2013-10-03 rsiddharthnew page: anti-harassment/index.html (first version).
2013-10-03 rsiddharthadded padding-top for the nav block.
2013-10-03 Zak RogoffI think I'm succeeding this time at changing the LEGO...
2013-10-03 Zak RogoffReplacing lego image with 3D printer image.
2013-10-02 rsiddharth[staging area] moved the nav elements to the left.
2013-10-02 rsiddharthadd bottom margin for the fsf-donate button.
2013-10-02 rsiddharthupdated header for the javascript license page.
2013-10-02 rsiddharthupdated the look of the header.
2013-10-02 rsiddharthadded custom styling for LP'14 header.
2013-10-02 rsiddharth[staging area] changed the structure of the sign-up...
2013-10-02 rsiddharthlightened the background color of the footer.
2013-10-02 rsiddharthupdated/added the custom styling for the nav elements.
2013-10-02 rsiddharthchanged the custom styling for the fsf donate button.
2013-09-27 rsiddharth[staging area lp14 mockup]: re-arranged the components.
2013-09-27 rsiddharthAdded custom styling for .page-header in 2014/assets...
2013-09-27 rsiddharthreplaced 'LibrePlanet Conference' -> 'LibrePlanet'
2013-09-27 rsiddharthput a fresh set of images in the carousel.
2013-09-27 rsiddharthAdded lp13 images at /2014/i/ for the carousel.
2013-09-27 rsiddharthupdated footer.
2013-09-27 rsiddharthChanged inline JS license to Apache2.0
2013-09-26 rsiddharthremoved extraneous whitespaces.
2013-09-26 rsiddharthAdded link to the JavaScript Weblabels plus.
2013-09-26 rsiddharthAdded JavaScript weblabels page.
2013-09-26 rsiddharthFirst version of the LPC 14 landing page (staging area).
2013-09-26 rsiddharthUpdated custom CSS at 2014/assets/css/custom.css
2013-09-26 rsiddharthAdded uncompressed bootstrap CSS to repo.
2013-09-26 rsiddharthadded jquery and bootstrap JS files to repo.
2013-09-25 rsiddharthadded base bootstrap css plus custom css at /2014/assets
2013-09-25 rsiddharthmodified 2014/index.html (<pre>ed it)
2013-09-24 Zak RogoffModifying the index.html to not say something that...
2013-09-24 Zak RogoffSetting up 2014 directory.
2013-09-24 Ward VandewegeFix paths in 2011/index.html
2013-09-24 Ward VandewegeFix up image locations for 2010 LP pages.
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegeclean up 2011 files
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegepost-commit hook test
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegepost-commit hook test
2013-09-24 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2012-06-08 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2012-06-08 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2012-06-08 Ward Vandewegetest post-commit hook
2011-01-31 Matt Leefixed homepage
2011-01-31 Matt Leeupdated background color
2011-01-31 Matt Leeupdated screen
2011-01-31 Matt Leefixed homepage
2011-01-31 Matt Leefixed homepage
2011-01-31 Matt Leeupdated
2011-01-31 Matt Leetidy up
2011-01-31 Matt Leeremove banner, map
2011-01-18 Matt Leeadded banner
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdates
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated padding
2010-09-08 Matt Leeremove space at top
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated link
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated min-height
2010-09-08 Matt Leeudated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated form text
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leepadding bottom
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeremove corners
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeadd join link
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated with margin
2010-09-08 Matt Leeadded license image
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leemake fonts smaller
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeremove border
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated
2010-09-08 Matt Leehide redundant pages
2010-09-08 Matt Leeupdated