2014-11-19 Jagadedesfirst time created widget warning fix
2014-11-19 Jagadedesprofile text changed
2014-11-19 Jagadedeswidget cache code cleanup and bug fixes.
2014-11-18 Vimal JosephImproved caching system.
2014-11-18 JagadedesBeta 2 bug fixes. 31243. added agpl license and widget...
2014-11-18 JagadedesBeta 2 bug fixes. 31243. added agpl license and widget...
2014-11-18 JagadedesBeta 2 bug fixes. 31243. added agpl license and widget...
2014-11-17 Vimal JosephEnabled upgrader and set the latest changes to it.
2014-11-17 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #8 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-17 JagadedesBeta2 bug fix. 31237 Option to display current amount...
2014-11-17 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #7 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-17 JagadedesBeta2 bug fix.31242 progress bar background color
2014-11-16 Vimal JosephModified release history and version information
2014-11-16 Vimal JosephFixed DB Error when saving widgets.
2014-11-14 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #6 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-14 JagadedesBeta2 bug fix. 31241. added tip for transparent background
2014-11-14 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #5 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-14 JagadedesBeta2 bug fixes. 31240, 31239, 31238, 31236, 31235...
2014-11-13 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-13 Jagadedesbeta 3 releas
2014-11-13 Jagadedesrelease notes
2014-11-13 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-13 Jagadedesadded width style to text area
2014-11-13 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-13 Jagadedesremoved default widget and logo and title in same h5
2014-11-12 Jagadedesfixed beta 1 bugs: 31069 divider between contrib pages...
2014-11-12 Jagadedesfixed beta 1 bugs: 31058 removed more menu andd added...
2014-11-11 Jagadedesfixed beta 1 bugs, 31062, 31063, 31101, 31067, 31065
2014-11-10 Jagadedes#31101 Decouple widgets and embed code
2014-11-10 Jagadedes#31102, #31060 combibed 2 script tags in embed code...
2014-11-07 JagadedesBeta I Bug fixes: #31066(Newsletter signup ability...
2014-11-06 Manoj K#29801 - Beta1 release.
2014-11-06 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-06 Jagadedesrelease notes
2014-11-06 Jagadedesremoved encode function
2014-11-06 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-06 Jagadedes#31037 show status message
2014-11-06 Jagadedes#31000 changed grpup name
2014-11-05 Manoj K#29801 - Changed Wci settings variable group name.
2014-11-05 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-05 Jagadedes#31000 added default widget and profile support
2014-11-05 Jagadedes#30846 allow apostrophe in title
2014-11-05 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-05 Jagadedes#30982 show hide feature for title, border, pb caption
2014-11-04 Manoj K#29801 - Improved form and widget look and feel.
2014-11-03 Manoj K#29801 - Fixed title encoding bug and made long js...
2014-11-03 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-03 Jagadedes#30907 Show only progress bar
2014-11-03 Jagadedes#30907 Show only progress bar
2014-11-03 Jagadedes#30846 made changes to accept apostrophe in title
2014-11-03 Jagadedes#30900 show labels on progressbar
2014-11-03 Jagadedesremoved debug echo
2014-11-03 Manoj KResolved merge conflict.
2014-10-31 Jagadedes#30848 added label email id
2014-10-31 Jagadedes#30846 made changes to accept apostrophe in title
2014-10-31 Jagadedes#30845, #30847 bug fixes.
2014-10-30 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-10-30 Manoj KUpdated version detail in extension info file.
2014-10-30 JagadedesAlpha III Release notes updated
2014-10-30 Manoj K#29801 - Increased rows attribute for textarea in creat...
2014-10-30 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-10-30 Jagadedes#29750 percentage round to 100 if getting bigger
2014-10-30 Jagadedes#29762 email subscription url added to data
2014-10-29 Manoj K#29801 - Fix for broken Newsletter signup form action...
2014-10-29 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-10-29 Jagadedes#29759 removed jquery. moved image to below heading
2014-10-29 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-10-28 Jagadedes#29750 corrected addmore.js error
2014-10-27 Jagadedes#29757 removed embed condition check
2014-10-27 Jagadedes#30680 fixed broken in link to add in pb and widget...
2014-10-24 Jagadedes#30660 fixed update widget without pb selected
2014-10-24 Jagadedes#30645 fixed No remove link in progressbar form
2014-10-24 Jagadedes#30641 fixed save to show lising page
2014-10-23 Manoj K#29801 - Fix for warning messages in manage pages of...
2014-10-23 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-10-23 JagadedesReleasenotes added
2014-10-23 JagadedesMenu name corrected as per FSF
2014-10-23 Jagadedesreview moved js code to seletate file
2014-10-23 Jagadedes#29762 fill color from db
2014-10-23 Jagadedes#29757 foreign key check removed before insert and...
2014-10-23 Jagadedes#29757 on update donot use setDefaultValues to fill...
2014-10-23 Jagadedescode self review fixes
2014-10-21 Manoj KResolved merge conflict.
2014-10-21 Manoj K#29759 - Included newsletter signup in widget.
2014-10-21 Jagadedes#29759 edit, template becomes empty
2014-10-21 Jagadedes#29759 template take from db if override checked. updat...
2014-10-20 Jagadedes#29758 removed extra path for redirect
2014-10-20 Manoj K#30556 - Fixed XSS exception while submission of widget...
2014-10-20 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-10-20 Jagadedes#29767 added email id in array
2014-10-20 Jagadedes#29758 corrected message on empty list
2014-10-20 Jagadedes#29750 on save redirect to lising page
2014-10-20 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-10-20 JagadedesMerge branch 'master' of
2014-10-20 Jagadedes29767 save and preview widget
2014-10-17 Jagadedessave and preview widget
2014-10-17 Manoj K#29801 - Fix for donate button link issue.
2014-10-17 Manoj K#29801 - Fix for create widget form not showing.
2014-10-17 Manoj K#29801 - Fix for widget template directory path.
2014-10-17 Manoj K#29801 - Fix for widget embedding code.