2014-05-02 Mathieu LutfyCRM-13068: better document native gettext in the civicr...
2014-05-02 Mathieu LutfyCRM-13068: load .mo files from l10n/xx_XX/LC_MESSAGES...
2014-04-30 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #3065 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-04-30 EileenCRM-14589 - Next Payment Due broken on pledged but...
2014-04-30 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3058 from totten/mepps-4.4-secure...
2014-04-30 Tim OttenCRM-14499 - ImageFile - Fix photo URL validation on WP
2014-04-30 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3040 from mlutfy/4.4-crm14573
2014-04-30 Margaret EppsRedid indentation in CRM/Upgrade/Incremental/php/FourFo...
2014-04-30 Mathieu LutfyCRM-14573: ts fixes (CRM/Event/Cart/Form/Checkout/Payme...
2014-04-29 MaggieCRM-14499: Update FourFour upgrade script and changes...
2014-04-29 MaggieRewrote system CRM_Utils_System::download to take optio...
2014-04-29 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #3010 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-04-29 Eileen McNaughtonCRM-14559 fix invalid html
2014-04-27 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #2966 from eileenmcnaughton/patch-2
2014-04-27 Eileen McNaughtonFix spaces on previous
2014-04-22 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2929 from kurund/CRM-14463
2014-04-22 kurundtypo fixes, CRM-14463
2014-04-22 colemanwMerge pull request #2925 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-04-22 Eileen McNaughtonCRM-14501 add contact to cache key to deal with inconsi...
2014-04-22 Eileen McNaughtonremove trailing whitespace
2014-04-18 CiviCRMUpdate version to 4.4.6
2014-04-17 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2888 from eileenmcnaughton/patch-3
2014-04-17 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2901 from eileenmcnaughton/E-notice
2014-04-17 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2910 from eileenmcnaughton/enotice2
2014-04-17 Eileen McNaughtoneNotice fix
2014-04-17 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2908 from totten/4.4-restrict-customDir
2014-04-17 Tim OttencustomFileUploadDir - Restrict remote access
2014-04-16 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2886 from colemanw/4.4
2014-04-16 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2907 from totten/4.4-date-const
2014-04-16 Tim OttenCRM-14446 - s/magic value/constant/
2014-04-16 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2860 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-04-16 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2882 from totten/4.4-module-payproc
2014-04-16 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2902 from kurund/CRM-14429
2014-04-16 kurundcode clean / fixes CRM-14429
2014-04-16 Eileen McNaughtonenotices when enabling logging on fields that don't...
2014-04-15 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2899 from davecivicrm/CRM-14191
2014-04-15 Dave GreenbergCRM-14191 - fix notice in FourFour.php upgrade.
2014-04-15 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2897 from pradpnayak/CRM-14191
2014-04-15 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2898 from davecivicrm/CRM-14467
2014-04-15 Dave GreenbergCRM-14467 - remove extra double-quote which messes...
2014-04-15 Pradeep Nayak-- removed hardcoded values and handled reopened status...
2014-04-15 Pradeep Nayak-- removed hardcoded values, added sql upgrade script...
2014-04-15 dloboMerge pull request #2786 from ar-jan/CRM-13946
2014-04-14 Eileen McNaughtonE-notice fix
2014-04-13 Coleman WattsCRM-14463 - Fix custom address fields to support locati...
2014-04-11 dloboMerge pull request #2869 from kurund/CRM-14438
2014-04-11 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2883 from totten/4.4-lazy-session
2014-04-11 Tim OttenCRM-14356 - CRM_Core_Session - Guard against unset...
2014-04-11 Tim OttenCRM-14356 - CRM_Core_Session - Handle Drupal's lazy...
2014-04-11 Tim OttenCRM-14396 - CRM_Core_Payment::handlePaymentMethod ...
2014-04-11 Tim OttenCRM-14396 - CRM_Core_Payment::handlePaymentMethod ...
