2014-08-14 Tim OttenINFRA-125, CRM-15011 - Import phpunit-{antagonist,compa...
2014-08-14 Tim Ottentools/scripts/ - Remove old svn/biryani...
2014-08-14 Tim OttenINFRA-125 - SavedMappingTest - Fix mismatch between...
2014-08-12 colemanwMerge pull request #3826 from colemanw/sgPopup
2014-08-12 Coleman WattsAdd no-popup class to group contact list buttons
2014-08-12 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3825 from jitendrapurohit/api_test4...
2014-08-12 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3822 from totten/master-casetype...
2014-08-12 Jitendra Purohitapi test fix for testCreateWithRelationship() Membershi...
2014-08-12 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3824 from jitendrapurohit/casetypew...
2014-08-12 Jitendra Purohitproper name for function
2014-08-12 Jitendra PurohitCaseType Webtest CRM-15098
2014-08-12 Tim OttenCRM-15097 - crmCaseType - Allow reverting changes to...
2014-08-12 Tim OttenCRM-15097 - crmCaseType - If a case-type isn't forkable...
2014-08-12 Tim OttenCRM-15097 - CaseType - Compute & enforce pseudo-propert...
2014-08-12 Tim OttenCRM-15097 - CiviCase XML - Parse/encode property "forkable"
2014-08-12 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3820 from totten/master-casetype...
2014-08-12 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3804 from atif-shaikh/CRM-15087
2014-08-12 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3821 from rohankatkar/CRM-15027webtest
2014-08-12 Rohan KatkarWebtest for
2014-08-12 kurundMerge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/4.4' into 4...
2014-08-12 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - Allow loading CiviCase XML files even if...
2014-08-11 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3819 from totten/master-casetype...
2014-08-11 colemanwMerge pull request #3818 from colemanw/casePager
2014-08-11 Coleman WattsCRM-15093 - Add pager and details to contact-summary...
2014-08-11 Tim OttenCRM-14534 - crmCaseType - Allow entry of negative offsets
2014-08-11 Coleman WattsCRM-14434 - Further cleanup
2014-08-11 colemanwMerge pull request #3817 from colemanw/note
2014-08-11 Coleman WattsCRM-15092 - Update notes link to use popups and fix...
2014-08-11 colemanwMerge pull request #3495 from JohnFF/patch-5
2014-08-11 Coleman WattsMerge branch 'JohnFF-patch-1'
2014-08-11 colemanwMerge pull request #3785 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-08-11 colemanwMerge pull request #3815 from jitendrapurohit/LinkCaseW...
2014-08-11 colemanwMerge pull request #3816 from colemanw/ca
2014-08-11 Coleman WattsCRM-15003 - Fix ActivityToCase default value
2014-08-11 Jitendra PurohitLink Cases Webtest CRM-15002
2014-08-11 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3730 from wellebee/CRM-12370
2014-08-10 Coleman Wattsjsortable.tpl - code cleanup
2014-08-10 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3812 from totten/master-envtests
2014-08-09 colemanwMerge pull request #3811 from colemanw/dynPath
2014-08-09 Coleman WattsFix dynamicResourcepath for windows systems
2014-08-09 colemanwMerge pull request #3810 from colemanw/dynPath
2014-08-09 Coleman WattsFix dynamicResourceUrl for windows systems
2014-08-09 colemanwMerge pull request #3809 from colemanw/sorted
2014-08-09 Coleman Wattsjsortable.tpl code cleanup
2014-08-09 Coleman WattsCRM-13819 - Remove jsortable from tables with weight...
2014-08-09 Coleman WattsWhitespace cleanup
2014-08-09 colemanwMerge pull request #3808 from colemanw/monishdeb-CRM...
2014-08-09 Coleman WattscrmEditable - consistent treatment of action params
2014-08-09 Coleman WattsClarify button labels
2014-08-08 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3807 from totten/master-emptytest
2014-08-08 monishdebminor improvements
2014-08-08 Tim OttenAuthorizeNetIPNTest - Remove empty test file
2014-08-08 colemanwMerge pull request #3805 from colemanw/groups
2014-08-08 Coleman WattsredirectJS.tpl - Fix whitespace
2014-08-08 Coleman WattsLegacy js cleanup - change cj to $ within closures
2014-08-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3803 from jitendrapurohit/CRM-15031...
2014-08-08 monishdebCRM-15066 fix - Choose to cancel one recurring contribu...
2014-08-08 atif-shaikhCRM-15087 - DB Error on enable CiviCase Component for...
2014-08-08 Jitendra PurohitCRM-15031 Additional Fix
2014-08-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3783 from jitendrapurohit/api_testf...
2014-08-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3792 from jitendrapurohit/CRM-12782...
2014-08-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3793 from yashodha/version-fix
2014-08-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3794 from rohankatkar/CRM-15070
2014-08-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3797 from pradpnayak/CRM-15082
2014-08-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3801 from kurund/CRM-12722
2014-08-08 kurundCRM-12722, added fixed that was missed during forward...
2014-08-08 Tim OttenCRM-15011, INFRA-124, CRM-13899 - Add EnvTests
2014-08-08 Coleman WattsAlways show parent/child nesting in group selectors
2014-08-08 Coleman Wattscode cleanup - remove unused var
2014-08-08 Coleman WattsBetter default title for CRM.confirm
2014-08-07 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3800 from mlutfy/4.4-crm15086
2014-08-07 Mathieu LutfyCRM-15086: remove {ts} on
2014-08-07 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3798 from totten/master-phpunit...
2014-08-07 Tim OttenHelloTest - Remove extraneous "require_once"
2014-08-07 Tim OttenCRM-15011 - CiviSeleniumTestCase - Remove unnecessary...
2014-08-07 Tim OttenCRM-15011 - Fix inter-test-case leak
2014-08-07 Tim OttenCRM-15011 - tests - Fix dbunit references
2014-08-07 Tim OttenCRM-15011 - CiviUnitTestCase - Remove unnecessary requi...
2014-08-07 Tim OttenCRM-15011 - Add phpunit.xml and bootstrap.php
2014-08-07 Pradeep Nayak-- CRM-15082, changed the function name
2014-08-07 colemanwMerge pull request #3796 from colemanw/rows
2014-08-07 Coleman WattsFix select2 border-box property
2014-08-07 Coleman WattsAdd striping effect to highlighted table rows
2014-08-07 Coleman Wattscivicrm.css cleanup
2014-08-07 Coleman WattsFix table row striping
2014-08-07 colemanwMerge pull request #3795 from colemanw/form-submit
2014-08-07 Coleman WattsChange form-submit css class to crm-form-submit
2014-08-07 Rohan KatkarCRM-15070 Fix for defualt value.
2014-08-07 Monish DebMerge pull request #3771 from monishdeb/CRM-15041
2014-08-07 CiviCRMversion fixes
2014-08-07 Jitendra PurohitCRM-12872 Additional Fix
2014-08-06 Coleman WattsOpen options-edit popup in a smaller dialog
2014-08-06 colemanwMerge pull request #3791 from colemanw/import
2014-08-06 Coleman WattsCRM-15028 - Fix participant import field labels
2014-08-06 colemanwMerge pull request #3790 from colemanw/export
2014-08-06 Coleman WattsCRM-15048 - Respect custom field text_length during...
2014-08-06 colemanwMerge pull request #3789 from colemanw/menu
2014-08-06 Coleman WattsCRM-15076 - Fix drop-down menu height
2014-08-06 Jitendra PurohitFixed hardcoded contribution_id
2014-08-06 Monish DebMerge pull request #3788 from jitendrapurohit/Upgrade_fixes