2006-10-04 stevetruckstuffFirst attempt at converting $color themes to CSS styles...
2006-10-04 pdontthinkAdded comment only
2006-10-03 stevetruckstuffDemo of template-provided stylesheets.
2006-10-03 stevetruckstuffAdd support for tempalte-provided themes.
2006-10-03 stevetruckstuffClean up a few things. Also increment version number...
2006-10-03 stevetruckstuffEnable icons by default, using hte XP theme. Also...
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffThese files are no longer needed after icon theme mgmt...
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffMinor modifications to handle moving of icon themes...
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffMove icon theme management into conf.pl. Also clean...
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffCorrect handling of default user themes.
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffRemove unused function and correct handling of icon...
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffMove management of user themes (SM_PATH/css/) to conf.pl.
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffMove management of user themes (SM_PATH/css/) to conf.pl.
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuff$theme_css is no longer supported.
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffBegin some re-orginization of UI controls. Remove...
2006-10-02 stevetruckstuffAdditional comments re user-provided stylesheets
2006-10-02 pdontthinkBetter stylesheet ordering
2006-10-02 pdontthinkNew hook type
2006-10-02 pdontthinkAbstract getting the default template
2006-10-02 pdontthinkTemplate fallback added
2006-10-02 pdontthinkAdded note
2006-10-02 pdontthinkClear template file cache when changing template sets...
2006-10-02 pdontthinkJust adding some comments
2006-10-02 pdontthinklist_files can handle dirs now, etc
2006-10-02 pdontthinkAdded comments; all header() calls have to go thru...
2006-10-02 pdontthinkminor correction
2006-10-02 pdontthinkCleanup and abstraction of how default template set...
2006-10-02 pdontthinkAbstract how we get default template; move template...
2006-10-02 pdontthinkadding reminder
2006-10-02 pdontthinkAdding 'fallback' template setting; default is for...
2006-10-02 pdontthinkUpdate for template inheritance; alternate stylesheets...
2006-10-02 pdontthinkChanges that follow per the inheritance and associated...
2006-10-02 pdontthinkMassive rewrite of Template class to implement template...
2006-09-30 tokuladding php pspell support. If it breaks - blame me.
2006-09-30 tokuladding php pspell support
2006-09-30 stekkelsqBodywrap was extreme slow on large messages. The...
2006-09-30 stevetruckstuffDemo user provided alternate stylsheet
2006-09-30 stevetruckstuffAdd support for user-provided alternate stylesheets
2006-09-30 stevetruckstuffMove squirrelmail.css into default.css. squirrelmail...
2006-09-30 tokulignore msg copy errors when messages are deleted. Most...
2006-09-30 stevetruckstufflist_files does not work correctly if not extension...
2006-09-30 tokulblock uw mailbox abuse in imap select command instead...
2006-09-30 tokuldon't leave old code and DO check filters plugin when...
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffAdd tempalte config var for alternate stylesheets
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffAdd tempalte config for alternate stylesheets
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffAdditional safety check
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffcorrect typo.
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffCSS touchups
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffMake style.php only load font prefs.
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffAdd new default.css. $color themes will be supported...
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffAdd documentation re CSS, and clean up some what.
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffApply correct stylesheets for RTL languages
2006-09-29 stevetruckstuffTemplate object is referenced in load_prefs.php if...
2006-09-29 pdontthinkShould be a better fix so this hook now works with...
2006-09-29 pdontthinkRemove debugging code
2006-09-29 pdontthinkMake temporary code more obvious
2006-09-29 pdontthink"Fix" so old prefs do not totally kill conf.pl. Should...
2006-09-29 stekkelFix reply indentation. It was an ordinary typo ;)
2006-09-29 kinkprevent notice on non-html attachment viewing
2006-09-28 avelCheckboxes without labels are a pain to use... Now...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkMisc template changes
2006-09-28 pdontthinkMisc template changs
2006-09-28 pdontthinkMostly moved from base template dir
2006-09-28 pdontthinkMoved to css dir
2006-09-28 pdontthinkMoved to config.php
2006-09-28 pdontthinkNew hook type that I am very excited about; should...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkOops, don't want multilogin plugin patch in here
2006-09-28 pdontthinkNew template files
2006-09-28 pdontthinkMisc templating changes. Note that the global template...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkMoving sm_print_r back to globals.php; tired of it...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkHopefully more of what is in the util files in the...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkFile name change
2006-09-28 pdontthinkFunctionality moved to Template class and/or functions...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkChange to store template ID and not path; also bug...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkdisplayHtmlHeader uses template, no more direct echoing...
2006-09-28 pdontthinkNew Template class implementation
2006-09-28 pdontthinkrenamed with proper class file naming conventions
2006-09-27 stevetruckstufft12n of compose function. Paul, could you please check...
2006-09-27 stevetruckstuffCorrecting login stylesheet since changes to template...
2006-09-24 pdontthinkReverting other changes that snuck in. These need...
2006-09-24 pdontthinkReverting ampersand encoding. Glad I'm not going crazy...
2006-09-24 pdontthinkCorrect me if I'm wrong (because oddly, this seemed...
2006-09-22 pdontthinkFix broken legacy use of concat_hook_function. Now...
2006-09-22 pdontthinkMove sqm_array_merge to arrays.php and subsequently...
2006-09-22 pdontthinkSolved recursion problem and increased efficiency of...
2006-09-22 pdontthinkExtensive rework of concat hook function to support...
2006-09-22 pdontthinkForgot since tag
2006-09-22 pdontthinkNew 'nice' array_merge function that doesn't overwrite...
2006-09-21 pdontthinkAdding template_construct and template_output hooks...
2006-09-21 pdontthinkRemoving login_form hook, plugins can now use template_...
2006-09-21 pdontthinkFixed error check
2006-09-21 pdontthinkForgot to check default template set before falling...
2006-09-21 pdontthinkAbstract template file location logic and enable plugin...
2006-09-19 pdontthinkEnabling use of <plugin>_info() function
2006-09-19 pdontthinkDon't load prefs for serving stylesheets; instead grab...
2006-09-19 pdontthinkVariable name is misleading, if technically correct...
2006-09-19 pdontthinkDefault was overriding legitimate values in sqgetGlobal...
2006-09-19 pdontthinkVariable name is misleading, if technically correct...
2006-09-19 pdontthinkVariable name is misleading, if technically correct...
2006-09-19 pdontthinkClarifications, questions, proposals