2019-11-27 Greg Faroughv10
2019-11-19 Michael McMahonAdd banner and modal window
2019-09-04 Greg Faroughminifree typo
2019-07-16 Andrew EngelbrechtRevert "Add banner and modal window"
2019-06-18 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed link borders on bottom of links for mw
2019-06-18 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved justification of modal text
2019-06-17 Michael McMahonAdd banner and modal window
2019-04-22 Dana Morgensteinfixed link
2019-04-22 Dana Morgensteinadded link to 2018 site
2019-01-02 Andrew EngelbrechtRevert "tiny hidden change"
2019-01-02 Andrew Engelbrechttiny hidden change
2019-01-02 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved banner from giving guide
2018-12-24 Molly de Blancminifree note update per leah's request.
2018-12-04 Molly de Blancadded minifree's x200.
2018-12-04 Molly de Blancfixed links in giving guide.
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtfixes to button and image layouts
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed weblabels issue on /v9/
2018-11-21 Molly de Blancupdated per johns edits round 3.
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtcenter the FSF donation item on its own row
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtwhitespace fixes
2018-11-21 Molly de Blancround 2 of johns edits.
2018-11-21 Molly de Blancfixed johns requests round 1.
2018-11-21 Molly de Blancupdated gg with fsf discount co discount code.
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed sellers links for rng
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed size of img and placement of buy button
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtconsistent placement of items
2018-11-21 Andrew Engelbrechtprobably fixed the missing 'buy' button issue
2018-11-21 Molly de Blancfixed linking to technoethical's sale.
2018-11-21 Molly de Blancfixed linking to technoethical's sale.
2018-11-20 Andrew Engelbrechthack to set the right RNG img proportions
2018-11-20 Andrew Engelbrechtchanged color of header links on main page of /v9/
2018-11-20 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:fsf-giving-guide
2018-11-20 Molly de Blancupdated giving guide per danam's feedback.
2018-11-20 Andrew Engelbrechtadded javascript license for inline javascript
2018-11-20 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed color of links in the intro text
2018-11-20 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:fsf-giving-guide
2018-11-20 Molly de Blancupdated per john h suggestions.
2018-11-20 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed banner url for /v9/
2018-11-20 Molly de Blancupdated linking typo.
2018-11-20 Molly de Blancgit pushMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:fsf-giving...
2018-11-20 Molly de Blancupdated v9.
2018-11-16 Andrew Engelbrechtadded 2018 fundraiser banner to /v7/
2018-11-16 Andrew Engelbrechtadded 2018 fundraiser banner to /v8/
2018-11-07 Molly de Blancadded open rights group photo to git directory.
2018-11-06 Molly de Blancupdated giving guide.
2018-11-05 Molly de Blancupdated guide.
2018-10-29 Molly de Blancupdated the giving guide.
2018-10-25 Molly de Blancupdated v9.
2018-10-24 Molly de Blancupdating v9.
2018-10-10 Molly de Blancstarted updating gg.
2018-10-09 Molly de Blancadded directory v9.
2018-03-05 Ian Kellingadd note about responsive branch
2018-01-03 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved 2017 fall fundraiser banners
2017-12-21 Molly de Blancadded minifree.
2017-12-01 Molly de Blancedits to html tags for validation.
2017-11-29 Molly de Blancremoved sintel.
2017-11-29 Molly de Blancfixed close tag.
2017-11-29 Molly de Blancupdated sintel note.
2017-11-27 Molly de Blancupdated alphabetical order of music section.
2017-11-27 Molly de Blancfixed spacing.
2017-11-24 Molly de Blancunlinked technoethical sale deal.
2017-11-24 Molly de Blancremoved thinkpenguinuin desktop per Intel ME.
2017-11-24 Molly de Blancfixed viking/vikings linking issue with promotions.
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingupdate git hook instructions
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingfix rsync command to make more sense
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingremove duplicate and temporary files
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingremove duplicate makefiles
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingremove duplicate readme
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingcleanup: remove unused template file
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingcleanup: remove duplicate v7 file and emacs backup
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingcleanup: move root images dirs to v5-earlier-images
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingcleanup: remove v6 files duplicated in root
2017-11-23 Ian Kellingmove early v7 files into their own dir
2017-11-22 Ian Kellingclarify git hooks folder
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancedits to surface.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancedits to surface.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancedits to avoid sections.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancedits to stay away from.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancfixed links.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancfixed links.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancfixed links.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancfixed licenses?
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancfixed licenses?
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancedits, more products, more links, image.
2017-11-22 Dana Morgensteinfixed refs to Wi-Fi and emdashes
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancjohns edits.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancedits per johns.
2017-11-22 Molly de Blancadded files.
2017-11-21 Molly de Blanccopy edits.
2017-11-21 Molly de BlancFIXED THE WORKSTATION BUTTON.
2017-11-21 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:fsf-giving-guide
2017-11-21 Molly de Blancminor edit to README.md.
2017-11-21 Dana Morgensteinminor copyedits
2017-11-21 Molly de Blancedits.
2017-11-21 Ian Kellingfix d16 hidden buy link
2017-11-21 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:fsf-giving-guide
2017-11-21 Molly de Blancedits per dana suggestions.
2017-11-21 Ian Kellingfix img link
2017-11-21 Ian Kellingadd untracked hook script to git
2017-11-21 Molly de Blancedits.