2015-10-06 k054testing...
2015-10-05 k054just a test
2015-10-05 Zak RogoffAdding test index page.
2015-09-07 rsiddharth2016/ updated `Setting up Apache`; Apache...
2015-09-02 rsiddharthadded custom styling to elements at /2016/program
2015-08-30 rsiddharthmade the HTML files for LP 2016 executable.
2015-08-30 rsiddharth2016/assets/css/custom.css: changed link color.
2015-08-30 rsiddharth2016/assets/css/custom.css: 2016 program - collapse...
2015-08-30 rsiddharthserver/2016/banner.html: updated date.
2015-08-30 rsiddharthInitial version of Schedule Page for LP 2016 done.
2015-05-27 Zak RogoffUpdating media status message to say that videos are up.
2015-05-27 Zak RogoffUpdating media status message to say that videos are up.
2015-04-14 Zak RogoffRemoving volunteer signup from the sidebar and adding...
2015-04-06 Zak RogoffUpdating site to remove feedback survey.
2015-03-24 Zak RogoffAdding a link to the wrapup post to the homepage image.
2015-03-24 Zak RogoffAdding wrapup post to sidebar.
2015-03-24 Zak RogoffFixing small css issue and a typo on the homepage.
2015-03-24 rsiddharth2015/index.html: validation fix.
2015-03-24 rsiddharthserver/2015/media-status.html: fixed typo.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffUpdating carousel.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffImproving banner text a little.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffUpdating header.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffAdding media status SSI thing to the live page and...
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffUpdating links to recent pubs in the sidebar.
2015-03-23 David Thompson2015: live: Small link touch-up.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffUpdating sidebar to remove streaming link.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffOh so that's how git works.
2015-03-23 David Thompson2015: live: Disable live streaming client.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffRetrying to add the media status SSI panel.
2015-03-23 Zak RogoffAdding SSI notification panel to display current media...
2015-03-22 Alex PatelMerge branch 'master' into stable
2015-03-22 Alex Patel2015: fix feedback survey link
2015-03-22 Alex PatelMerge branch 'master' into stable
2015-03-22 Alex PatelMerge branch 'master' of
2015-03-22 Alex Patelenable feedback survey link on homepage
2015-03-22 David Thompson2015: live: Add noscript instructions.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Get rid of stream name/description that...
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Show when a stream is not broadcasting.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Add Array#find polyfill.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Fixed mixed content issue.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Fix cross-domain issue?
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Handle undefined stats.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Crudely sync play/paused state with both...
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Update stats immediately when switching...
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Disable annoying default click handler...
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Get rid of another debugging leftover.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Misc cleanup.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Remove speakerPosition cruft.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Use protocol relative URL for icecast XHR.
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Return nullStats when there is no such...
2015-03-21 David Thompson2015: live: Remove debugging leftover.
2015-03-21 Zak RogoffGeneric-ifying the confirmation page.
2015-03-20 David ThompsonAdd crazy streaming JS at the last minute! holy crap!
2015-03-20 David ThompsonStreaming stuff... rewrite this message
2015-03-20 David ThompsonTweak README.
2015-03-19 Zak RogoffAdding feedback confirmation page.
2015-03-19 Zak RogoffAdding time for IDAD planning session and fixing typo...
2015-03-19 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of
2015-03-19 Zak RogoffPutting streaming in the sidebar and making it the...
2015-03-19 rsiddharthChanged the theme of the kiwiirc widget to 'mini'.
2015-03-19 Zak RogoffAdding Mark Sadecki.
2015-03-18 Zak RogoffA few tweaks to the map addition to the getting around...
2015-03-18 David Thompson2015: Embed self-hosted, LibreJS compliant IRC client.
2015-03-18 Alex Patelresize map to fill content width
2015-03-18 Alex Patelmove map to bottom of getting around to avoid overlap...
2015-03-18 Alex Patelfix map to remove overlap with panel
2015-03-18 Alex Patelfix map static link
2015-03-18 Alex Pateladd map to gettin_around page
2015-03-18 Alex Patelshorten program menu text to fit on one line
2015-03-18 Alex Pateladd grid schedule to program menu
2015-03-18 Alex Patelmove grid schedule from /programs/grid-schedule/index...
2015-03-18 Alex Pateladd 2015 grid schedule
2015-03-18 Zak RogoffAdding Grendel's wheelchair access instructions and...
2015-03-18 Zak RogoffUpdating Sutton session description.
2015-03-16 Zak RogoffA couple little grammar fixes
2015-03-16 Zak RogoffAdding Duffy bio and name as new speaker on existing...
2015-03-16 Zak RogoffUpdating Rowe bio and both session descriptions.
2015-03-16 Zak RogoffUpdating Sturmfels session description and bio.
2015-03-16 Zak RogoffAdding Aleph Objects to sponsors and reformatting logos...
2015-03-16 Zak RogoffMarking the Thursday dinner as full.
2015-03-16 Zak RogoffFixing lingering 2014 in the getting around section.
2015-03-15 rsiddharth2015/sponsors/index.html - validation fix
2015-03-15 rsiddharth2015/program/ - validation fix
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffChanging exhibit hall start time to 9.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffAdding IRC channel and hashtag to streaming landing...
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffScrewing around with the nav bars.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffCommitting css i forgot to commit.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffAdding sponsors and updating sidebar.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffAdding Rocha photo.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffRemoving Libby's phone number from anti-harassment...
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffAdding Free JS sidebox to streaming area.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffPutting up exhibitors and replacing exhibit hall applic...
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffFixing typo in party.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffReorganizing keynote speakers so they are alphabetical.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffFixing Grendel's party date error.
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffAdding Mako's session description and reformatting...
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'pnav-box'
2015-03-12 Zak RogoffCopying over new program nav system.