2021-03-18 Greg Faroughlibreadventure to carousel
2021-03-18 Greg Faroughtypo
2021-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtcenter the text on the registered page
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtfixed appearance of apt install instructions 2021-design
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtbreak out minetest and mumble install instructions
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonMerge branch '2021-design' of
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonStyle code
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated text about minetest
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechthiding LP 2020 session videos
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtupdate navbar buttons on the left
2021-03-18 Andrew EngelbrechtRevert "remove items requiring access"
2021-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch '2021-design' of ssh://
2021-03-18 Greg Faroughremove items requiring access
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated symlink for ruben, post garble rm
2021-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch '2021-design' of ssh://
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtfix space around h2 elements
2021-03-18 Greg Faroughtake out workshosp
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonUpdate live button hover
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtremove garbled part of 'registered' url
2021-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-18 Andrew EngelbrechtMerge branch 'stable' into 2021-design
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved blue hover effect on live page links
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved blue underline from live page links
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved broken / missing include
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtchange green to orange color
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved 'bar' placeholder exhibitor
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonLast dark mode changes before launch
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonRevert flip and make program borders gold
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonFlip header colors on schedule/bios and add closing...
2021-03-18 Greg Faroughremove lorem ipsum exhibitor
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonHide astronaut when there is a panel
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonUpload CSS and astronaut
2021-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechthide channel names on registered page for now
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtlist libreplanet hallway too
2021-03-18 zoe1eff link to libreadventure
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonChange links from absolute to relative
2021-03-18 Michael McMahonUpload new images and change links from
2021-03-18 zoe1title update
2021-03-18 zoe1timezones UTC
2021-03-18 zoe1timezones UTC
2021-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechthide irc for now
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtit looks like we're removing subpages for workshops
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtchanged irc channel join text
2021-03-17 zoe1fix eff?
2021-03-17 zoe1fix eff
2021-03-17 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-17 zoe1name change
2021-03-17 zoe1eff updated from open to free
2021-03-17 zoe1eff url update
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated live sidebar spacing
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughpeople on this page are already registered
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated IRC text in live sidepanel
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughcraigt trivia description, thursday
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughcraigt trivia description, current
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughhr, h2
2021-03-17 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughlinks tba, trivia edits
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtadded irc channel join commands in sidebar
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughregistration note
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughhr
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughchanges
2021-03-17 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughtrivia info
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtadded symlink to registered section for LA
2021-03-17 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughthursday link tba
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated minetest instructions
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated minetest connection instructions
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtinstructions for connecting to minetest
2021-03-17 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughpanel with links
2021-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtremoving LibreAdventure link until Thursday
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughfoss libre
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughlinks
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughchill zone links
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughcorrect link
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughics schedule
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughtypo
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughlibre
2021-03-17 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-17 Greg Faroughopen source -> free
2021-03-17 zoe1it's electronic not european
2021-03-17 zoe1eff description
2021-03-17 zoe1EFF on general exhibitors page
2021-03-17 zoe1irc
2021-03-17 zoe1eff layout
2021-03-17 zoe1exhibitor page
2021-03-17 zoe1update title in EFF
2021-03-17 zoe1logo eff
2021-03-17 zoe1eff logo
2021-03-17 zoe1eff update
2021-03-17 zoe1jpeg
2021-03-17 zoe1edits EFF
2021-03-17 zoe1sponsoring page EFF
2021-03-17 zoe1eff text basics
2021-03-17 zoe1break for real
2021-03-17 zoe1break between 2 images
2021-03-17 zoe1exhibitor sizes