2002-11-20 kinkE_ALL fixes, thanks Gertjan van Oosten
2002-11-20 tassiumDiscussion on IRC reminded me I needed to add the compo...
2002-11-20 kinkHTML fix
2002-11-18 tassiumMinor change to prevent the file attachment portion...
2002-11-18 janglissE_ALL fix for mail_fetch
2002-11-18 janglissOkay... *this* is the one with debugging code, the...
2002-11-18 janglissTry again without debug code
2002-11-18 janglissAdded port check to make sure it is set otherwise this...
2002-11-18 janglissMore typoes... brain isn't with it
2002-11-18 janglissOoups... typo
2002-11-18 janglissAllow mail_fetch plugin to use a different port
2002-11-17 philippe_mingoAntoine Hulin
2002-11-16 philippe_mingo[ 613980 ] IE6 + iso-8859-13 problem
2002-11-15 stekkelImproved entity_id calculation.
2002-11-14 stekkelfix for include self in reply
2002-11-14 stekkelfix for checking specialmailboxes.
2002-11-12 tassiumConfig override file, included by config.php. Placehol...
2002-11-12 tassiumThe local override solution I put into conf.pl was...
2002-11-11 kinkA preference-line can be of "unlimited" length now
2002-11-11 tassiumAdded what I've changed to devel CVS. (conf.pl rework...
2002-11-11 tassiumAdded support for local override file (config_local...
2002-11-11 philippe_mingoAntoine Hulin
2002-11-07 kinkFixes for minor bugs pointed out by Tyler Akins.
2002-11-07 kinkFix check_php_version for versions that contain a patch...
2002-11-07 kinkFix warnings in sqstripslashes when $array is empty
2002-11-06 tassiumMerging in the tassium-auth branch.
2002-11-06 kinkRemove weird duplicate
2002-11-05 tassiumFix for calls to Deliver_SMTP->initStream() having...
2002-11-05 indiri69Make header checking case insensitive
2002-11-05 stekkelshow untitled-[entity-id] in case of message/rfc822...
2002-11-04 stekkelwrong version, 2ed try
2002-11-04 stekkelAdapted individual flag setting and make it use one...
2002-11-04 stekkelsorry, commited the wrong local file
2002-11-04 stekkeladded flag related functions for handling sets of messa...
2002-11-04 stekkelSpeed improvements by using php internal functions...
2002-11-04 stekkelminor changes to the bodystructure parser
2002-11-04 philippe_mingoTomas Kuliavas
2002-11-03 kinkE_ALL fix
2002-10-29 kinkStore highlighting rules differently to make them more...
2002-10-29 stekkeldefrost
2002-10-29 stekkelupdate for release
2002-10-29 stekkelRelease 1.3.2
2002-10-29 stekkelCVS FROST
2002-10-29 stekkelRelease notes 1.3.2
2002-10-29 kinkUse the new check_php_version function everywhere
2002-10-29 kinkIntroduce a new function: check_php_version(4,1,2)...
2002-10-29 philippe_mingoMarcos Tadeu von Lutzow Vidal
2002-10-28 indiri69Formatting cleanups
2002-10-28 indiri69Fixed Unsafe Viewing link
2002-10-28 kinkChangeLog
2002-10-28 kinkOf course the real fix for using utf7-functions inconsi...
2002-10-28 kinkFix inconsequent use of utf7_encode which causes proble...
2002-10-28 kinkMerge utf7_decode_local and utf7_encode_local into...
2002-10-28 stekkelBuggy messages with empty mime-parts (size=0) causes...
2002-10-26 kinkObsolete array.php
2002-10-26 kinkSome reworking of help.php
2002-10-26 kinkMove error checking up
2002-10-26 kinkThis check now already happens in sqimap_login, no...
2002-10-26 kinkLanguage fix
2002-10-26 kinkWorkaround buggy Opera by adding newlines. Thanks Sande...
2002-10-25 philippe_mingoSolNet Support Team
2002-10-24 robsiembselect all link should actually do something
2002-10-24 indiri69Some code cleanups.
2002-10-24 philippe_mingoTomas Kuliavas
2002-10-24 philippe_mingoArief S Fitrianto
2002-10-24 stekkeladd quotes around the personal name. This solves incorr...
2002-10-24 stekkelsorry, I introduced a bug. Things get worse before...
2002-10-24 stekkelnice error messages
2002-10-24 stekkelfix for unidentified reply-to header lines.
2002-10-24 stekkelremove require_once i18n.php because it's already inclu...
2002-10-24 stekkelSM_PATH already defined
2002-10-24 stekkelsqimap_get_delimiter needs imap_stream
2002-10-24 stekkelerror check on imap_stream.
2002-10-24 sizzlingmercuryAnother sneaky folder list (or two)
2002-10-24 sizzlingmercuryGAH! Folder lists hiding everywhere!! this one in the...
2002-10-24 sizzlingmercuryFolder Selection changes integrated from sizzle-ui...
2002-10-23 ullgren#612148: Enable TZ in safe_mode if safe_mode_allowed_en...
2002-10-23 robsiembavoid stupid IE6 bug with frames and scrollbars
2002-10-23 stekkelrg=0 fix
2002-10-23 stekkelset default download link to absolute_dl = true to...
2002-10-23 kinkSome reworking of folders.php and friends.
2002-10-23 kinkIf stream is FALSE also don't logout
2002-10-23 kinkIn sqimap_logout, check if we have a stream to logout to.
2002-10-23 stekkelSM_PATH fixes
2002-10-23 stekkeltable tag fixes
2002-10-23 stekkeldisable if we are in an opened message/rfc822 attachment
2002-10-23 stekkelfix for navigating links in digests. Added check for...
2002-10-23 kinkstrpos doesn't work if the offending char is in the...
2002-10-23 kinkrg=0 fix from stable
2002-10-23 kinkDo some HTML4 fixes and upgrade our HTML version to...
2002-10-23 kinkAlso remove the Sanitize script
2002-10-23 kinkRemove Sanitize Plugins functionality since that's...
2002-10-22 kinkUse a consistent capitalization of "SquirrelMail" throu...
2002-10-22 stekkelrollback take 99
2002-10-22 stekkellayout enhancements. Split up toolbar in Compose relate...
2002-10-22 stekkelmake use of the set_url_var extra input parameter ...
2002-10-22 stekkelAdded var $link to set_url_var so we correctly can...
2002-10-22 stekkelOnly use & when it concerns links. In all other...
2002-10-21 thomppjBlah.
2002-10-21 thomppjSM_PATH only required for CALLED pages, not includes.