2014-07-01 Thérèse Godefroyen: fix a typo
2014-07-01 JsxMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-07-01 JsxTranslaed opening para in sidebar
2014-07-01 David ThompsonFix unresolved conflict that was accidentally committed.
2014-07-01 Yongmin HongBump Submodule
2014-06-30 Thiago Marinellopt-br: fix some mistakes.
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffFixing unfinished paragraph.
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffFixing J++ logo on a few more pages. Should be all...
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffRemoved floating English sentence from Turkish version...
2014-06-30 Thérèse Godefroyfr: restore the phrase about the first letter of Edward...
2014-06-30 Silvan JegenUpdate sources in zip
2014-06-30 Silvan JegenBump submodule.
2014-06-30 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-30 David ThompsonMark el, es, ko, ml, and ro translations as WIP.
2014-06-30 David ThompsonBump submodule.
2014-06-30 Yongmin HongBump submodule
2014-06-30 Yongmin Hongko: Fix
2014-06-30 Yongmin HongRemove release date
2014-06-30 Yongmin HongTranslate meta keywords
2014-06-30 Yongmin HongTranslate one paragraph that was not translated
2014-06-30 Yongmin HongFix error on troubleshooting header
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Merge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Fixed redirect
2014-06-30 David ThompsonFix confirmation URLs in "Add Me" forms.
2014-06-30 David ThompsonIgnore emacs temporary files.
2014-06-30 Thérèse Godefroyfr: fix translation credits.
2014-06-30 Cătălin FrâncuRomanian: add proofreader credits.
2014-06-30 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-30 Thérèse Godefroyfr: minor fixes.
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... index
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffFixing Key ID starting with 9 sentence in Turkish.
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Fixed 9)
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Fixed zam
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Merge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Fixed zam
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Fixed Zams at
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosFixed next steps form destination url
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffDisabling Greek again. What fun.
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffCommenting Greek back in.
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosFixed infographic link in el/next_steps.html
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosAdded English strings for UI labels next to the Greek...
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Fixed extra comments
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffCommenting out Greek. Will comment back in if it looks...
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Merge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Added Edward attribution and link
2014-06-30 Zak RogoffCommenting out Malayalam, Spanish and Korean and commen...
2014-06-30 Lisa Marie... Added Edward's key
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosMinor change for all Greek HTMLs
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosMinor change in title to coincide with infographic...
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosUpdated all footers with Greek version of Creative...
2014-06-30 Ilias KoumoundourosPlaced Greek version of sources
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosTranslated infographic.html to Greek
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosBump submodule
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosTranslated next steps to Greek
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosFixed Greek image links for index, windows, mac
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosBump submodule
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosBump submodule.
2014-06-29 raffaelde: minor link exchange for source code
2014-06-29 raffaelde: Adele2Edward
2014-06-29 raffaelde: fixed minor spelling mistakes, commas and credits...
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosTranslated sections 4 + 5 for Mac + Windows to Greek
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosTranslated Section 5 of index
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenAdd source package
2014-06-29 Thérèse Godefroyfr: switch back to Adele's fingerprint and ID.
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosTranslated Section 4 of index to Greek
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenFix jplusplus URL
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenTranslate missing pieces
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenChange share URL and text
2014-06-29 raffaelde: review of confirmation.html
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenFix typo in URL
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenBump
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenTranslate footer and fixup URLs
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenChange more image URLs
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenChange image URLs
2014-06-29 Zak RogoffDisabling Romanian.
2014-06-29 Zak RogoffDisabling Korean.
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenBump submodule
2014-06-29 Silvan JegenBump submodule.
2014-06-29 Yongmin HongBump Submodule
2014-06-29 Thérèse Godefroyen: fix illogical sentence in Step 3.b, 2nd paragraph...
2014-06-29 Thérèse Godefroyen: fix typo.
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosTranslated confirmation header to Greek
2014-06-29 Vitaliy Grishenkofixed typos in full infographic
2014-06-29 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-29 Thérèse Godefroyfr: Bump submodule.
2014-06-29 Thérèse Godefroyfr: source package with updated images.
2014-06-29 Yongmin HongBump Submodule
2014-06-29 Yongmin HongModify guide.zip
2014-06-29 Yongmin HongBumb Submodule
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-29 Ilias KoumoundourosTranslated footer and added credits for all Greek pages
2014-06-29 Yongmin HongBump submodule
2014-06-29 Yongmin HongBump submodule