2019-03-21 ValessioBritofix TimeZone UTC -4
2019-03-21 ValessioBritoChange sponsors logos
2019-03-21 ValessioBritoMerge branch 'lp2019'
2019-03-21 ValessioBritomv updates tv.html to tv/index.html
2019-03-21 ValessioBritoMerge branch 'lp2019'
2019-03-21 ValessioBritoFix time and no cache page
2019-03-21 TechnologyClassroomAdd colon to htaccess
2019-03-21 TechnologyClassroomAdd cors to htaccess
2019-03-21 TechnologyClassroomRename tv.html to tv/index.html
2019-03-21 TechnologyClassroomMove tv.html to tv/index.html
2019-03-20 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated video urls on static streaming pages
2019-03-20 Andrew Engelbrechtdisable the video reloading for now
2019-03-20 Andrew Engelbrechttry reloading video 3 seconds after the video ends
2019-03-20 Molly de Blancupdated sponsor logos.
2019-03-20 TechnologyClassroomAdd execute to tv.html
2019-03-20 ValessioBritoadd magic css to day and time
2019-03-20 ValessioBritoinclude program generator
2019-03-20 ValessioBritoMerge branch 'master' into lp2019
2019-03-20 TechnologyClassroomFixed whited picture
2019-03-20 Molly de Blancupdated raffle page to include prizes and sponsor page...
2019-03-20 Dana Morgensteinfixed closing time
2019-03-20 Dana Morgensteinadded closing to day one
2019-03-20 Dana Morgensteinadded day one closing
2019-03-20 Ian Kellingadd ics schedule
2019-03-19 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' of
2019-03-19 Molly de Blancupdated awards time.
2019-03-19 Dana Morgensteinfixed the rest of the raffle logos
2019-03-19 Dana Morgensteinfixed aleph and technoethical
2019-03-19 Dana Morgensteinupdating vikings logo
2019-03-19 Dana Morgensteinfixed vikings
2019-03-19 Dana MorgensteinMerge branch 'master' of
2019-03-19 Dana Morgensteinadded logos to raffle page
2019-03-19 Molly de Blancupdated recent updates.
2019-03-19 Andrew Engelbrechtadded some padding above the irc help text
2019-03-19 Andrew EngelbrechtAdded help text after the IRC widget
2019-03-19 Andrew Engelbrechtchanged icecast stream from http to https
2019-03-19 Andrew Engelbrechtchanged "show/hide desktop stream" to "..slides.."
2019-03-19 Ian KellingMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-19 Ian Kellingfix spacing issue
2019-03-19 Ian KellingMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-19 Ian Kellingadd livestream link
2019-03-19 Dana MorgensteinMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-19 Dana Morgensteinadded deb nicholson to speakers
2019-03-19 Dana MorgensteinMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-19 Dana MorgensteinMerge branch 'master' of
2019-03-19 Dana Morgensteinswitched Micky and Bdale times
2019-03-19 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-19 Molly de Blancupdated sessions page to remove Gay Gordon Byrne.
2019-03-18 ValessioBritoMerge branch 'stable' into lp2019
2019-03-18 ValessioBritochange feed url
2019-03-18 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-18 Molly de Blancupdated grid schedule.
2019-03-17 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-17 Molly de Blancadded link to raffle.
2019-03-16 TechnologyClassroomchmod 775 2019/raffle/index.html
2019-03-15 Molly de Blancupdated nav bar to exclue raffle pending fixing the...
2019-03-15 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' of
2019-03-15 Molly de Blancupdated index
2019-03-15 Dana Morgensteinfixed times
2019-03-15 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' of
2019-03-15 Molly de Blancupdated raffle page, added to nav bar.
2019-03-15 Andrew EngelbrechtMerge branch 'stable'
2019-03-15 Andrew Engelbrechtremove "Partner" section from live page
2019-03-15 Andrew EngelbrechtMerge branch 'stable'
2019-03-15 Andrew Engelbrechtdon't pause speaker video if desktop stream stops
2019-03-15 Andrew EngelbrechtMerge branch 'stable'
2019-03-15 Andrew Engelbrechtmove IRC header lower on the live page
2019-03-15 Andrew EngelbrechtMerge branch 'stable'
2019-03-15 Andrew Engelbrechtadded /join command to irc chan names on live page
2019-03-15 Molly de Blancadded raffle folder.
2019-03-15 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved port number from Mumble server address
2019-03-15 Andrew Engelbrechtadded mumble server info to live page
2019-03-15 Dana Morgensteinchanged fain, switched garbee and metts
2019-03-14 Molly de Blancgit Merge branch 'master' of
2019-03-14 Molly de Blancadded tshirt to carousel.
2019-03-14 Andrew EngelbrechtLibreJS: match version of Lodash we're using
2019-03-14 Molly de BlancMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-14 Molly de Blancadded logistics page.
2019-03-14 ValessioBritoMerge branch 'tv-schedule' into lp2019
2019-03-14 ValessioBritoadd content program
2019-03-14 Ian KellingMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-14 Ian Kellingfix typo
2019-03-13 TechnologyClassroomMerge Valessio's branch 'lp2019' into stable
2019-03-13 TechnologyClassroomMerge Valessio's branch 'lp2019'
2019-03-13 Dana Morgensteinremoved laurin weissinger
2019-03-13 Dana Morgensteinadded alex claffey bio
2019-03-13 Dana Morgensteinadded welcome dinner tba details
2019-03-13 Valessio Britoupdate tv style
2019-03-13 Valessio BritoMerge branch 'lp2019' into tv-schedule
2019-03-13 Valessio Britorecent updates align list
2019-03-13 Valessio Britofix grid header
2019-03-13 Valessio Britofix style css on program
2019-03-13 Valessio Britospeakers-block border-radius on pictures
2019-03-13 Valessio Britocss header program
2019-03-13 Valessio BritoAdd header lp2019
2019-03-12 Andrew EngelbrechtLicense correction for Web Labels for KiwiIRC
2019-03-12 Andrew EngelbrechtWeb Labels syntax correction
2019-03-12 Andrew EngelbrechtMore Web Labels for KiwiIRC client
2019-03-12 Dana MorgensteinMerge branch 'master' into stable
2019-03-12 Dana Morgensteinfixed error on fun page