2021-11-16 Michael McMahonAdd fundraiser banner modal window
2021-10-28 Greg Faroughaward noms attempt 2
2021-10-28 Greg FaroughRevert "add award image"
2021-10-28 Greg Faroughadd award image
2021-10-28 Greg Faroughadd award noms
2021-10-06 Greg Faroughadd cfs blog to recent updates
2021-10-05 zoe1live update
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughremove offline conference-specific language from sponso...
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughadd period and fsf abbrev to footer
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughreword since we're not doing travel fund
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughadd period
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughchange travel fund link
2021-10-05 Greg Faroughcorrect error in readme
2021-10-02 zoe1caps
2021-10-02 zoe1add questionnaire
2021-10-02 zoe1online
2021-10-02 zoe1sponsors
2021-10-02 zoe1cfs active
2021-10-02 zoe1edits
2021-10-02 zoe1carousel
2021-10-01 zoe1carousel
2021-10-01 zoe1carousel
2021-10-01 zoe1carousel not working
2021-10-01 zoe1updating caroussel
2021-10-01 zoe1updates to 2022
2021-09-29 zoe1updated date
2021-09-29 zoe1update nav list
2021-09-29 Greg Faroughadjust some carousel text and items
2021-09-29 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2021-09-29 zoe1logo responsiveness
2021-09-29 Greg Faroughsafe space policy
2021-09-28 zoe1and some white text
2021-09-28 zoe1text update
2021-09-28 zoe1text color update
2021-09-28 zoe1banner color updates
2021-09-28 zoe1color update
2021-09-28 zoe1color updates
2021-09-28 zoe1css floating logo try
2021-09-28 zoe12022 updates
2021-09-28 zoe12022 updates
2021-09-28 zoe1includes folder update
2021-09-28 Greg Faroughremove archival banner
2021-09-28 zoe1size logo
2021-09-28 zoe1smaller logo
2021-09-28 zoe1updating years
2021-09-26 Greg Faroughtheme text markdown
2021-09-26 Greg Faroughhtml theme text update
2021-09-25 zoe1folder created 2022 based on 2020
2021-09-25 zoe1Merge branch 'stable'
2021-07-30 Michael McMahonLint 3 errors
2021-07-19 Michael McMahonRemove fundraiser banner modal window and archive
2021-06-21 Michael McMahonAdd fundraiser banner modal window
2021-06-10 Andrew Engelbrechtgrammatical fix
2021-05-14 Michael McMahonApply patches from Olivier El Mekki <olivier@el-mekki...
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughput peertube link here
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughput this one here
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughchange buttons
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughtalk links
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughadd video button
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughcarousel update
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughcarousel
2021-05-06 Greg Faroughvideo post
2021-04-26 Michael McMahonCorrect Minetest version.
2021-04-26 Michael McMahonAdd minetest tarball link.
2021-04-03 zoe1take off recent updates from 2020 to save space
2021-03-31 Michael McMahonRemove Bitfolk
2021-03-26 zoe1workshops
2021-03-26 zoe1workshops
2021-03-26 zoe1workshops back
2021-03-26 zoe1registered page
2021-03-26 zoe1registered taking off all links
2021-03-26 zoe1registered access taking off links
2021-03-26 zoe1regsitered access page - LP has ended
2021-03-26 zoe1respelling
2021-03-26 zoe1fun update to ended events
2021-03-26 zoe1casue i can spell
2021-03-26 zoe1fun update
2021-03-26 zoe1fun page ended update
2021-03-26 zoe1fun page update
2021-03-26 zoe1live title update
2021-03-26 zoe1live page
2021-03-26 zoe1carousel updates
2021-03-26 zoe1carousel updates LP has ended
2021-03-23 Michael McMahonAdd note about minetest server
2021-03-22 Greg Faroughrecent updates day two
2021-03-21 Greg Faroughrms edit
2021-03-21 Greg Faroughmember link
2021-03-21 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-21 Andrew Engelbrechtshow /join urls on main stream pages
2021-03-21 Greg Faroughpassword link
2021-03-21 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-21 Greg Faroughlinks update
2021-03-21 Andrew Engelbrechtpadding at the top and bottom
2021-03-21 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-21 Greg Faroughbbb link and info
2021-03-21 zoe1workshop time alice
2021-03-21 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-03-21 Greg Faroughalice workshop
2021-03-21 Andrew Engelbrechtminor corrections
2021-03-21 Greg Faroughsaturday posts