2012-11-05 DarrenClient: Show joins/parts in settings applet
2012-11-05 DarrenClient: Settings window; show_join_parts setting
2012-11-05 DarrenClient: CLI access to get/set/save settings
2012-11-05 DarrenClient: Scrollback setting implemented
2012-11-05 DarrenClient: Persistant settings implemented
2012-11-05 DarrenClient: Private `kiwi` namespace renamed to `_kiwi`
2012-11-04 DarrenClient: New plugin manager implementation
2012-11-04 DarrenClient: Escaping HTML in /list output
2012-11-04 DarrenBuild command added to bash wrapper
2012-11-04 DarrenClient: .gitignore index.html
2012-11-04 DarrenClient: index.html generated within build script
2012-11-03 DarrenMerge branch 'development' of
2012-11-03 DarrenClient: Default theme set to 'relaxed'
2012-11-03 DarrenClient: Query model for actual query windows
2012-11-03 DarrenMerge pull request #115 from M2Ys4U/irc_uri
2012-11-03 Jack AllnuttRemoving debugging, adding some comments
2012-11-03 Jack AllnuttImplement client handling of irc: uris
2012-11-03 DarrenClient: Rogue console.log()s removed
2012-11-03 DarrenClient: backbone/jquery/underscore files updated
2012-11-03 Darrennpm postinstall updated with new client folder structure
2012-11-03 DarrenUpdated readme
2012-11-03 DarrenServer: bash wrapper file executable bit
2012-11-02 DarrenServer: Correct IRC socket connect handler
2012-11-02 DarrenServer: Uncaught exception handler
2012-11-02 DarrenMerge ... development branch (New server codebase)
2012-11-02 DarrenServer: Passing correct client addr for webirc usage
2012-11-02 DarrenMerge branch 'backbone_ui' of
2012-11-01 Jack AllnuttMerge branch 'backbone_ui' of
2012-11-01 Jack AllnuttRemove uneeded require() of config module.
2012-11-01 Jack AllnuttFix clashing object keys in RPL_WHOISSERVER
2012-10-31 DarrenMerge branch 'backbone_ui' of
2012-10-31 Jack AllnuttConfigure IRC Server SSL handling
2012-10-31 Jack AllnuttUse explicit global variable for current configuration...
2012-10-31 DarrenClient: Improved panel sizing
2012-10-30 DarrenClient: Controlbox input aligning
2012-10-29 DarrenServer: extra entropy for clients hash. Logging IRC...
2012-10-29 DarrenGit ignoring kiwi runtime files
2012-10-29 DarrenServer: reconfig control signals
2012-10-29 DarrenServer: Updated stats command to new client store
2012-10-29 DarrenServer: re-arranged disposing
2012-10-29 DarrenServer: Removing console.logs, comments, formatting
2012-10-29 DarrenServer: max_client_conns = 0 to disable limit
2012-10-29 DarrenClient: /k alias fix
2012-10-29 DarrenClient: Pasting multiple lines
2012-10-29 Jack AllnuttImplement the max_client_conns config setting
2012-10-28 logging options
2012-10-28 DarrenRemoved old server files
2012-10-28 DarrenBash helper file
2012-10-28 DarrenDaemonize option and outputting to file
2012-10-28 DarrenUID/GID changing in the correct order?
2012-10-28 DarrenRemoving bound events #101
2012-10-27 Darren/slap alias updated
2012-10-27 DarrenMeta key ignored on global focus for OSX
2012-10-27 DarrenTopicbar usability improvements
2012-10-27 Jack AllnuttSECURITY FIX: Kiwi is vulnerable to XSS attack due...
2012-10-27 DarrenTopicbar usability improvements
2012-10-27 Jack AllnuttSECURITY FIX: Kiwi is vulnerable to XSS attack due...
2012-10-26 DarrenReverse HTTP proxies enabled on connections
2012-10-26 DarrenIE7 icon support
2012-10-26 DarrenFont-awesome and icon styling
2012-10-26 DarrenRemoving redundant assets
2012-10-23 DarrenRemoved cert+keys #93
2012-10-23 DarrenRehashing new clients #92
2012-10-23 DarrenReverse DNS fix. Passing client IP via username #99
2012-10-23 DarrenNicklist border style
2012-10-22 DarrenSending connection errors back to the client. Stack...
2012-10-22 DarrenRemoving old client files
2012-10-22 resource now base_path + '/transport'. #97
2012-10-22 DarrenHttpHandler reading from config. Default client subdir...
2012-10-22 DarrenGlobal config created, correct quit message. #94
2012-10-21 Darrenrenaming 'secure' to 'ssl' #91
2012-10-21 DarrenConfig files now as a nodejs module
2012-10-21 DarrenIp via username rather than realname
2012-10-21 DarrenMissed deleted file
2012-10-21 DarrenMore naming conventions
2012-10-21 Darrenhttphandler.js rename. client.sendIRCCommand naming
2012-10-21 DarrenServing new client code
2012-10-21 DarrenUpdated client codebase
2012-10-21 DarrenRemoved old irc-connection file
2012-10-21 Darrenclient + ircconnection cleanup
2012-10-21 Darrenkiwi.js, WebListener and HttpHandler refactor. Remove...
2012-10-20 DarrenNicklist hover styling
2012-10-20 DarrenSwitching from 'jquery-tmpl' template types
2012-10-20 DarrenGiving the nicklist an (ugly) body
2012-10-19 DarrenReverse proxy detection in
2012-10-17 DarrenSending use IPs as realname option
2012-10-17 DarrenIgnoring new kiwi*.js locations
2012-10-17 DarrenRemoving kiwi*.js files
2012-10-17 DarrenReverse proxy support
2012-10-16 DarrenUntied application from root path
2012-10-14 DarrenOp related aliases included
2012-10-12 DarrenWindow onfocus timer fix
2012-10-12 Darrenthis/that in gateway.js
2012-10-12 DarrenIE .splice() second param requirement
2012-10-11 DarrenAbsolute file paths
2012-10-11 DarrenRemoving borders around images on IE
2012-10-11 Jack AllnuttFix for bug on Firefox.
2012-10-11 DarrenMerge branch 'dev'
2012-10-11 DarrenUncaughtException handler in server re-enabled
2012-10-11 DarrenMerge branch 'dev'