2014-04-10 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2875 from davecivicrm/CRM-14451
2014-04-10 Dave GreenbergCRM-14451 - remove undefined / un-used variable.
2014-04-10 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2870 from kurund/CRM-14352
2014-04-10 dloboMerge pull request #2858 from totten/4.4-wp-breadcrumb...
2014-04-10 dloboMerge pull request #2859 from totten/4.4-wp-breadcrumb...
2014-04-10 dloboMerge pull request #2833 from lcdservices/CRM-14208b
2014-04-10 kurundfixes for duplicate relationship error, CRM-14352
2014-04-10 Eileen McNaughtoneNotice fix
2014-04-09 kurundCRM-14438 and CRM-13996 fix to populate prev/next cache...
2014-04-09 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2867 from davecivicrm/CRM-14450
2014-04-09 Dave GreenbergCRM-14450 - fix notice on additional participants form.
2014-04-09 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2866 from davecivicrm/CRM-14442
2014-04-09 Dave GreenbergCRM-14442 - prevent presence of Direct Debit (payment_t...
2014-04-09 Eileen McNaughtonCRM-14446 contact api.getfields declare birth_date...
2014-04-09 EileenCRM-14446 contact.get api tests + fix on date filters
2014-04-09 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2843 from kurund/CRM-14427
2014-04-09 Tim OttenCRM_Utils_System_WordPress::url - Simplify deep if...
2014-04-09 Tim OttenCRM_Utils_System_WordPress::url - Change code-branch...
2014-04-09 Tim OttenCRM_Utils_System_WordPress::url - Change code-branch...
2014-04-09 Brian ShaughnessyCRM-14208 move joomlaBase outside of condition clause
2014-04-09 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2835 from lcdservices/CRM-14334
2014-04-08 Tim OttenCRM-14439 - CRM_Core_Invoke::rebuildMenuAndCaches ...
2014-04-08 Tim OttenCRM-14439 - CRM_Core_Menu - For breadcrumbs, set forceB...
2014-04-08 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2855 from mlutfy/4.4-crm14444
2014-04-08 Mathieu LutfyCRM-14444: templates/CRM/Report/Form/Layout/Table.tpl...
2014-04-08 dloboMerge pull request #2854 from dlobo/CRM-14390
2014-04-08 Donald A. LoboCRM-14390 - Inherit CMS language don't work in WordPress
2014-04-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2851 from kurund/CRM-14393
2014-04-08 kurundfixes for CRM-14393
2014-04-08 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #2848 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-04-08 EileenCRM-14389 membership api - add test for fix
2014-04-08 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2844 from totten/4.4-handlePaymentN...
2014-04-08 Eileen McNaughtonCRM-14396 - add module extension support to handlePayme...
2014-04-08 kurundnotice fixes
2014-04-08 kurundfix for CRM-14427
2014-04-07 kurundnotice fixes
2014-04-07 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #2840 from kurund/git-hook-fixes
2014-04-07 kurundcommit hook fixes
2014-04-07 colemanwMerge pull request #2838 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-04-07 dloboMerge pull request #2743 from eileenmcnaughton/CRM...
2014-04-07 Eileen McNaughtonE-notice fix, next_sched_contribution
2014-04-07 Eileen McNaughtonCRM-14420 - api contribution.completetransaction should...
2014-04-07 Eileen McNaughtonCRM-14419 - e-notice on activity.getcount when contact_...
2014-04-07 dloboMerge pull request #2805 from rnao/CRM-14389
2014-04-07 Brian ShaughnessyCRM-14334 merge records: allow empty value to overwrite...
2014-04-07 Brian ShaughnessyCRM-14208 additional includes for J3.2.1+
2014-04-04 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2820 from totten/4.4-tz-opt
2014-04-04 Tim OttenCRM-14423 - CiviUnitTestCase - Only run env checks...
2014-04-04 Tim OttenMerge pull request #2819 from totten/4.4-tz-alert