2014-06-24 Jacobo Nájeraes:translate index
2014-06-24 Cătălin FrâncuMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-24 Cătălin FrâncuENGLISH version -- typos.
2014-06-24 Yongmin HongTranslate infographic.html
2014-06-24 Yongmin HongRemoved release date
2014-06-24 Thiago MarinelloBump submodule.
2014-06-24 Thiago Marinellopt-br: infographic in portuguese exported to png.
2014-06-24 Thiago Marinellopt-br: infographic translated to portuguese.
2014-06-24 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: translated buttons
2014-06-24 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: fix 'current OS' on windows and mac
2014-06-24 Lucas TeixeiraMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-24 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: id="menu" on OS pickers
2014-06-24 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: Edward source code comment on footer
2014-06-24 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: Zipped source
2014-06-24 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-24 Zak RogoffAdding Edward attribution to index on en, commented...
2014-06-24 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: uses 'cifrar' instead of 'codificar'
2014-06-24 Lucas TeixeiraMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-24 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: Replace to-be-translated terms
2014-06-23 Ilias KoumoundourosAdded el folder for Greek language
2014-06-23 Lucas Teixeirapt-br: Add missing space to heading
2014-06-23 Lucas TeixeiraMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-23 Thiago MarinelloMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-23 Thiago Marinellopt-br: mac.html translated to portuguese.
2014-06-23 Thiago Marinellopt-br: windows.html translated to portuguese.
2014-06-23 Lucas TeixeiraMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-23 Vitaliy Grishenkolinks changed
2014-06-23 Vitaliy GrishenkoMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-23 Vitaliy Grishenkographics source added
2014-06-23 Vitaliy Grishenkofirst changes as requested by Zak included
2014-06-23 David ThompsonAdd greek language to all language dropdowns.
2014-06-23 Thiago MarinelloMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-23 Zak RogoffAdding new source package with Edward's text added.
2014-06-23 Thiago MarinelloMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-23 Thiago Marinellopt-br: fix footer, translators names.
2014-06-23 Zak RogoffRemoving old source package.
2014-06-23 Thiago Marinellopt-br: infographic.html translated to portuguese.
2014-06-23 Zak RogoffMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-23 Zak RogoffAdding new, updated source file.
2014-06-23 Zak RogoffRemoving old source file.
2014-06-23 Thiago Marinellopt-br: GNU/Linux guide
2014-06-23 Thérèse Godefroyfr: remove spurious full stop.
2014-06-23 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-23 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-23 Vitaliy GrishenkoRussian images added
2014-06-23 Vitaliy GrishenkoMost Russian images added
2014-06-23 Vitaliy Grishenkofinal changes index
2014-06-23 Yongmin HongMerge branch 'korean'
2014-06-23 Yongmin HongTranslated windows.html
2014-06-23 Yongmin HongTranslated Mac.html
2014-06-23 Yongmin HongTranslated confirmation.html
2014-06-23 T. E. KALAYCItr: headers are corrected, guide source zip name changed
2014-06-23 T. E. KALAYCItr:small HTML correction
2014-06-23 T. E. KALAYCItr: language picker copied
2014-06-23 T. E. KALAYCItr: HTML footer updated
2014-06-23 T. E. KALAYCItr: source zip added
2014-06-23 Vitaliy Grishenkomac and windows pages completed
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: minor rewording.
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: fixed horrible error
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: removed release date
2014-06-22 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-22 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-22 Vitaliy Grishenkomac and windows sections fixed
2014-06-22 Vitaliy Grishenkomac and windows sections translation added
2014-06-22 Vitaliy GrishenkoMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-22 Vitaliy Grishenkoupdated translation in index and next_steps
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: fix links to images.
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: in section 4, refer to step 3.b rather than step...
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: fix typos reported by Goofy.
2014-06-22 Cătălin FrâncuMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2014-06-22 Cătălin FrâncuRomanian translation -- footers
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: revert localization of the link to the source.
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: fix link to source.
2014-06-22 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: in next_steps, #section4 -> index.html#section4...
2014-06-22 ReviMerge branch 'korean' of bitbucket.org:revi-wm/fsf...
2014-06-22 Yongmin HongTranslate next_steps.html
2014-06-22 Vitaliy Grishenkoinfographic translated index updated
2014-06-22 Vitaliy Grishenkonext steps translated
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: fix some links and more typos.
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: Translated sharing text, fixed HTML links
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: fixed HTML
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: fixed HTML
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: fixed HTML
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: HTML fixes
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: HTML fixes
2014-06-22 Gabriel Pérez... de: Translated sharing links
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: typo; replace Adele's ID with Edward's; placeholder...
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: various fixes
2014-06-22 Vitaliy Grishenkoconfirmation modified
2014-06-22 Vitaliy Grishenkoconfirmation completed
2014-06-22 Thérèse Godefroyfr: localize images; fix tag; translate leftover hashta...
2014-06-21 Thérèse Godefroyfr: various fixes; translate description in <meta>...
2014-06-21 Thérèse Godefroyfr: rename *.fr.html to *.html
2014-06-21 Thérèse GodefroyRemove English versions
2014-06-21 Gabriel Pérez... de: fixed errors in infographic
2014-06-21 Gabriel Pérez... de: Sorry, I left something untranslated
2014-06-21 Gabriel Pérez... de: Translated footer completely
2014-06-21 Gabriel Pérez... de: Finished Windows page
2014-06-21 Gabriel Pérez... de: Added Edward's Key ID