2023-04-18 Miriamadded maps talk link to schedule
2023-04-18 Miriamlinked carousel to media goblin page for videos
2023-04-18 Miriamadded videos to carousel
2023-04-18 Miriamadded watch videos button to sidebar
2023-04-18 Miriamadded links to talks to schedule
2023-04-18 Miriamlinked lightning talk entry in schedule to MG
2023-04-10 Miriamdeleted first workshop from home and live
2023-04-10 Miriamdeleted /includes/live_menu as it didn't do anything...
2023-04-10 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of
2023-04-10 Greg Faroughcomment out for workshops
2023-04-10 Miriamadded mention of sidebar to livepage
2023-04-10 Miriamadded scroll down to live page
2023-04-10 Miriamadded list of workshops to home
2023-04-10 Miriamadded list of workshops that will be streamed to live...
2023-04-10 Miriamadded workshops
2023-04-10 MiriamChanged the urls for LP workshop low resolution stream...
2023-04-10 Miriamactivated Jupiter and deactivated workshop room as...
2023-04-10 Miriamdeactivated Saturn and Neptune, left Jupiter as Ian...
2023-04-10 Miriamdeactivated LP rooms on live page and activated worksho...
2023-04-10 Miriamhid LP rooms and activated workshop stream, audio and...
2023-04-10 Miriamdeactivated T-Shirt part on live page
2023-04-10 Miriamactivated live button
2023-03-28 Miriamadded GNU before MediaGoblin
2023-03-28 Miriamadded links to RMS's talk
2023-03-21 Miriamchanged logos on carousel image
2023-03-21 Miriamupdated layout
2023-03-21 Miriamcorrected quotation marks
2023-03-21 Miriamadded survey to intro
2023-03-21 Miriamchanged intro
2023-03-21 Miriamchanged intro
2023-03-21 Greg Faroughcomment out registration
2023-03-21 Greg Faroughremove buttons
2023-03-21 Miriamupdated link behind image to
2023-03-21 Miriamupdated image in carousel
2023-03-21 Miriamuploaded thank you to carousel
2023-03-20 Miriamadded blog post to updates
2023-03-19 zoelinks exhibitors
2023-03-19 Greg Faroughenable survey
2023-03-19 zoeadded LibreAdventure
2023-03-19 zoerecent updates
2023-03-18 Greg Faroughtomat0
2023-03-18 Greg Faroughtomat0
2023-03-18 zoeupdated times
2023-03-18 zoebolded live
2023-03-18 zoeupdated color LIVE
2023-03-18 zoeadding live
2023-03-18 zoeupdated bios
2023-03-18 Greg Faroughunclean makefile run
2023-03-18 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of
2023-03-18 Greg Faroughunmukti update
2023-03-18 Michael McMahonFix unclosed tags and improve Makefile
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughperms
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughheading to match vikings
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughcapitalization, perms
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughdiv no longer needed
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughdiv no longer needed
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughfix includes
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughyear includes
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughcorrect heading
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughunmukti commit
2023-03-17 Greg Faroughvikings page
2023-03-17 Greg Farought-shirt
2023-03-17 Michael McMahonFix unclosed div
2023-03-17 Miriamexcluded welcome etc in generated bios
2023-03-17 Miriamran makefile because rooms changed on schedule
2023-03-16 Greg Faroughmakefile
2023-03-16 Greg Faroughcommenting
2023-03-16 Greg FaroughRevert "add survey link"
2023-03-16 Greg Faroughadd survey link
2023-03-15 Andrew Engelbrechtreplacing old .ics schedule with new one on /2023
2023-03-15 Miriamadded location for diversity dinner
2023-03-14 Greg Faroughmintest note
2023-03-14 Greg Faroughname change
2023-03-14 Greg Faroughname change
2023-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtfix librejs for piwik.js
2023-03-10 Miriamadded Aeronaut Brewing
2023-03-09 Miriamchanged room Saturn to Neptiune for associate member...
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughupdate second logo
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughupdate vikings logo
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughadd elizabeth
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughinitial commit
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughadd covid policy
2023-03-08 Greg FaroughRevert "swap kyle"
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughswap kyle
2023-03-08 Greg Farough3demos
2023-03-08 Greg Farough3demos
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughvolunteer line
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughremove wikisms
2023-03-08 Greg Faroughmakefile run
2023-03-07 Greg Faroughfix typo
2023-03-03 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of
2023-03-03 Greg Faroughupdate to match program
2023-03-03 Miriamadded purism logo
2023-03-02 zoeremoved an extra and
2023-03-02 zoeclear:both on Aaron
2023-03-02 Miriamfixed links to speakers and talk descriptions
2023-03-02 Miriamchanged BOF session to BOF social events in href
2023-03-02 Miriamadded diversity dinner to panel-body
2023-03-02 Miriamadded member meeting to panel body
2023-03-02 Miriamfixing layout