2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezCorrected call to commonCompose
2022-05-04 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved an old stray sql file
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezCorrected thankyou template, see RT#1286518
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezBIG HACK: Corrected frequency calculation for new members
2022-05-04 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated function documentation
2022-05-04 Andrew Engelbrechtrevert commit that modified getRecurDetails()
2022-05-04 Andrew EngelbrechtThis version of the TC code is no longer in use
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezSort by country,second_name,first_name for pdf generati...
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezDisable recipient estimation on mailings
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezCorrected TeX ligatures for pdf letters
2022-05-04 Andrew EngelbrechtFilter groups according to included profiles
2022-05-04 Andrew EngelbrechtAllow admin to change the names of filtered groups
2022-05-04 Andrew EngelbrechtGroups filter hack for smaller groups listings
2022-05-04 Andrew Engelbrechtremove unneeded file not deleted in git rebase
2022-05-04 Andrew Engelbrechtremove unneeded file (latex.patch)
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezComment cleanup
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezUpdated the LaTeX header for letters
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezAdded hack for scaping curly brackets on smarty LaTeX...
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezTuned up PdfLatex font settings
2022-05-04 kredisabling mail tracking
2022-05-04 kSolving RT ticket #1092988
2022-05-04 Lisa Marie... ipn receiver for external api
2022-05-04 Lisa Marie... Priceset 2nd half
2022-05-04 Lisa Marie... Priceset/debugwatchdog
2022-05-04 Lisa Marie... Removed cache rebuild from the GroupContact
2022-05-04 Lisa Marie... RT#765026, patch for null values in civicrm_acl_cache
2022-05-04 Ruben RodriguezAdded the current uncommited changes to production...
2022-05-04 Lisa Marie... Additional files for PDF/Latex
2022-05-04 Lisa Marie... Our changes
2022-04-20 Tim OttenMerge pull request #23259 from totten/5.48-bump2
2022-04-20 Tim OttenAdd release-notes/
2022-04-20 Tim OttenMerge pull request #23252 from eileenmcnaughton/548
2022-04-20 Tim OttenSet version to 5.48.2
2022-04-20 Eileen McNaughtonFix button breakage on viewContribution
2022-04-20 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #23255 from colemanw/fixDownloadInvo...
2022-04-20 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #23254 from colemanw/searchKitBackpo...
2022-04-19 Coleman WattsFix dev/core#3168 broken download contribution invoice...
2022-04-19 Coleman WattsSearchKit - Prevent errors trying to orderBy nonaggrega...
2022-04-19 Jon Goldbergallow non-organization employers
2022-04-19 Eileen McNaughtonFix malformed query when user with no access to any...
2022-04-19 Eileen McNaughtonFix sql error on acl user
2022-04-13 Tim OttenMerge pull request #23182 from totten/5.48-bump1
2022-04-12 Tim OttenAdd release-notes/
2022-04-12 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #23140 from colemanw/managedGrantEnt...
2022-04-12 Tim OttenSet version to 5.48.1
2022-04-12 Coleman WattsCiviGrant - Remove unused managed entities during upgrade
2022-04-11 colemanwMerge pull request #23167 from totten/5.48-cache-backport
2022-04-11 Tim OttenMerge pull request #23142 from totten/5.48-mailing...
2022-04-09 Tim Otten(dev/core#3166) "Metadata" cache - Strictly separate...
2022-04-08 Tim OttenCiviMail - Fix validation error
2022-04-08 Coleman WattsCiviGrant - Cleanup managed entities - fixes dev/core...
2022-04-08 colemanwMerge pull request #23131 from colemanw/managedOptionVa...
2022-04-07 Coleman WattsFix OptionValue BAO to call pre/post hooks to prevent...
2022-04-07 Tim OttenSet version to 5.48.0
2022-04-07 Tim OttenMerge pull request #23125 from agh1/5.48.0-releasenotes...
2022-04-07 Andie Hunt5.48.0 release notes: added late changes
2022-04-07 colemanwMerge pull request #23120 from colemanw/contentBlock2
2022-04-06 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #23116 from colemanw/removeContactVi...
2022-04-06 colemanwMerge pull request #23118 from colemanw/grantTab
2022-04-06 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #23115 from eileenmcnaughton/548
2022-04-06 Coleman WattsAfform - Ensure upgrade fully converts content blocks
2022-04-06 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #23104 from colemanw/contentBlock
2022-04-06 Coleman WattsCiviGrant - Fix missing column and translated headers...
2022-04-06 Coleman WattsCiviGrant - Refresh grants tab after adding a grant...
2022-04-06 Coleman WattsFix contact summary actions for CiviGrant
2022-04-06 Eileen McNaughtonFix broken civgrant shortcut link
2022-04-06 Coleman WattsCiviGrant - Remove upgrade that adds removed option...
2022-04-06 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #23102 from seamuslee001/dompdf_update
2022-04-06 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #23105 from colemanw/grantViewOptions
2022-04-06 Coleman WattsCiviGrant - Remove non-functional setting for grants...
2022-04-06 Coleman WattsAfform - Fix regression editing a content block with...
2022-04-05 Seamus LeeUpdate DOMPDF to 1.2.1 and update composer-compile...
2022-04-05 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #22986 from colemanw/afformFixBlocks...
2022-04-01 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #23086 from demeritcowboy/report...
2022-04-01 demeritcowboyfix missing filter summary
2022-04-01 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #23051 from adixon/3031-smart-subscr...
2022-04-01 Alan Dixonsplit sql select into two selects for performance reasons
2022-04-01 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #23070 from colemanw/searchKitGroupByFix
2022-03-31 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #23071 from demeritcowboy/token...
2022-03-31 demeritcowboyput dates back to not including time
2022-03-31 Coleman WattsSearchKit - Fix UI to allow aggregation of custom fields
2022-03-31 Coleman WattsSearchKit - Fix broken group-by caused by non-aggregate...
2022-03-30 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #23063 from demeritcowboy/timezone...
2022-03-30 demeritcowboydon't localize event_tz field when backing up
2022-03-27 Tim OttenMerge pull request #22940 from demeritcowboy/revert...
2022-03-27 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #23035 from colemanw/mergeContactsRe...
2022-03-26 Tim Ottendev/core#2122 - TimezoneRevertTrait - Failsafe to opt...
2022-03-26 Tim Ottendev/core#2122 - TimezoneRevertTrait - Cleanup modified...
2022-03-25 Coleman WattsDedupe - Fix redirecting to contact after merge
2022-03-25 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #23030 from alifrumin/releasenotes5.48
2022-03-25 Alice Frumin[NFC] 5.48 Release Notes - First Pass
2022-03-25 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #23027 from eileenmcnaughton/548
2022-03-25 Tim Ottendev/core#2122 - TimezoneRevertTrait - Downgrade should...
2022-03-24 Eileen McNaughtondev/core#3134 Fix regression on unselected lineitem
2022-03-24 colemanwMerge pull request #23024 from colemanw/fixSubmitActions
2022-03-24 Coleman WattsAfform - fix missing submit actions
2022-03-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #23012 from colemanw/fixSearchAfform...
2022-03-24 Tim Ottendev/core#2122 - TimezoneRevertTrait - Tweak messaging
2022-03-24 Tim Ottendev/core#2122 - TimezoneRevertTrait - Split out messagi...
2022-03-24 Tim Ottendev/core#2122 - For 5.48.beta2, use TimezoneRevertTrait...