2014-08-29 Jack AllnuttUpdate spdy from 1.19.1 to 1.28.1
2014-08-29 Jack AllnuttUpdate iconv-lite from 0.2.11 to 0.4.4
2014-08-29 Jack AllnuttUpdate ipaddr.js from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3
2014-08-29 Jack AllnuttUpdate eventemitter2 from 0.4.13 to 0.4.14
2014-08-29 Jack AllnuttUpdate uglify-js from 2.4.12 to 2.4.15
2014-08-29 Jack AllnuttUpdate node-static from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4
2014-08-29 Jack AllnuttUpdate to 1.3.1
2014-08-27 DarrenMacedonian translation #583
2014-08-27 DarrenShow general IRC errors within the client
2014-08-27 DarrenKeep hold of X lines from IRCd for connection error...
2014-08-27 DarrenTriggering connection 'close' event fix
2014-08-14 DarrenActivity counters stored in channel model
2014-08-14 DarrenRestrict some network info to plugins
2014-08-14 DarrenCLI theme 100% width nick list when narrow
2014-08-13 Darrentextstyle plugin reset
2014-08-13 DarrenRemove trailing comma in app.js
2014-08-12 DarrenUser scripts cleanup for ControlInput events
2014-08-12 DarrenCorrectly proxy events for plugin components other...
2014-08-12 DarrenEmoticon + text style plugins
2014-08-12 DarrenNetwork components get/set
2014-08-11 DarrenTruncating unread message counter when > 999 #578
2014-08-10 DarrenAuto IRCd reconnect config option
2014-08-10 DarrenMissing CLI topic bar styles from earlier commit
2014-08-09 DarrenEasier webirc single server password config
2014-08-08 DarrenPointer cursor on clickable nicks
2014-08-08 DarrenCLI channel tree view styling
2014-08-08 DarrenMessage drop down bar smoother; CLI topic bar styling
2014-08-08 DarrenClient: Plugin event on new control input commands
2014-08-07 DarrenSwitching to a snappier highlight sound
2014-08-06 DarrenUser prefix in front of nicks by default
2014-08-06 DarrenShowing unparsed messages in desktop notifications
2014-08-05 DarrenTimers + gauges added to Stats
2014-08-04 DarrenRemoving server tabs when connection is removed
2014-08-04 DarrenTranslations update + Korean
2014-08-04 DarrenDon't create error messages when there is no error
2014-08-04 DarrenClient reconnection notification cleanup + fixes
2014-07-29 Darrenload/unload modules at runtime
2014-07-27 DarrenStats file creating new fd for every write fix
2014-07-27 DarrenServer stats/events module
2014-07-26 DarrenIRCd reconnection only when registered for 10+ secs
2014-07-26 DarrenBetter IRC server reconnection logic
2014-07-23 DarrenStop opening new tab on registering default irc handler
2014-07-17 DarrenMerge branch 'CoryChaplin-fix_380' into development
2014-07-17 DarrenMerge branch 'fix_380' of
2014-07-17 Cory ChaplinRemoving useless part
2014-07-17 Cory ChaplinSend the right object when removing panel
2014-07-17 DarrenDisable counter increasing for joins/parts/quits by...
2014-07-16 DarrenTrigger message:* channel:* events for global Network...
2014-07-16 Cory ChaplinAdd tab fallback for removed panels that have not been...
2014-07-16 Cory ChaplinBetter detection for last open panel
2014-07-16 Cory ChaplinFix for #380, fallback to last open tab when closing...
2014-07-16 DarrenWait until all QUIT command is sent to server before...
2014-07-16 DarrenMerge branch 'development' of
2014-07-16 DarrenCorrectly using /quit command without reconnecting...
2014-07-16 DarrenMerge pull request #565 from CoryChaplin/feature_create...
2014-07-16 Cory ChaplinFix createQuery
2014-07-16 Cory ChaplinAllow plugins to create queries
2014-07-15 DarrenControl input placeholder text
2014-07-15 DarrenDisplay any IRC connection errors in the client
2014-07-14 DarrenConvert any non-commands sent into non channel/query...
2014-07-13 DarrenOnly colourise nicks if in a users message, not joins...
2014-07-13 DarrenNicks within messages now colorised + clickable
2014-07-12 DarrenMoving channel set_topic_by text to topic bar title
2014-07-12 DarrenIncorrect context for parseModeList()
2014-07-12 DarrenMoving server-side capContainsAny() to IrcConnection...
2014-07-12 DarrenMove NICK command into commands/user.js
2014-07-12 DarrenTidying + splitting up IRC commands
2014-07-12 DarrenChannel topic more prominent
2014-07-11 DarrennewMsg() cleanup + more predictable output #562
2014-07-04 DarrenBetter use of inherited panels
2014-07-03 DarrenOnly open 1 query panel per user from userbox
2014-07-03 Darren'prefix' added to styleText member object
2014-07-03 DarrenReconnecting when IRCd drops the connection
2014-07-03 DarrenText theming of the displayed nick #560
2014-07-03 DarrenIncluding nick prefix into message objects
2014-07-03 DarrenDataStore as a public component
2014-07-02 DarrenNicklist toggle border-radius mobile hacks
2014-07-02 DarrenCode formatting
2014-07-02 DarrenCorrectly sending irc disconnected error to browser
2014-07-01 DarrenServer selection screen showing errors fix
2014-07-01 DarrenRefactor gecos so plugins can modify it before connecting
2014-06-30 DarrenMore relevant example in server/plugininterface.js
2014-06-30 DarrenChannel tools no longer scrolling with nick list
2014-06-30 DarrenNew tab styling on mini theme
2014-06-30 DarrenMini theme - nick list toggle now enabled
2014-06-30 DarrenTouch-screen friendly 100% nick list on narrow screens
2014-06-30 DarrenBasic theme - Nick hiding on narrow screen
2014-06-30 DarrenBasic theme - right bar 100% width + app tools collapse...
2014-06-30 DarrenBasic theme tabs matching new relaxed theme tabs
2014-06-27 Darren/alias command fixes
2014-06-27 Darren/cycle command #444
2014-06-27 DarrenShowing user quits in the query panel #538
2014-06-27 DarrenMerge pull request #557 from H7-25/buildts
2014-06-27 Darrenpanel:created panel:close panel:active plugin hooks
2014-06-27 Darrenmessage:new & message:display plugin hooks
2014-06-27 DarrenStop printing RAW commands to the console #558
2014-06-25 DarrenProxy checker comments
2014-06-25 DarrenProxy checker module: 5s timeout
2014-06-25 DarrenOpen proxy checker module
2014-06-23 DarrenExtracting client user commands from application.js