2023-10-06 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27736 from colemanw/afformFnError
2023-10-06 colemanwAfform - fix undefined function error
2023-10-06 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27730 from eileenmcnaughton/567
2023-10-06 Eileen McNaughtonNotice fix
2023-10-05 CiviCRMSet version to 5.67.beta1
2023-10-05 Tim OttenMerge commit '269f94546c'
2023-10-05 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27725 from eileenmcnaughton/new...
2023-10-05 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27557 from eileenmcnaughton/bulk_create
2023-10-05 Eileen McNaughtonEnotice fix
2023-10-05 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27720 from eileenmcnaughton/566
2023-10-05 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27721 from totten/5.66-rn0
2023-10-05 Tim Ottenrelease-notes/ - Add some more late-stage...
2023-10-04 Eileen McNaughtonDo not create new contacts during bounce processing
2023-10-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27719 from eileenmcnaughton/regen
2023-10-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27716 from colemanw/endsWithPolyfill
2023-10-04 Eileen McNaughtonRe-run regen
2023-10-04 colemanwCRM_Utils_String - Deprecate startsWith and endsWith
2023-10-04 colemanwMerge pull request #27718 from MegaphoneJon/initialize...
2023-10-04 Jon GoldberggetTree: initialize variable before it's used
2023-10-04 Aidan SaundersMerge pull request #27701 from colemanw/relTab
2023-10-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27715 from civicrm/5.66
2023-10-04 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27714 from totten/5.66-srchmap...
2023-10-04 Tim OttenSavedSearchMappingTest - Fix compat with php73
2023-10-04 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27713 from colemanw/contactTypeAuto...
2023-10-04 colemanwSearchKit - Fix nonexistant links incorrectly displaying
2023-10-04 colemanwContactSummary - Prevent excessive/infinite refreshing...
2023-10-04 colemanwSearchKit - When refreshing after a task, refresh all...
2023-10-04 colemanwContactSummary - Add link to manage case in Relationshi...
2023-10-04 colemanwSearchKit - Don't crash if join entity doesn't exist
2023-10-04 colemanwCiviCase - Add "manage case" link to metadata, make...
2023-10-04 colemanwContactSummary - Remove old relationships tab
2023-10-04 colemanwContactSummary - Add SearchKit display for relationship...
2023-10-04 colemanwUpdate icon for relationship permission
2023-10-04 colemanwRelationshipCache - Add 'add' metadata
2023-10-04 colemanwSearchKit - The first display in a tab gets to control...
2023-10-04 colemanwAfform - Fix data type when setting entity values
2023-10-04 colemanwMerge pull request #27660 from eileenmcnaughton/delete
2023-10-03 colemanwAPIv4 - Fix autocomplete for Individual,Household,Organ...
2023-10-03 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27691 from totten/master-queue...
2023-10-03 colemanwMerge pull request #27693 from eileenmcnaughton/remove_math
2023-10-03 colemanwMerge pull request #27592 from colemanw/afformBool
2023-10-03 Tim OttenRename Queue::runLoop() to Queue::run()
2023-10-03 Tim Otten(NFC) RunLoop - Expand docblocks
2023-10-03 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27642 from lemniscus/sk-table-heade...
2023-10-03 Noah MillerSK: Align column headers according to settings
2023-10-03 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27712 from colemanw/contactTypeApi2
2023-10-03 Aidan SaundersMerge pull request #27700 from colemanw/exportDefaults
2023-10-03 Aidan SaundersMerge pull request #27698 from colemanw/afformShareFieldset
2023-10-03 colemanwManaged - Backfill default values when reverting APIv4...
2023-10-03 colemanwMerge pull request #27484 from totten/master-links
2023-10-03 colemanwAPIv4 - Update contact type api comment
2023-10-03 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27711 from civicrm/5.66
2023-10-03 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27710 from totten/5.66-links-weights
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenhook_civicrm_links - Add more weights:
2023-10-03 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27659 from colemanw/contactTypeApi
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenhook_civicrm_links - Add exception for financialItem...
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenhook_civicrm_links - Add exception for `pledge.selector...
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenhook_civicrm_links - Add exception for basic.CRM_Core_B...
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenhook_civicrm_links - Add more weights:
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenhook_civicrm_links.evch.php - Grandfather some more...
2023-10-03 Tim Otten(REF) hook_civicrm_links.evch.php - Move overrides
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenpcp.user.actions - Decompose deviant list of links
2023-10-03 Tim Ottenhook_civicrm_links - Add docblocks and event-checker
2023-10-03 colemanwMerge pull request #27695 from eileenmcnaughton/smarty_sort
2023-10-03 Tim OttenQueue::runLoop() - Add explanatory exit message for...
2023-10-03 Tim OttenQueue - Extract method getStatus()
2023-10-03 colemanwAPIv4 - Convert mysql-style CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to api...
2023-10-03 colemanwAPIv4 - Trim output of Export action to only non-defaul...
2023-10-03 colemanwAPIv4 - Fix getFields returning default value of intege...
2023-10-02 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27704 from colemanw/api4Case
2023-10-02 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27708 from seamuslee001/mailing_rec...
2023-10-02 colemanwMerge pull request #26047 from pradpnayak/customDefaults
2023-10-02 colemanwMerge pull request #27707 from eileenmcnaughton/cid
2023-10-02 colemanwTest weird
2023-10-02 colemanwAPIv4 - add docs about Individual, Household, Organizat...
2023-10-02 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27705 from colemanw/arraySyntax
2023-10-02 Seamus Lee[NFC] Add in Unit test to ensure that Disabled groups...
2023-10-02 Eileen McNaughtonSmarty notice fix
2023-10-02 colemanwMerge pull request #27706 from lemniscus/afform-prefill...
2023-10-02 Noah MillerAdd in-app docs re prefilling multiple ids in repeating...
2023-10-02 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27682 from colemanw/vernum
2023-10-02 colemanwTest - Convert arrays to short syntax
2023-10-02 colemanwExt - Convert arrays to short syntax
2023-10-02 colemanwOauth - Remove redundant constructor overrides
2023-10-02 colemanwAPIv4 - ensure action names get camelCase properly
2023-10-02 colemanwMerge pull request #27681 from artfulrobot/artfulrobot...
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone: correct Capitalised API4 actions
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone: minor fixes
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone: default to empty passwords
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone create default empty password
2023-10-02 Rich LottUpdate ext/standaloneusers/CRM/Standaloneusers/Upgrader.php
2023-10-02 colemanwMerge pull request #27618 from colemanw/afformBreadcrumbs
2023-10-02 colemanwMerge pull request #27702 from francescbassas/patch-19
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone: hacky api4 permissions commit (probably...
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone: password reset tests working
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone: fix naming of class preventing install
2023-10-02 Rich Lott ... standalone: password reset work
2023-10-02 francescbassas[REF][PHP8.1] Fix deprecation notice on passing NULL...
2023-10-02 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27699 from eileenmcnaughton/event_t...
2023-10-01 colemanwSearchKit - Fix and add test for scenario where the...