2022-03-18 Michael McMahonUpdate astronaut
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 zoesponsor pages
2022-03-18 zoemost recent speaker and schedule files
2022-03-18 Michael McMahonMeld 2021 CSS with 2022 CSS
2022-03-17 zoeall the fun
2022-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtplaceholder .ics file for LP 2022
2022-03-16 zoeadded vikings logo on in-kind donor page
2022-03-09 zoeno starch logo
2022-03-08 Andrew Engelbrechtshorten some text to avoid line wrap on x200
2022-03-08 Andrew Engelbrechtremove / replace mentions of Freenode
2022-03-07 Andrew Engelbrechtopen low-res streams in another tab
2022-03-07 Andrew Engelbrechtcorrected room name
2022-03-07 Andrew Engelbrechtcorrected room names, hide header for IRC
2022-03-07 Andrew Engelbrechtcorrected room name order
2022-03-07 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated js for stream page
2022-03-07 Andrew EngelbrechtBase 2022 LP live pages on those used for 2021
2022-02-28 zoeadrian bio
2022-02-28 zoeadrian photo
2022-02-25 zoegreta talk update
2022-02-25 zoecarousel
2022-02-25 zoeadded schedule link
2022-02-25 zoebios
2022-02-25 zoeupdated a speaker
2022-02-25 zoecolumn buttons
2022-02-25 zoedescription 100r
2022-02-25 zoeadded keynotes
2022-02-25 zoetest
2022-02-25 zoegenerated bios
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughremove generated files from git ignore
2022-02-25 Greg FaroughRevert "add keynotes"
2022-02-25 Greg FaroughRevert "add keynotes pt 2"
2022-02-25 Greg FaroughRevert "try this"
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughtry this
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughadd keynotes pt 2
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughadd keynotes
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughremove fsf + lightning talk bios
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughremove data field
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughupdate bios and schedules
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughcommit bios and sessions
2022-02-25 Greg FaroughRevert "Revert "fix makefile + update copyright year""
2022-02-25 Greg FaroughRevert "fix makefile + update copyright year"
2022-02-25 Greg Faroughfix makefile + update copyright year
2022-02-01 zoe1update back to normal
2022-02-01 zoe1reverting css timer
2022-02-01 zoe1test again for timer
2022-02-01 zoe1timer
2022-02-01 zoe1test for timer
2022-02-01 zoe1100r announce
2022-01-25 zoe1marleen stikker image
2022-01-25 zoe1Marleen keynote to recentupdates
2022-01-22 Michael McMahonRemoving banner and modal window
2022-01-20 Michael McMahonUse 2022 weblabels
2022-01-20 Michael McMahonLibreJS
2022-01-20 Greg Faroughremove trailing slash
2022-01-20 zoe1custom adapt
2022-01-20 zoe1fix carousel look
2022-01-20 Greg FaroughRevert "try setting max-size to 80%"
2022-01-20 Greg FaroughRevert "and make it important"
2022-01-20 Greg Faroughand make it important
2022-01-20 Greg Faroughtry setting max-size to 80%
2022-01-20 Greg Faroughremove extraneous <a> tag
2022-01-20 zoe1did style mess it up?
2022-01-20 zoe1closing tags
2022-01-20 zoe1carousel siye fix
2022-01-20 zoe1grr
2022-01-20 zoe1smaller images
2022-01-20 zoe1caroussel fix
2022-01-20 zoe1check if it is correct now
2022-01-20 zoe1making all images equal?
2022-01-20 zoe1update url registration
2022-01-20 zoe1caroussel update
2022-01-20 zoe1regiter blog + fix button
2022-01-20 zoe1register button
2022-01-01 Michael McMahonExtend modal window date.
2021-12-14 zoe1recent updates
2021-12-14 zoe1spacing2
2021-12-14 zoe1spacing
2021-12-14 zoe1clean up sponsor text
2021-12-13 zoe1sponsoring
2021-12-01 zoe1fix image
2021-12-01 zoe1extension
2021-11-16 Michael McMahonAdd fundraiser banner modal window
2021-10-28 Greg Faroughaward noms attempt 2
2021-10-28 Greg FaroughRevert "add award image"
2021-10-28 Greg Faroughadd award image
2021-10-28 Greg Faroughadd award noms
2021-10-06 Greg Faroughadd cfs blog to recent updates
2021-10-05 zoe1live update
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughremove offline conference-specific language from sponso...
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughadd period and fsf abbrev to footer
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughreword since we're not doing travel fund
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughadd period
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughchange travel fund link
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughcorrect error in readme
2021-10-02 zoe1caps
2021-10-02 zoe1add questionnaire
2021-10-02 zoe1online