2023-06-25 colemanwMerge pull request #26660 from eileenmcnaughton/custom_...
2023-06-25 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26658 from colemanw/autoLinks2
2023-06-25 Eileen McNaughtonMove Custom Group search test to extension, remove...
2023-06-25 Tim OttenMerge pull request #26656 from totten/master-standalone-dbg
2023-06-25 colemanwMerge pull request #26652 from eileenmcnaughton/pet
2023-06-25 colemanwMerge pull request #26653 from eileenmcnaughton/survey
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for MailingComponent page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for MailSettings page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for MembershipStatus page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for PaymentProcessor page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for ParticipantStatusType page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for RelationshipType page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for PaymentProcessorType page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for DatePreferences page
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for contactType and locationType
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for SMSProvider page
2023-06-25 colemanwCRM_Core_Page_Basic - Cleanup copy-pasta comments
2023-06-25 colemanwSwitch to autoLinks for ACLEntityRole page
2023-06-25 Tim OttenStandalone - Suppress debug output
2023-06-25 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26644 from colemanw/autoLinks
2023-06-25 Eileen McNaughtonAdd apiv4 Survey entity
2023-06-25 Eileen McNaughtonRemove copy-and-paste comment
2023-06-25 colemanwREF - Auto-generate links for CRM_Core_Page_Basic
2023-06-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26640 from eileenmcnaughton/process...
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26648 from eileenmcnaughton/ufmatch
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonFix test to not use brittle xml, remove redundant crud...
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26647 from colemanw/mappingCleanup
2023-06-24 colemanwMerge pull request #26645 from eileenmcnaughton/ufjoin
2023-06-24 colemanwREF - Code cleanup and notice fixes in scheduled reminders
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26634 from eileenmcnaughton/civi_unit
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonUpdate UFJoin test to not use brittle xml set up
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonFix some test cleanup routines
2023-06-24 colemanwMerge pull request #26638 from eileenmcnaughton/uf
2023-06-24 colemanwMerge pull request #26595 from totten/ts-warn
2023-06-24 colemanwMerge pull request #26639 from colemanw/acl_search_disp...
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26641 from civicrm/5.63
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26596 from demeritcowboy/syncmatch
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughton[Test] Clean up payment processors when cleaning up...
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonCleanup Apiv3-UfField test
2023-06-24 colemanwAPI/SearchKit - Improve dynamic pseudoconstant lookups...
2023-06-24 colemanwMerge pull request #26624 from seamuslee001/acl_search_...
2023-06-24 colemanwFix APIv3 conformanceTest when a field has no options...
2023-06-24 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #26585 from colemanw/crmMailingRecip...
2023-06-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26574 from eileenmcnaughton/event_p...
2023-06-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26632 from eileenmcnaughton/deploy_id
2023-06-24 Eileen McNaughtonUpdate online_event_template to use workflow message
2023-06-24 colemanwMerge pull request #26625 from larssandergreen/Group...
2023-06-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26635 from eileenmcnaughton/test_tidy
2023-06-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26633 from eileenmcnaughton/cont_status
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonVery minor test cleanup
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonContribution WorkflowTrait updates to support event...
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonAdd deployID to civicrm.settings.php
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26631 from totten/master-bump-stand...
2023-06-23 Tim OttenStandalone - Rerun 'civix upgrade'. Drop backports.
2023-06-23 Tim Otten(Re-run) Set version to 5.64.alpha1 (with standaloneusers)
2023-06-23 Tim OttenAdd "standaloneusers" to list of "core-ext"s
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26618 from totten/bb
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26630 from civicrm/5.63
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26621 from artfulrobot/artfulrobot...
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26628 from agh1/5.63.0-releasenotes...
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26560 from eileenmcnaughton/paypal_2
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26629 from larssandergreen/Group...
2023-06-23 Tim Otten(NFC) Standalone
2023-06-23 larssandergreenDon't show filtered NaN on Groups when 0 groups found
2023-06-23 Andie Hunt5.63.0 release notes: added boilerplate
2023-06-23 Andie Hunt5.63.0 release notes: raw from script
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26626 from totten/master-mail-cleanup
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: civilint
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: Update README
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: civix upgrade on standaloneusers
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... update readme
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: add mgmt:hidden tag to info.xml so this...
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: commit users search
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: initial incomplete import of standaloneuser...
2023-06-23 Tim OttenMigrate Standalone.civi-setup.php to civicrm-standalone.git
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: don't cache class_exists
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: remove absolute URL support (broke QF)...
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: when users extension not available create...
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: correct detection of standalone security...
2023-06-23 Rich Lott ... standalone: reimplement permission check
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26620 from eileenmcnaughton/anet
2023-06-23 Tim Otten(Squash) Cleanup intra-PR conflicts
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeAdd Upgrade step to handle adding of the Everybody...
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeAdd in PseudoConstants for various fields in ACL entity
2023-06-23 colemanwMerge pull request #26610 from seamuslee001/fix_priorit...
2023-06-23 colemanwMerge pull request #26627 from seamuslee001/everyone_op...
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeAdd Everyone acl role option value
2023-06-23 Tim OttenFlexmailer - Simplify conditionals
2023-06-23 larssandergreenFix group count for delete confirmation
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26623 from colemanw/secretGroup
2023-06-23 Tim Ottencivicrm/mailing/queue - Remove hidden/obsolete sender
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeRetain the concept of an all groups rule == all contact...
2023-06-23 Tim Ottencivicrm/mailing/browse/* - Fix warning
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeAdd in further unit tests and remove some duplicate...
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeFix some missing places where prioritisation is not...
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26615 from colemanw/aclTableNameFix
2023-06-23 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #26622 from colemanw/explorerFix
2023-06-23 colemanwGroup BAO - Remove secret param that was breaking group...
2023-06-23 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #26605 from samuelsov/lab2549
2023-06-23 colemanwMerge pull request #26567 from eileenmcnaughton/templates