2023-08-28 Eileen McNaughtonFix remaining undefined properties by no longer calling...
2023-08-28 Eileen McNaughtonFix notices on domain.tpl by just adding what we need
2023-08-28 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27188 from eileenmcnaughton/notice_1
2023-08-28 Eileen McNaughtonE-notice fix - switch order of and params check around
2023-08-28 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27185 from seamuslee001/better_repo...
2023-08-28 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27184 from seamuslee001/infinite_lo...
2023-08-28 Seamus Lee[REF] Improve cron job handling when there is an invali...
2023-08-28 Seamus Lee[REF] Fix infinite loop when trying to load a report...
2023-08-27 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27182 from civicrm/5.65
2023-08-27 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27170 from agh1/5.65.0-releasenotes...
2023-08-27 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27179 from totten/master-phpstorm...
2023-08-27 colemanwMerge pull request #27161 from eileenmcnaughton/discount
2023-08-26 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Generate event hints for "hook_civicrm_pre...
2023-08-26 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Generate hints about Civi::dispatcher()
2023-08-26 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Generate hints about civicrm_api3()
2023-08-26 Coleman Wattsphpstorm - Generate hints about civicrm_api4()
2023-08-26 colemanwMerge pull request #27112 from colemanw/sortName
2023-08-26 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Generate hints about CiviCRM settings
2023-08-26 Tim OttenPhpStormMetadata - Define registerArgumentsSet() and...
2023-08-26 Tim Otten(NFC) phpstorm.php
2023-08-26 Tim OttenUse `hook_managed` to implement `civi.phpstorm.flush`
2023-08-26 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Enable 'scan-classes'
2023-08-26 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27175 from totten/master-phpstorm...
2023-08-26 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27177 from colemanw/api4EntityNames
2023-08-26 Tim OttenMerge pull request #27178 from colemanw/phpStormStatic
2023-08-26 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27176 from colemanw/api3ExampleCleanup
2023-08-26 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27166 from eileenmcnaughton/test_fix
2023-08-26 colemanwPHPStorm - Add static metadata file
2023-08-25 colemanwAPIv4 - Simplify entity name gathering
2023-08-25 colemanwTest Cleanup - Refactor out uses of deprecated `callAPI...
2023-08-25 Tim OttenFix type-hints for boot services
2023-08-25 Tim OttenPhpStormCompilePass - Generate hints for `Civi::cache()`
2023-08-25 Tim OttenAdd
2023-08-25 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Re-enable standard civix bits
2023-08-25 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Cleanup on uninstall
2023-08-25 Tim Otten(REF) Extract helper PhpStormMetadata
2023-08-25 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27174 from colemanw/examples
2023-08-25 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Convert "Generator" to "PhpStormCompilePass"
2023-08-25 colemanwAPIv3 - Delete api examples
2023-08-25 Andie Hunt5.65.0 release notes: added boilerplate
2023-08-25 Andie Hunt5.65.0 release notes: raw from script
2023-08-25 colemanwMerge pull request #27169 from yashodha/report_improvement
2023-08-25 colemanwMerge pull request #27168 from totten/master-phpstorm
2023-08-25 yashodha(dev/core#4536) Fix 'Primary Membership' filter options...
2023-08-25 Tim Ottenphpstorm - Move listener to the end of the hook
2023-08-25 Tim OttenAdd extension "phpstorm"
2023-08-25 colemanwMerge pull request #27157 from eileenmcnaughton/execute
2023-08-25 colemanwMerge pull request #27154 from eileenmcnaughton/notice_...
2023-08-25 colemanwMerge pull request #27163 from eileenmcnaughton/broken
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27160 from larssandergreen/Also...
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27137 from artfulrobot/artfulrobot...
2023-08-25 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27164 from seamuslee001/acl_notice_...
2023-08-25 Rich Lott ... Fix PHP8.1 repeated notice errors in Table.tpl
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonRemove some unused parameters
2023-08-25 Seamus Lee[REF] Fix Notice Errors on ACL listing page by assignin...
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonRemove broken deprecated function
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonAdd test & fix for getOptions
2023-08-25 Yashodha ChakuMerge pull request #27148 from eileenmcnaughton/fee_block
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27122 from eileenmcnaughton/discount
2023-08-25 larssandergreenAlso add event confirm text as default receipt_text...
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27130 from colemanw/emailType
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonFix deprecation notice on ExecuteJob screen
2023-08-25 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27153 from eileenmcnaughton/notice_...
2023-08-25 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27152 from eileenmcnaughton/notice_...
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonNotice fix - schedule reminders
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonNotice fix on contact types browse
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonAlso fix the isRepeatingEvent one
2023-08-25 Eileen McNaughtonFix e-notice by removing conditionality
2023-08-25 colemanwSearchKit - Use correct action for getFields for in...
2023-08-25 colemanwdev/core#4530 - Change email fields to text in search...
2023-08-24 colemanwMerge pull request #27145 from eileenmcnaughton/init
2023-08-24 Eileen McNaughtonUndefined property fix
2023-08-24 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27142 from civicrm/5.65
2023-08-24 Eileen McNaughtonFold private function back into calling function
2023-08-24 colemanwMerge pull request #27129 from larssandergreen/Fix...
2023-08-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27136 from colemanw/revertSurvey
2023-08-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27119 from mlutfy/standaloneACLNav
2023-08-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #27134 from totten/5.65-aff-hook
2023-08-24 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27133 from totten/master-phpunit-xml
2023-08-24 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27132 from larssandergreen/Fix...
2023-08-24 colemanwMerge pull request #27139 from larssandergreen/Update...
2023-08-24 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27141 from colemanw/elvis
2023-08-24 colemanwREF/tests - Simplify inline conditionals with Elvis
2023-08-24 colemanwREF/ext - Simplify inline conditionals with Elvis
2023-08-24 colemanwREF/Civi+api - Simplify inline conditionals with Elvis
2023-08-24 colemanwREF/CRM - Simplify inline conditionals with Elvis
2023-08-24 colemanwMerge pull request #26879 from colemanw/scheduledJobForm
2023-08-24 larssandergreenPHPUnit9 for mixins too
2023-08-24 larssandergreenReplace deprecated RegExp PHPUnit functions
2023-08-24 Mathieu LuStandalone: Fix ACL help/links, tweak Users and Permiss...
2023-08-24 colemanwFix petition test
2023-08-24 demeritcowboyMerge pull request #27135 from yashodha/dev-4532
2023-08-24 colemanwRevert "Add apiv4 Survey entity" (already exists in...
2023-08-24 yashodha(dev/core#4532) Add sort for country/state fields in...
2023-08-24 Tim Otten(dev/core#4531) Afform Mail Tokens - Fix rendering...
2023-08-24 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27131 from civicrm/5.65
2023-08-24 Tim Ottenphpunit.xml.dist - Run migration script
2023-08-24 larssandergreenFix checkbox JS regression for import data selection...
2023-08-24 Tim Otten(NFC) phpunit.xml.dist - Reformat
2023-08-24 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #27123 from colemanw/searchKitKey