2020-05-15 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17310 from agh1/autorenew-active...
2020-05-15 colemanwMerge pull request #17326 from demeritcowboy/ts-params
2020-05-14 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17320 from totten/master-url-type
2020-05-14 demeritcowboyunneeded parameters
2020-05-14 Tim OttenMerge pull request #17322 from eileenmcnaughton/ids
2020-05-14 colemanwMerge pull request #16992 from colemanw/customSerialize
2020-05-14 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17314 from jitendrapurohit/dev...
2020-05-14 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17285 from agh1/no-rendered-icons...
2020-05-14 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17303 from agh1/no-icon-crmbutton
2020-05-14 eileenRemove some cvs docblock help
2020-05-14 Tim Otten(NFC) CRM_Utils_Url - Fix declared type
2020-05-14 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17306 from colemanw/priceFieldValue
2020-05-14 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #17078 from herbdool/ui-18
2020-05-14 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #17116 from lcdservices/dev-core...
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsFix setting profile defaults
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsFix dedupe merger handling of serialized custom fields
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsUpdate contact import parser to validate serialized...
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsCustom Field serialization test fixes
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsCleanup references to custom field html_type
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsUpdate CustomField form with 'serialize' option
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsEliminate Multi-Select field types
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsAPIv4 - Update custom field spec for serialize column
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsRely on serialize property when checking if custom...
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsAPIv3 - Legacy handling for old way of naming serialize...
2020-05-14 Coleman WattsAdd serialize column to civicrm_custom_field
2020-05-13 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17311 from KarinG/clarify_amount
2020-05-13 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17313 from civicrm/5.26
2020-05-13 Andrew HuntCommon.js Icons should be aria-hidden
2020-05-13 colemanwMerge pull request #17316 from agh1/ab-test-flask-icon
2020-05-13 Andrew HuntA/B test: icon should be Erlenmeyer flask, not bar...
2020-05-13 Jitendra Purohitdev/core#1758 - Fix check number and trxn id values...
2020-05-13 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17265 from MegaphoneJon/mime-error-rc
2020-05-13 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17309 from colemanw/MailingAB
2020-05-12 KarinGClarify definition of amount field in civicrm_contribut...
2020-05-12 colemanwMerge pull request #17293 from agh1/sr-wrenches
2020-05-12 colemanwMerge pull request #17294 from agh1/sr-rel-perms
2020-05-12 Andrew HuntMember tab: auto-renew status was aria-hidden
2020-05-12 Coleman WattsCleanup MailingAB BAO
2020-05-12 Andrew HuntCRM.utils.formatIcon: updated function name and made...
2020-05-12 Coleman WattsCleanup PriceFieldValue BAO
2020-05-12 Andrew HuntcrmButton: support icon=0 for no icon
2020-05-12 Andrew HuntUpdate CRM/Core/Form/Renderer.php
2020-05-12 colemanwMerge pull request #17301 from eileenmcnaughton/recur
2020-05-12 colemanwMerge pull request #17302 from eileenmcnaughton/mem
2020-05-12 colemanwMerge pull request #17246 from agh1/review-contrib
2020-05-12 eileen[REF] Minor tidy up
2020-05-12 eileenAlternate to #17156
2020-05-12 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17299 from eileenmcnaughton/recur
2020-05-12 colemanwMerge pull request #17295 from agh1/fa-more
2020-05-12 eileenAdd ContributionRecur crud api
2020-05-12 colemanwMerge pull request #17289 from agh1/icon-title-escape
2020-05-11 Andrew HuntReplaced more> icon with Font Awesome
2020-05-11 Andrew Huntsr-only text for relationship permissions
2020-05-11 Andrew Huntsr-only text for wrenches
2020-05-11 Andrew HuntProceeding to confirmation page should be a "next"...
2020-05-11 Yashodha ChakuMerge pull request #17273 from mattwire/phpnoticeisoverride
2020-05-11 Matthew WireMerge pull request #16967 from wmortada/wp#46-2
2020-05-11 Andrew HuntCRM.utils.formatConditionalIcon: Escape html characters...
2020-05-11 Andrew HuntSend `is_default` data as boolean, not rendered icon...
2020-05-11 Andrew HuntIcon helper: replace quotes in html title.
2020-05-11 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17284 from agh1/admin-console-only
2020-05-11 Matthew WireFix PHP notice when is_override is not set
2020-05-11 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17283 from agh1/stop-icon-png
2020-05-11 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17286 from seamuslee001/contributio...
2020-05-11 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17280 from agh1/copy-png
2020-05-11 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17279 from agh1/check-gif
2020-05-10 Seamus Lee[REF] Add contribution_id field to search using metadat...
2020-05-10 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17275 from mattwire/mailingbackend
2020-05-10 colemanwMerge pull request #17281 from agh1/geotag-16-png
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntAdmin console: remove superfluous code and don't hard...
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntAdmin console: remove old version and icons
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntAdmin console: produced much simpler version
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntReplace stop-icon.png with fa-ban over a relevant icon...
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntReplace geotag_16.png with fa-map-marker
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntReplace all instances of copy.png with font awesome
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntReplace all instances of check.gif appearing in listings
2020-05-10 Andrew HuntCiviMail compose: replace check.gif with Font Awesome...
2020-05-10 Matthew WireHardcoded ID to constant
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #16484 from yashodha/dev_1580
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17067 from colemanw/importSubmit
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17072 from eileenmcnaughton/dupe
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17079 from yashodha/dev-1704
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17260 from demeritcowboy/csv-apostrophe
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17245 from agh1/chevrons
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17257 from colemanw/tagParam
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17268 from colemanw/getBAOClassName
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17269 from greenpeace-cee/simplify...
2020-05-10 Matthew WireMerge pull request #17267 from eileenmcnaughton/bag
2020-05-09 colemanwMerge pull request #17270 from totten/master-regtest
2020-05-09 Tim Otten(NFC) RegionTest - Small cleanups
2020-05-09 Patrick FigelCRM/Logging - Remove obsolete cache static clear in...
2020-05-09 Coleman WattsAdd getBAOClassName utiltiy function
2020-05-09 eileenAdd propertyBag handling for getEmail when incoming...
2020-05-08 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17263 from civicrm/5.26
2020-05-08 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17264 from colemanw/grantCleanup
2020-05-08 Tim OttenMerge pull request #17255 from agh1/sr-only
2020-05-08 Jon Goldbergfix regression on new MIME type library
2020-05-08 Coleman WattsGrant BAO cleanup
2020-05-08 Coleman WattsTag create cleanup: respect created_date and created_id...
2020-05-08 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #17262 from totten/5.26-test-sql-op