2018-03-12 Ruben RodriguezBIG HACK: Corrected frequency calculation for new members
2018-01-19 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated function documentation
2018-01-19 Andrew Engelbrechtrevert commit that modified getRecurDetails()
2018-01-16 Andrew EngelbrechtThis version of the TC code is no longer in use
2018-01-12 Andrew Engelbrechtcorrected variable name
2017-12-20 Ruben RodriguezSort by country,second_name,first_name for pdf generati...
2017-12-20 Ruben RodriguezDisable recipient estimation on mailings
2017-12-20 Ruben RodriguezCorrected TeX ligatures for pdf letters
2017-12-15 Andrew EngelbrechtMerge tag '4.7.28' into 4.7.28-fsf
2017-12-15 Andrew EngelbrechtFilter groups according to included profiles 4.7.21-fsf-attempt-0-rebased-fixes-0
2017-12-15 Andrew EngelbrechtAllow admin to change the names of filtered groups
2017-12-15 Andrew EngelbrechtGroups filter hack for smaller groups listings
2017-12-15 Andrew Engelbrechtremove unneeded file not deleted in git rebase
2017-12-15 Andrew Engelbrechtremove unneeded file (latex.patch)
2017-12-15 Ruben RodriguezComment cleanup
2017-12-15 Ruben RodriguezUpdated the LaTeX header for letters
2017-12-11 Ruben RodriguezAdded hack for scaping curly brackets on smarty LaTeX...
2017-12-11 Ruben RodriguezTuned up PdfLatex font settings
2017-12-11 kredisabling mail tracking
2017-12-11 kredoing replacement of "Confirm Contribution" with...
2017-12-11 kSolving RT ticket #1092988
2017-12-11 Lisa Marie... reverted js changes back to upstream
2017-12-11 Lisa Marie... ipn receiver for external api
2017-12-11 Lisa Marie... Priceset 2nd half
2017-12-07 Tim OttenMerge pull request #11384 from totten/4.7.28-rc-rev8837
2017-12-07 Tim OttenRevert "CRM-19060 fix Payment table join in membership...
2017-12-07 Tim OttenRevert "Alter Index to be of structure as suggeted...
2017-12-06 colemanwMerge pull request #11373 from agh1/4.7.28-releasenotes
2017-12-06 Andrew Hunt4.7.28 release notes: finished
2017-12-06 Andrew Hunt4.7.28 release notes: contributors finished
2017-12-06 Andrew Hunt4.7.28 release notes: partway through bugs
2017-12-05 Andrew Hunt4.7.28 release notes: done with features
2017-12-05 Andrew Hunt4.7.28 release notes: first features
2017-12-05 Andrew Hunt4.7.28 release notes: added boilerplate
2017-12-05 Andrew Hunt4.7.28 release notes: raw from script
2017-12-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11361 from seamuslee001/CRM-21508
2017-12-03 Seamus LeeCRM-21508 Fix column Information for civicrm_mailing...
2017-11-29 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11346 from seamuslee001/fix_mysql
2017-11-29 Seamus LeeFix for mysql 5.7 crash due to not adding ANY_VALUE
2017-11-29 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11339 from mlutfy/4.7.28-rc-crm21455
2017-11-29 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11341 from mlutfy/4.7.28-rc-crm21480
2017-11-29 Mathieu LutfyCRM-21480 FourSeven/updateContributionInvoiceNumber...
2017-11-29 Mathieu LutfyCRM-21455 supportsFullGroupBy: MariaDB 10.2 does not...
2017-11-28 Jitendra PurohitCRM-21436: Fix exception on pay later contribution...
2017-11-26 colemanwMerge pull request #11322 from mlutfy/4.7.28-rc-crm21481
2017-11-24 colemanwMerge pull request #11321 from mlutfy/4.7.28-rc-crm21479
2017-11-24 Mathieu LutfyCRM-21481: 4.7.28: call rebuildMultilingalSchema().
2017-11-24 Mathieu LutfyCRM-21479: Syntax fix for updateContributionInvoiceNumb...
2017-11-21 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11258 from seamuslee001/CRM-21411
2017-11-17 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11286 from jitendrapurohit/pay...
