2020-08-13 zoefeedback confirmation update
2020-08-13 zoefeedback-closed update
2020-08-13 zoeconfirmation.html update
2020-08-13 zoeconfirmation markdown
2020-08-13 zoevolunteer to 2021
2020-08-13 zoesponsoring update
2020-08-13 zoespeakers to 2021
2020-08-13 zoerelease update
2020-08-13 zoesafe space (not yet renewed text) buit updated to 2021
2020-08-13 zoeraffle update to 2021
2020-08-13 zoeprogram stuff updated to 2021
2020-08-13 zoelive index update to 2021 -- deleted other files (can...
2020-08-13 zoeindex.html
2020-08-13 zoesidebar update
2020-08-13 zoerecent updates updated
2020-08-13 zoeprogram-menu
2020-08-13 zoenav-bar2
2020-08-13 zoenav-list 1 update
2020-08-13 zoemore 2020 --> 2021
2020-08-13 zoehome-content (draft)
2020-08-13 zoeheader update to 2021
2020-08-13 zoedeleted generated sessions content
2020-08-13 zoegenerated bios deleted
2020-08-13 zoefooter 2021
2020-08-13 zoecommon_js update
2020-08-13 zoeboilerplate update to 2021
2020-08-13 zoeincludes to 2021
2020-08-13 zoeupdate logos
2020-08-10 Greg Faroughnew 2021 branch
2020-08-10 Greg FaroughRevert "copy 2021"
2020-08-10 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2020-08-10 Greg Faroughcopy 2021
2020-08-10 Michael McMahonRemove spring 2020 fundraiser elements.
2020-07-13 Michael McMahonFix height
2020-07-13 Michael McMahonAdd banner and modal window 2020 spring fundraiser
2020-06-30 Greg Faroughadd archival note
2020-06-05 zoelocation from program
2020-05-27 zoecaroussel
2020-05-08 Greg Faroughswitch titles - "podcast format"
2020-05-08 Greg Faroughchange banner text from videos to recordings
2020-05-08 Greg Faroughlp audio link to recent updates
2020-05-08 Greg Faroughchange image
2020-04-30 zoeRaffle
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughcorrect live updates
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughbold text
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughrevoy talk
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughbanner size and message
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughcarousel
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughreplace links to bios with video links
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughrecent updates
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughlink on program page
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughnav bar link
2020-04-23 Greg Faroughlive page link
2020-04-23 Greg Farough2020 video banner
2020-04-09 zoedates recent updates
2020-04-09 zoebanner update link
2020-04-09 zoerecent update
2020-03-18 Greg Faroughadd and edit makefile
2020-03-18 Greg FaroughRevert "edit makefile"
2020-03-18 Greg Faroughedit makefile
2020-03-18 Greg Faroughtweak message
2020-03-18 Greg Faroughalter message
2020-03-18 Greg Faroughhig hnote link
2020-03-18 Greg Faroughlp banner change
2020-03-16 Michael McMahonRevert the live page.
2020-03-16 Zoerecent
2020-03-16 Zoeblog post
2020-03-15 Greg Faroughcorrect slot
2020-03-15 Greg Faroughcorrect slot
2020-03-15 Greg Faroughremove links
2020-03-15 Greg Faroughremove welcome address link
2020-03-15 Greg Faroughupdate recent updates
2020-03-15 Greg Faroughremove call for lightning talks
2020-03-15 Greg Faroughremove prefatory material
2020-03-14 Greg Faroughadd lightning talks
2020-03-14 Greg Faroughlightning talk
2020-03-14 Greg Faroughspelling of GNU
2020-03-14 Zoetalks
2020-03-14 Zoecamille = out
2020-03-14 Michael McMahonLive!
2020-03-14 Michael McMahonRemove stray period.
2020-03-14 Michael McMahonRemove mumble
2020-03-14 Zoeupdated bio
2020-03-14 Zoesalt bio / tony cxl
2020-03-14 Zoeminor change in title
2020-03-13 ZoeLP live
2020-03-13 Zoesidebar
2020-03-13 Zoesafe space out of sidebar
2020-03-13 Zoebradley update
2020-03-13 ZoeMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2020-03-13 Zoeprogram update + recent updated last info
2020-03-13 Michael McMahonFix stream names
2020-03-13 Greg Faroughremoving links
2020-03-13 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2020-03-13 Greg Faroughexhibitor sponsors section
2020-03-13 Michael McMahonPeriod
2020-03-13 Michael McMahonAdd start time
2020-03-13 Michael McMahonHide slides toggle
2020-03-13 Michael McMahonFix names
2020-03-13 Michael McMahonUpdate index