP HELO...
2003-01-15 kinkLogChanges
2003-01-15 kinkRollback previous patch to compose.php because it break...
2003-01-15 kinkFix the save message button, using new functionality...
2003-01-14 stekkel* modifications for using ent_id=0 for downloading...
2003-01-14 stekkel* modifications in order to use ent_id=0 for downloadin...
2003-01-14 janglissI thought the hook login_form was supposed to be part...
2003-01-13 tokulAdded Arabic.
2003-01-11 kinkSince we're requiring PHP >= 4.0.4, we can just use...
2003-01-11 tokulQuick fix. Closes bug #660529.
2003-01-11 kinkTwo fixes for vcard.php, thanks to Kurt Pires.
2003-01-11 kinkDisable Save button because that doesn't work. Can...
2003-01-11 kinkFixes by Thomas CASTELLE
2003-01-10 tassiumRemoved function sqimap_mailbox_has_children() from...
2003-01-10 kinkFix typo
2003-01-10 philippe_mingoArief S Fitrianto
2003-01-09 janglissAdded a check in sqimap_login to verify $onetimepad...
2003-01-09 tassiumFixed left_main.php to show purge link for trash if...
2003-01-09 kinkChangeLog
2003-01-09 kinkWhen in threaddisplay, trim subjects of indented messag...
2003-01-09 philippe_mingoAntoine Hulin
2003-01-09 ebullientThis makes more sense to me, and has been shown not...
2003-01-08 tassiumSquelching errors feels wrong, although in this case...
2003-01-08 kinkSupress PHP errors because we catch them ourselves.
2003-01-07 tokulI do devel in SquirrelMail too.
2003-01-07 tokul$default_charset variable equal to user's locale when...
2003-01-07 philippe_mingoStanislav Yordanov
2003-01-07 philippe_mingoJ.I Kim
2003-01-07 kinkLogChanges
2003-01-07 kinkCatch error if timezone file not present. Thanks Joshua...
2003-01-06 kinkThis urlencode(urldecode thing breaks stuff and doesn...
2003-01-06 kinkIdentify SquirrelMail with User-Agent, not X-Mailer...
2003-01-06 kinkMake use of the more detailed error reporting provided...
2003-01-06 kinkRewrite of errorCheck function, to make it: correct...
2003-01-06 tassiumAdded compose after search bugfix to the list
2003-01-06 tassiumAfter sending the message, check $mailbox. If it's...
2003-01-06 tassiumAdded the "plain" vs. "login" auth method confusion
2003-01-04 tokulcvs Id fix
2003-01-04 kinkImplement sqextractGlobalVar with sqgetGlobalVar
2003-01-04 kinkUndo this xhtml-compatibility thing because the html_ta...
2003-01-04 tokulAdded default sort=0 option. Sorts all the messages...
2003-01-04 tokulTurkish strings update from "Hikmet Gumus" <gumush...
2003-01-04 tokulUpdated Lithuanian strings.
2003-01-04 tassiumVery ugly hack to add rudimentary error check to SMTP...
2003-01-04 tassiumImproved error handling, especially for everyone whose...
2003-01-04 tassiumOk, I screwed up. When I put in cram-md5 and digest...
2003-01-04 ebullientThanks shiruken! needed single quotes around switch...
2003-01-04 ebullientadded constants to fetch COOKIE and SERVER values
2003-01-04 tassiumStarted section for 1.4.0-rc2. Please contribute what...
2003-01-04 tassiumFinished up defines for all current config options...
2003-01-04 ebullientswap in the sqgetGlobalVar function
2003-01-04 ebullientuse new function to get POST variables
2003-01-04 ebullientUse new function to get GET vars
2003-01-04 ebullientAdded new function:
2003-01-03 ebullientFix plugin list in admin plugin
2003-01-03 tassiumAdded support for:
2003-01-03 philippe_mingoAlexandros Vellis
2003-01-03 tassiumAdded support for IMAP & SMTP use of TLS and fancy...
2003-01-03 philippe_mingoJuergen Edner
2003-01-03 philippe_mingoKent B. Hansen
2003-01-03 philippe_mingodk step 1
2003-01-03 tassiumMinor patch allowing admin to disable use of $org_logo...
2003-01-03 kinkCopypaste error. This could be avoided by doing $theme...
2003-01-03 stekkelThis will probably fix the incorrect parsing of literal...
2003-01-03 philippe_mingoca_ES Albert Cervera Areny
2003-01-03 ebullientadded message about our preferred config mechanism
2003-01-03 ebullientfixes for the admin plugin for 1.4.0 RC1
2003-01-02 ebullientlittle teeny typo
2003-01-02 ebullientUpdates to comments for setting data/attach paths.
2003-01-02 philippe_mingoRalf Hildebrandt
2003-01-02 tokulAdded empty Greek locale.
2003-01-02 tokulAdded windows-1253 and utf-8 decoding
2003-01-01 philippe_mingoRemerged strings
2003-01-01 philippe_mingoFirst 2003 and 1.4 translation 8-)
2003-01-01 philippe_mingo1.4 por file
2003-01-01 philippe_mingoInternationalization bugfix.
2003-01-01 tassiumChange to my shiny new squirrelmail.org address :)
2002-12-31 ebullientvanity correction.
2002-12-31 ebullientcomments for behavior of $ in org_name and org_title
2002-12-31 tassiumPath fixes so the plugin can find the files it needs.
2002-12-31 tassiumMinor spelling & phrasing changes.
2002-12-31 tassiumMove $theme reset (avoids theme cookie exploit) to...
2002-12-31 ebullientskip http: paths for SM_PATH mods
2002-12-31 tassiumCan't require config.php before strings.php since defau...
2002-12-31 tassiumAdded $session_name
2002-12-31 kinkForgot a SM_PATH
2002-12-31 tassiumMinor spelling fixes & rephrasing.