2017-11-17 Jitendra Purohitfix contribution page loading on no processor
2017-11-14 Jitendra PurohitFix fatal error on pay later
2017-11-08 Seamus LeeCRM-21411 Fix issue where unsubscribe group field would...
2017-11-08 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11249 from seamuslee001/CRM-21363...
2017-11-07 Seamus LeeCRM-21363 Only implement ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY if it is...
2017-11-07 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11173 from totten/master-reinstall-dep
2017-11-07 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11229 from seamuslee001/dedupe_test_fix
2017-11-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11234 from seamuslee001/CRM-21388
2017-11-03 Monish DebMerge pull request #11231 from seamuslee001/recur_test_fix
2017-11-03 Seamus LeeFix Recurring contribution sql so that it doesen't...
2017-11-03 Seamus LeeCRM-21388 Only throw execption if Extexsion Key is...
2017-11-02 Seamus LeeCRM-21364 Fix Dedupe fillTable Query when running in...
2017-11-02 CiviCRMMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.7.27-rc' into...
2017-11-02 Monish DebMerge pull request #11219 from seamuslee001/test-fixes...
2017-11-02 Tim OttenMerge remote-tracking branch 'agh1/4.7.26-releasenotes...
2017-11-02 Tim OttenAdd 4.7.26 release notes (credits)
2017-11-02 Tim OttenAdd 4.7.26 release notes
2017-11-02 Seamus LeeCRM-21364 Non controversial fixes for ONLY_FULL_GROUP_B...
2017-11-01 colemanwMerge pull request #11221 from JMAConsulting/CRM-21379
2017-11-01 deb.monishremove special sort order handling for dashlet
2017-11-01 deb.monishadd unit test
2017-11-01 colemanwMerge pull request #11220 from mukeshcompucorp/HW-382...
2017-11-01 deb.monishCRM-21379: Remove hard-coded Activity status set as...
2017-11-01 Mukesh RamHW-382: Moved help section outside of block
2017-11-01 Andrew Hunt4.7.27 release notes: sections in proper order
2017-11-01 Andrew Hunt4.7.27 release notes: added late changes
2017-11-01 Andrew Hunt4.7.27 release notes: finished bugs and contributors
2017-11-01 Andrew Hunt4.7.27 release notes: started bugs and updated release...
2017-11-01 Andrew Hunt4.7.27 release notes: done with features
2017-10-31 colemanwMerge pull request #10717 from JMAConsulting/CRM-20934
2017-10-31 colemanwMerge pull request #11192 from JMAConsulting/CRM-21322
2017-10-31 colemanwMerge pull request #10681 from JMAConsulting/CRM-20868
2017-10-31 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11217 from jitendrapurohit/CRM...
2017-10-31 colemanwMerge pull request #11054 from omarabuhussein/CRM-21195...
2017-10-31 deb.monishminor fix
2017-10-31 colemanwMerge pull request #11218 from colemanw/CRM-21374
2017-10-31 Coleman WattsCRM-21374 - Quick fix - D8 doesn't support regions
2017-10-31 deb.monishupgrade code fix
2017-10-31 deb.monishadditional fixes and added unit test
2017-10-31 Pradeep NayakCRM-20868, set invoice_number at contribution->create...
2017-10-31 Monish DebMerge pull request #11209 from seamuslee001/CRM-21364-2
2017-10-31 Jitendra PurohitCRM-21373 - Notice error on creating cases
2017-10-31 Tim OttenMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.7.27-rc' into...
2017-10-30 Tim OttenMerge pull request #11211 from seamuslee001/CRM-20892...
2017-10-30 colemanwMerge pull request #11156 from mukeshcompucorp/HW-381...
2017-10-29 colemanwMerge pull request #11206 from JMAConsulting/CRM-21362
2017-10-29 Seamus LeeCRM-20892 Fix up issue where created_date may not have...
2017-10-29 Seamus LeeCRM-21364 Fix upgrades from 4.2.x for ONLY_FULL_GROUP_B...
2017-10-27 Monish DebMerge pull request #11080 from waddyvic/advanced-search...
2017-10-27 deb.monishadditional fixes