2018-03-13 Michael McAndrewAdding Send SMS permission + test + upgrade message
2018-03-12 colemanwMerge pull request #11800 from GinkgoFJG/patch-2
2018-03-12 Mathieu LuMerge pull request #11777 from twomice/CRM-20608_paypal...
2018-03-12 Frank J. GómezCRM-21667: Fix for timezone handoff from Drupal6 should...
2018-03-12 Allen ShawFix for CRM-20608: throw exception in case of not-found...
2018-03-12 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11795 from mattwire/form_disabled_c...
2018-03-12 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #11798 from eileenmcnaughton/test
2018-03-12 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11680 from jitendrapurohit/setting
2018-03-12 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11761 from mattwire/CRM-21391_maili...
2018-03-12 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11762 from mattwire/CRM-21391_membe...
2018-03-12 eileenUpdate test to NOT accept a failure in the api call.
2018-03-11 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11780 from JMAConsulting/CRM-21756
2018-03-11 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11763 from mattwire/CRM-21391_pledg...
2018-03-11 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11776 from vinuvarshith/CRM-21830...
2018-03-11 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11600 from mattwire/CRM-21720_core_...
2018-03-11 Matthew WireConvert Contact to use core Task class (#11764)
2018-03-11 Matthew WireAdd contributionStatusName to invoice params so you...
2018-03-10 Tim OttenMerge pull request #11769 from JMAConsulting/CRM-21806
2018-03-09 colemanwMerge pull request #11790 from GinkgoFJG/dev/core#12...
2018-03-09 colemanwMerge pull request #11792 from mukeshcompucorp/fix...
2018-03-09 Mathieu LuMerge pull request #11793 from cor73x/CRM-21837
2018-03-09 Matthew WireIf a currency has been disabled allow the form to be...
2018-03-09 Mukesh RamFix classes and tags
2018-03-09 Lukasz KrutulRefs CRM-21837 - Missing states for Gabon
2018-03-09 Mukesh RamMake pledge labels proper
2018-03-09 Mukesh RamAdd appropriate labels
2018-03-09 Mukesh RamFix style glitches
2018-03-09 Tim OttenMerge pull request #11791 from civicrm/4.7.31-rc
2018-03-08 Frank J. Gómezdev/core#12: Added auto-scroll-up functionality between...
2018-03-08 colemanwMerge pull request #11788 from mukeshcompucorp/fix...
2018-03-08 Mukesh RamMake template structure proper
2018-03-07 Tim OttenMerge pull request #11741 from agh1/4.7.31-releasenotes
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: last-minute credit add
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: fixed one mis-categorized thing
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: alphabetized sections and filled...
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: finished bugs
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: added code contributors since...
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: finished contributors
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: done with features
2018-03-07 Andrew Hunt4.7.31 release notes: first items, boilerplate
2018-03-07 colemanwMerge pull request #11779 from mukeshcompucorp/fix...
2018-03-07 colemanwMerge pull request #11774 from colemanw/NFC
2018-03-07 deb.monishCRM-21756: Freeze total amount field on Edit Contributi...
2018-03-07 Mukesh RamAdd proper class to form
2018-03-07 Mukesh RamFix template structure
2018-03-07 Allen ShawFix for CRM-20608: IPN thinks Paypal Pro is Standard.
2018-03-07 Aniessh SethhCRM-21813 : Parameter list mismatch (#11734)
2018-03-07 varshith89CRM-21830: Add 'state_province_name' token and set...
2018-03-07 colemanwMerge pull request #11775 from agh1/cancel-fa-fixes
2018-03-06 Andrew HuntCiviMember: use `fa-ban`, proper `crm-i` class for...
2018-03-06 Coleman WattsNFC - Minor code cleanup in CKEditorConfig.php
2018-03-06 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #11773 from civicrm/4.7.31-rc
2018-03-06 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #11749 from eileenmcnaughton/4.7...
2018-03-06 colemanwMerge pull request #11770 from mattwire/messagetemplate...
2018-03-06 deb.monishCRM-21806: Fix issues is search form when FULL_GROUP_BY...
2018-03-06 Matthew WireAdd 'huge' class to html textarea to match plaintext...
2018-03-06 Monish DebMerge pull request #11757 from eileenmcnaughton/manual
2018-03-06 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11768 from jmcclelland/core-issue-7
2018-03-06 Mathieu LuMerge pull request #11453 from colemanw/php55
2018-03-05 Jamie McClellandensure correct payment_instrument_id
2018-03-05 colemanwMerge pull request #11760 from mattwire/CRM-21391_grant...
2018-03-05 colemanwMerge pull request #11766 from mukeshcompucorp/fix...
2018-03-05 Matthew WireCleanup search classes to use enumerators instead of...
2018-03-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11759 from mattwire/CRM-21391_case_task
2018-03-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11745 from agh1/0000-00-00
2018-03-05 Mukesh RamFixed template strucutre issues
2018-03-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11758 from mattwire/CRM-21391_campa...
2018-03-05 Matthew WireConvert Pledge to use core Task class
2018-03-05 Matthew WireConvert Member to use core Task class
2018-03-05 Matthew WireConvert Mailing to use core Task class
2018-03-05 Matthew WireConvert Grant to use core Task class
2018-03-05 Matthew WireConvert Case to use core Task class
2018-03-05 Matthew WireConvert Campaign to use core Task class
2018-03-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11722 from omarabuhussein/CRM-21733...
2018-03-05 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11691 from JKingsnorth/CRM-21773
2018-03-05 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #11756 from kcristiano/CRM21826
2018-03-05 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #11752 from colemanw/CKEditor
2018-03-04 eileenCRM-21819 - Do not load 'Submit Credit Card Contributio...
2018-03-03 Kevin CristianoCRM-21826: Update System Checks to separate links...
2018-03-02 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #11751 from JMAConsulting/CRM-21806
2018-03-02 colemanwMerge pull request #11630 from maitrepylos/master
2018-03-02 Monish DebMerge pull request #11746 from eileenmcnaughton/selector
2018-03-02 Coleman WattsValidate JSON input in configurator
2018-03-02 Coleman WattsUpdate doc link
2018-03-02 Coleman WattsCKEditor Advanced Options - Don't allow same option...
2018-03-02 colemanwMerge pull request #11750 from mukeshcompucorp/CRM...
2018-03-02 Monish DebMerge pull request #11748 from eileenmcnaughton/payment
2018-03-02 deb.monishCRM-21806: Added Unit test
2018-03-02 Mukesh RamCRM-21823: Fix structure and style glitches
2018-03-02 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #11747 from colemanw/CKEditorConfig
2018-03-02 Jitendra PurohitCRM-21771: error when viewing event registration with...
2018-03-02 eileenCRM-20610 make it possible to enable the payment form
2018-03-02 Coleman WattsCKEditorConfig - Fix double-escaped slashes
2018-03-02 eileenCRM-21806 Search builder NOT Empty does not work
2018-03-01 Andrew HuntCiviContribute: fix zero value trxn dates that choke...
2018-03-01 colemanwMerge pull request #11735 from mukeshcompucorp/CRM...
2018-02-28 colemanwMerge pull request #11742 from seanmadsen/NFC-CRM_PCP_F...
2018-02-28 Sean MadsenClean up docblock
2018-02-28 Sean MadsenRemove redundant line
2018-02-28 colemanwMerge pull request #11738 from mukeshcompucorp/CRM...