2014-10-15 Zak RogoffResolving conflict.
2014-10-15 Zak RogoffNot sure what this was.
2014-10-15 Zak RogoffRemoving parentheses around clear links.
2014-10-15 Zak RogoffUpdating scholarship app due date and putting due dates...
2014-10-15 Zak RogoffUpdating scholarship app due date and putting due dates...
2014-10-14 rsiddharthserver/2015/scholarship_js.html: added jQuery magic...
2014-10-14 rsiddharthMerge branch 'master' of
2014-10-14 rsiddharth2015/scholarships/index.html: commented out the non...
2014-10-14 Zak RogoffAdding two fields back to scholarship form.
2014-10-14 Zak RogoffAdding two fields back to scholarship form.
2014-10-14 Zak RogoffBunch o little updates prepping for registration launch.
2014-10-12 rsiddharthmodified scholarships/index.html: commented out fields...
2014-10-12 rsiddharthUpdated assets/css/custom.css: removed space above...
2014-10-12 rsiddharthupdated 2015/scholarships/index.html: adde postURL...
2014-10-12 rsiddharthupdated server/staging/lp15/weblabels.html
2014-10-12 rsiddharthadded: assets/js/jquery-1.8.3.js, assets/js/jquery...
2014-10-12 rsiddharthscholarships/index.html: made initial version of the...
2014-10-12 rsiddharthAdded CSS & JS Files required for the scholarship form.
2014-10-12 jmpcodereduced vertical empty space and changed logo alignment
2014-10-11 jmpcodefavicon added
2014-10-10 Zak RogoffWorkign on notifications area.
2014-10-10 Zak RogoffTrying to put in updates area.
2014-10-10 Zak RogoffPutting up registration button in place of announcement...
2014-10-10 Zak RogoffPutting up registration button in place of announcement...
2014-10-10 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2014-10-09 Zak RogoffOk, adding these scholarhip pages to the master branch...
2014-10-09 Zak RogoffAdding a little clarification to the CFS.
2014-10-09 Zak RogoffAdding pages for scholarship applications.
2014-10-01 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2014-09-29 rsiddharthMerge branch 'master' into stable: Added Website field...
2014-09-29 rsiddharth2015/exhibit/index.html: removed the "Home/Work/etc...
2014-09-24 rsiddharthUpdated 2015/exhibit/index.html (Exhibitor Application)
2014-09-22 David ThompsonRevert "Testing out some CORS stuff on crm-dev."
2014-09-22 David ThompsonTesting out some CORS stuff on crm-dev.
2014-09-22 Zak RogoffResolving merge conflicts caused by silly workflow.
2014-09-22 Zak RogoffExperimenting with notifications area.
2014-09-19 rsiddharthWe've a initial version of LP15 updates block in the...
2014-09-18 David ThompsonMerge branch 'master' into stable.
2014-09-18 David ThompsonAdd piwik tracking to all pages.
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' into stable
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffFixing typos in CFS/theme copy.
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' into stable
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffAdding prominent link to 2015 site.
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' into stable
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffFixing outdated alt text for logo
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' into stable
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffChanging last year's conference to be last year's progr...
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' into stable
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffUpdating Bootstrap license info and reorganizing footer...
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' into stable
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffAdding confirmation page for announcements signup that...
2014-09-16 Zak RogoffMaking confirmation urls for forms point at the live...
2014-09-16 rsiddharthupdated 2015/
2014-09-16 rsiddharthThe active page is highlight in the sidebar.
2014-09-16 rsiddharthNow it is possible to add <title> to each page at ...
2014-09-15 rsiddharth[html5 validation fix] previously comment in the wrong...
2014-09-15 rsiddharthAdded comments regarding updating postURLs in the CFS...
2014-09-15 David Thompson2015: Fix call for sessions form values that had newlin...
2014-09-15 Zak Rogofflol noap that didn'twork, changing back.
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffTrying a new way of doing the posturls.
2014-09-15 Zak Rogofffixing some little linkies that were still pointing...
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffCopy fixes and reordered field options in volunteer...
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffReordering and relabeling identity fields and making...
2014-09-15 rsiddharthMerge branch 'master' of
2014-09-15 rsiddharthThe postURL in the forms now point to the respective...
2014-09-15 Zak Rogofffixing posturls in cfs
2014-09-15 Zak Rogoffa test
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffRemoving old travel scholarship field because the chang...
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffEmbedding a new version of the scholarship request...
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffTrying to make the the session type question work by...
2014-09-15 David Thompsonlibrejs: Fix URLs to bootstrap JS.
2014-09-15 David Thompsonlibrejs: Fix weblabel to point to the corresponding...
2014-09-15 David Thompsonlibrejs: Fix URL for jquery again.
2014-09-15 David Thompsonlibrejs: Fix URL to jquery 1.11.1.
2014-09-15 David Thompsonlibrejs: Fix 2015 weblabels for jquery.
2014-09-15 rsiddharthFirst version of the volunteer form ready.
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffFixing error where embedded cfs form added people to...
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2014-09-15 Zak RogoffNot sure what's in this change.
2014-09-14 rsiddharthInitial version of Exhibitor Form ready.
2014-09-13 rsiddharthAll embedded JS is now licensed under the Apache Licens...
2014-09-13 rsiddharthupdated 2015/assets/css/custom.css
2014-09-13 rsiddharthupdated 2015/
2014-09-13 rsiddharthrenamed: 2015/footer.html -> server/2015/footer...
2014-09-13 rsiddharthinitial version of 'call for sessions' form ready.
2014-09-13 rsiddharthrenamed: 2015/assets/js/bootstrap.js -> 2015/assets...
2014-09-13 rsiddharthRemoved JS includes from footer.html. From now on JS...
2014-09-12 Zak RogoffImproving look of header
2014-09-12 Zak RogoffMany small changes to appearance and copy.
2014-09-11 Zak RogoffFixing incorrect link in footer.
2014-09-11 Zak RogoffUpdating license text in footer and adding new homepage...
2014-09-11 Zak RogoffMore copy tweaks and removing under construction notices.
2014-09-11 zakFormatting fixes to updates copy.
2014-09-11 rootUpdating copy on all pages.
2014-09-10 rsiddharthupdated 2015/assets/css/custom.css
2014-09-10 rsiddharthUpdated Libreplanet 2015 logo.
2014-09-10 rsiddharthmodified: 2015/header.html
2014-09-10 rsiddharth2015/index.html uses SSI now.