2023-02-28 Greg Faroughreorder
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughsome updates
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughadd time
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughfix email
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughadd nav
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughbreaks
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughremove breaks; more info
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughedits
2023-02-28 Greg Faroughinitial commit
2023-02-27 Miriamadded unmukti hopbox logo
2023-02-24 Greg Faroughcomment geoff and n/a
2023-02-24 Greg Faroughrun makefile
2023-02-24 Miriamadded restaurant map of venue to getting around section
2023-02-24 Miriamchanged deadline for sponsors to March 1
2023-02-23 Greg Faroughnavbar-header
2023-02-23 Greg Faroughadd rule
2023-02-23 Greg FaroughRevert "delete this"
2023-02-23 Greg Faroughdelete this
2023-02-23 Greg Faroughtest rule
2023-02-23 Greg Faroughtry div
2023-02-23 Greg Faroughadd breaks
2023-02-22 Miriamdeleted linebreaks in joseph turner's bio
2023-02-22 Miriamchanged title and abstract of org mode talk on request...
2023-02-22 Miriamexchanged Anthony Wangs image with the LP logo as they...
2023-02-22 Miriamadded a linebreak before the vikings logo
2023-02-22 Miriamfixed layout
2023-02-22 Miriammade logos bigger
2023-02-22 Miriamadded vikings logo to exhibitors
2023-02-21 Miriamadded schedule announcement to carousel
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughwolftune copyedit
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughrayner image
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughadd to recent items
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughswap pictures
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughlight gray
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcolors
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcolors
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcolors
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughsome more color replacements
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughsome color replacements
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughremove last year's videos
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughenable buttons
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughreadable color
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughfix turner and wang
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughremove kim for now
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcopy, replace year
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcopy, replace year
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcomment boeing talk temporarily
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcomment geoff
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcomment larger block of welcome
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcomment miriam welcome
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcomment some welcome
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughcomment filter
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughupdate abstracts, speaker bios
2023-02-21 Greg FaroughRevert "test commenting"
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughtest commenting
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughfix paths, schedule
2023-02-21 Greg FaroughRevert "fix path"
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughfix path
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughtest push
2023-02-21 Greg Faroughreplace year
2023-02-14 Miriamadded getting around to side bar
2023-02-14 Miriamadded libreplanet wiki accommodations page to getting...
2023-02-14 Miriamadded online to banner again
2023-02-14 MiriamAdded venue to banner
2023-02-14 Miriamadded venue to intro
2023-02-09 MiriamChanged headings to lower case as in-kind and raffle...
2023-02-09 MiriamChanged supporter to ambassador to challenge potential...
2023-02-09 Miriamadded NoStarch as raffle sponsors
2023-02-08 Greg Faroughminor edits
2023-02-08 Miriamspell check
2023-02-08 Miriamimproving layout
2023-02-08 Miriamfixed layout
2023-02-08 Miriamfixed layout
2023-02-08 Miriamupdated travel information
2023-02-08 Greg Farough2020->2023
2023-02-02 Andrew Engelbrechtremoving /app/program.html for now
2023-02-02 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed year / links for giggity / ics instructions
2023-02-02 Andrew Engelbrechtthis should fix the ssi rules for the file
2023-02-02 Andrew Engelbrechtremoving last year's program from 2023 site
2023-01-23 Michael McMahonRemove fundraiser elements
2023-01-21 Michael McMahonRemove extra spaces from safe space policies.
2023-01-21 jrasataadded missing 'be'
2023-01-21 jrasatarewrote a paragraph; edited capitalization in workshop...
2023-01-21 jrasatalowercased non-initial work in heading, following FSF...
2023-01-21 jrasatalowercased non-initial heading words, in accordance...
2023-01-21 jrasatalowercased one word, capitalized 'line' when it referre...
2023-01-21 jrasataremoved two words, added one
2023-01-21 jrasataadded periods at the end of two full sentences
2023-01-21 jrasataadded parenthetical commas
2023-01-21 jrasataadded Oxford comma
2023-01-21 jrasataadded missing commas
2023-01-21 jrasatainjected more enthusiasm in the Thank You, by appending...
2023-01-21 jrasataadded missing comma, move some words around
2023-01-21 jrasataadded spaces after hashtags in headings
2023-01-12 Miriamadded keynote to carousel
2023-01-12 Miriamadded keynote announcement to recent updates
2023-01-10 Andrew Engelbrechtadjustment to piwik tracking
2023-01-04 Greg Faroughupdate copyright notice
2023-01-03 Michael McMahonMinor change to test git hook
2023-01-03 Michael McMahonMinor change to test git hook