2013-06-13 Deepak SrivastavaCRM-12803
2013-06-12 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #989 from colemanw/releaser
2013-06-10 Coleman WattsUpdate releaser script to create empty upgrade sql...
2013-06-10 Coleman WattsAdd upgrade sql file for 4.3.5
2013-06-10 CiviCRMUpdate version to 4.3.5
2013-06-10 pratik-joshiMerge pull request #987 from ravishnair/CRM-12771fix
2013-06-10 Ravish Nair-- CRM-12771 some more fixes
2013-06-10 Ravish Nair-- CRM-12771 offline contribution page break fix
2013-06-10 Ravish Nair-- CRM-12771 fix
2013-06-10 deepak-srivastavaMerge pull request #986 from deepak-srivastava/ninja
2013-06-10 Deepak SrivastavaCRM-12772
2013-06-10 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #985 from kurund/CRM-12722
2013-06-10 Kurund Jalmiwe don't have paging for child groups hence we should...
2013-06-07 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #977 from pratik-joshi/CRM-12733
2013-06-07 Pratik JoshiCRM-12733 fix : while case type is changed reset timeli...
2013-06-06 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #948 from eileenmcnaughton/4.3
2013-06-06 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #964 from totten/4.3-smartgroupcache...
2013-06-06 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #963 from dlobo/CRM-12766
2013-06-06 Tim OttenCRM-12466 - Fix missing var (follow up to #927)
2013-06-05 Donald A. LoboCRM-12766
2013-06-05 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #960 from kurund/notice-fixes
2013-06-05 Kurund Jalminotice fix
2013-06-04 Tim OttenMerge pull request #957 from colemanw/getQuick
2013-06-04 Coleman WattsMove all escaping from Ajax callback to api CRM-12765
2013-06-04 Coleman WattsRemove escaping from ajax callback, it is now handled...
2013-06-04 Coleman WattsEscape sql in contact.getquick api CRM-12765
2013-06-04 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #956 from kurund/fix-gendata
2013-06-04 deepak-srivastavaMerge pull request #954 from deepak-srivastava/4.3
2013-06-04 Kurund Jalmifixed incorrect report instance id's in sample dashlets
2013-06-04 Deepak Srivastavaphp 5.4 notice fixes
2013-06-04 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #953 from pratik-joshi/event-income...
2013-06-04 Pratik Joshifix for bar chart and pie chart not displaying for...
2013-06-04 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #951 from ravishnair/CRM-12741webtest
2013-06-04 Ravish Nair-- CRM-12741 webtest
2013-06-04 eileenCRM-12759 fix inconsistency in application of multisite...
2013-06-04 eileenpreliminary whitespace
2013-06-04 eileenCRM-12759 employer not being added to Multisite group
2013-06-03 dloboMerge pull request #947 from dlobo/FormattingFixes
2013-06-03 Donald A. Lobomisc fixes while testing ofc and wkhtml
2013-06-03 colemanwMerge pull request #946 from dlobo/CRM-12750
2013-06-03 dloboMerge pull request #945 from totten/4.3-indent
2013-06-03 Donald A. LoboCRM-12750
2013-06-03 Tim OttenFix indentation
2013-06-03 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #943 from kurund/CRM-12752
2013-06-03 Kurund JalmiCRM-12752, check ids instead of label for showing notif...
2013-06-03 Kurund Jalmiremove obsolete code
2013-06-03 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #941 from kurund/CRM-12711
2013-06-03 Kurund Jalmiremoving code that popsup dialog on load in j2,j3 and wp
2013-06-03 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #930 from colemanw/task.tpl
2013-06-03 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #940 from pratik-joshi/CRM-12741
2013-06-03 Pratik JoshiCRM-12741 : did event template handing while price...
2013-06-02 dloboMerge pull request #937 from dlobo/CRM-12745
2013-06-02 Donald A. LoboCRM-12745
2013-06-02 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #936 from kurund/CRM-12594
2013-06-02 Kurund Jalmifixed text typo
2013-06-01 dloboMerge pull request #927 from dlobo/CRM-12466
2013-05-31 Donald A. LoboCRM-12466 - force will always reevaluate the query...
2013-05-31 Donald A. LoboMerge branch '4.3' of git://
2013-05-31 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #928 from yashodha/4.3
2013-05-31 colemanwMerge pull request #932 from colemanw/fullTextHelp
2013-05-31 Coleman WattsFix fulltext search help
2013-05-31 Coleman WattsFix missing ($) CRM-12711
2013-05-31 Donald A. LoboCRM-12466 - tweak function names, debug and check query...
2013-05-31 yashodhaCRM-12734
2013-05-31 Donald A. LoboCRM-12466
2013-05-31 Donald A. LoboCRM-12466
2013-05-30 colemanwMerge pull request #923 from totten/findfiles-dotfiles
2013-05-30 Tim OttenCRM_Utils_File::findFiles -- Ignore other dot directori...
2013-05-30 colemanwMerge pull request #920 from kurund/CRM-12681
2013-05-30 colemanwMerge pull request #922 from colemanw/caseTitle
2013-05-30 Coleman WattsSimplify case title and remove redundant phrase CRM...
2013-05-30 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #921 from kurund/notice-fixes
2013-05-30 Kurund JalmiCRM-12681, fixes for j2
2013-05-30 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #918 from pratik-joshi/CRM-12728-fix
2013-05-30 Pratik JoshiCRM-12728-fix : fixed notices
2013-05-30 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #915 from pratik-joshi/CRM-12726-fix
2013-05-30 Pratik JoshiCRM-12726 : code improvement
2013-05-30 Pratik JoshiCRM-12726 : applied patch and did some modifications
2013-05-30 Kurund Jalminotice fix
2013-05-29 dloboMerge pull request #907 from kurund/remove-nav
2013-05-29 Coleman WattsFix versionAlert setting CRM-12701
2013-05-29 Kurund Jalmiworked on CRM-12723, hide top nav bar on wordpress...
2013-05-29 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #905 from davecivicrm/CRM-12721
2013-05-29 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #904 from dlobo/CRM-12718
2013-05-29 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #902 from colemanw/searchBuilderDate
2013-05-29 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #898 from dlobo/CRM-10682
2013-05-29 Dave GreenbergCRM-12721 Change a=true to a=1. Add fe=1 if missing...
2013-05-29 Donald A. LoboCRM-12718
2013-05-29 colemanwMerge pull request #884 from davecivicrm/CRM-12691
2013-05-29 dloboMerge pull request #903 from dlobo/MiscFixes
2013-05-29 Dave GreenbergCRM-12691 modify crmURL for WordPress links to use...
2013-05-29 Donald A. Lobofix notices and formatting fixes
2013-05-29 Donald A. Loboformatting fixes
2013-05-29 Donald A. LoboFix notice
2013-05-29 Coleman WattsRemove empty operators for dates in search builder...
2013-05-29 dloboMerge pull request #901 from dlobo/CRM-12674
2013-05-29 Donald A. LoboCRM-12674
2013-05-29 Donald A. LoboCRM-10682 - move wpBasePage to setting object, cache...
2013-05-29 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #897 from pratik-joshi/CRM-12684
2013-05-29 Pratik JoshiCRM-12684: indentation fix