2022-03-19 Greg Faroughcomment videos
2022-03-19 Greg Faroughcomment out items not used at launch
2022-03-19 Greg Faroughfix link tag
2022-03-18 Andrew EngelbrechtMerge branch 'stable' into 2022-dev
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughbolding and stuff
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughcopyediting
2022-03-18 zoemore sponsors
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughadd another one
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughcopy the rest
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughadd another heading
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughmention bot
2022-03-18 zoesponsor stuff
2022-03-18 zoelogos
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughcomment out questionnaire
2022-03-18 zoesponsors
2022-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch '2022-dev' of ssh://
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughadd mention of shop discount
2022-03-18 zoefix things
2022-03-18 zoesponsors
2022-03-18 Michael McMahonFix merge conflict in bootstrap.
2022-03-18 Michael McMahonRemove program floating selection
2022-03-18 zoelogos
2022-03-18 zoesponsors
2022-03-18 zoeupdated speakers
2022-03-18 zoeadded text back
2022-03-18 zoeMerge branch 'stable' of
2022-03-18 zoeschedule
2022-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtadd speaker names to ics event descriptions
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughupdate home
2022-03-18 zoeand on schedule
2022-03-18 zoeudated
2022-03-18 zoespeakers
2022-03-18 zoenew files
2022-03-18 zoeupdated files
2022-03-18 zoespeakers updates
2022-03-18 zoeupdated bios again
2022-03-18 zoehaketilo added
2022-03-18 zoeupdate to caroussel page
2022-03-18 zoeMerge branch '2022-dev' of
2022-03-18 zoetaking ozt the carousel image
2022-03-18 Michael McMahonUpdate astronaut
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 zoesponsoring
2022-03-18 zoesponsor pages
2022-03-18 zoeMerge branch 'stable' of
2022-03-18 zoeupdated a cospeaker
2022-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtdon't serve empty LOCATION field in .ics file
2022-03-18 zoespacing
2022-03-18 zoeupdate
2022-03-18 zoevikings a little bigger
2022-03-18 zoelayout sponsor page
2022-03-18 zoeadded sponsors
2022-03-18 zoevikings logo
2022-03-18 zoemost recent speaker and schedule files
2022-03-18 zoeupdate schedule
2022-03-18 Michael McMahonMeld 2021 CSS with 2022 CSS
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughcorrect regexp
2022-03-18 Greg FaroughRevert "Revert "test fix""
2022-03-18 Greg FaroughRevert "Revert "test fix""
2022-03-18 Greg FaroughRevert "test fix"
2022-03-18 Greg FaroughRevert "test fix"
2022-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughtest fix
2022-03-18 Greg Faroughtest fix
2022-03-18 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated the .ics schedule based on a custom script
2022-03-17 zoeall the fun
2022-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtadded a small logo for giggity
2022-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtplaceholder .ics file for LP 2022
2022-03-17 Andrew Engelbrechtplaceholder .ics file for LP 2022
2022-03-17 zoecorrection aaron wolf
2022-03-17 zoeupdate aaron wolf
2022-03-17 zoeupdated schedule
2022-03-17 zoeupdated speaker list
2022-03-16 zoeadded vikings logo on in-kind donor page
2022-03-15 zoealper removed
2022-03-13 zoeinnocenti update
2022-03-13 zoeupdated bio
2022-03-11 zoesome updates to schedule
2022-03-11 zoenew schedule
2022-03-11 zoenew schedule
2022-03-11 zoeMerge branch 'stable' of
2022-03-11 zoejorge
2022-03-11 zoegunnar cospeaker update
2022-03-11 zoeno starch logo
2022-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtshorten some text to avoid line wrap on x200
2022-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtremove / replace mentions of Freenode
2022-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtopen low-res streams in another tab
2022-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtcorrected room name
2022-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtcorrected room names, hide header for IRC
2022-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtcorrected room name order
2022-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated js for stream page
2022-03-11 Andrew EngelbrechtBase 2022 LP live pages on those used for 2021
2022-03-11 zoeadrian bio
2022-03-11 zoeadrian photo
2022-03-11 zoegreta talk update
2022-03-11 zoecarousel
2022-03-11 zoeadded schedule link