2004-05-19 tokulAdding Basque support
2004-05-18 robsiembhonor checkall variable
2004-05-18 stekkeldue to caching the dropdown mailbox list $boxesnew...
2004-05-18 tokulusing case insensitive lookups that don't depend on...
2004-05-18 tokuladding global declaration for set_my_language
2004-05-18 tokulremoving bigger decoding functions in order to reduce...
2004-05-17 stekkelforce reload of folder list
2004-05-17 stekkelNo comments
2004-05-17 stekkeltemp fixes, as long as we didn't adapt our mailbox...
2004-05-17 stekkelremoved debug statement
2004-05-17 stekkelRemoved kind of insane check. The check mailbox is...
2004-05-17 tokuldisabled Korean extra functions. This is not real fix...
2004-05-16 tokulmaking decision about conversion before actual conversi...
2004-05-16 tokultext in compose form is converted to 8bit symbols....
2004-05-16 tokuladding charset conversion functions. utf_8.php is taken...
2004-05-15 jervforsMerging two strings and making external links open...
2004-05-15 jervforsRemoving HTML from strings and cleaning up code
2004-05-14 stekkelinitialize color array in case it isn't set at this...
2004-05-14 stekkelRemoved double select call (select calls are expensive...
2004-05-14 stekkelsecond try ..
2004-05-14 stekkelDetect untagged BYE responses in case the connection...
2004-05-14 tokulcleaned tabs
2004-05-13 jervforsThis i18n string never got translated before
2004-05-13 jervforsI18n string fix
2004-05-11 kinkOne encoding step too much.
2004-05-11 indiri69Use the form functions instead
2004-05-11 indiri69Move functions out of setup.php
2004-05-10 tokulstring updates
2004-05-10 tokulAdding forms for searching Gmane and SF bugtracker
2004-05-10 tokulfixed frame target
2004-05-10 alex-brainstormUse null as default value since value is tested against...
2004-05-10 tokulfixed printf statement
2004-05-10 tokulfixed untranslated string
2004-05-10 alex-brainstormXHTML fixes, as pointed out by Tomas. Also reenabled...
2004-05-10 tokuladding phpdoc blocks
2004-05-10 tokulrenaming function in order to remove phpdoc error
2004-05-10 tokulclass needs phpdoc @package declaration
2004-05-10 tokulcommon functions are documented only in one backend
2004-05-10 tokulphpdoc should ignore these three functions
2004-05-10 alex-brainstormMake - and + untranslatable
2004-05-10 alex-brainstormStore/get search results from session.
2004-05-10 alex-brainstormRemoving duplicate search_advanced.php
2004-05-10 janglissYou should check you can read a dir, and it exists...
2004-05-09 jervforsString fix
2004-05-09 jervforsClosing PHP tag and adding some XHTML
2004-05-08 kinkBe more liberal regarding (incompliant) POP3 servers...
2004-05-08 kinkuse_special_folder_color conf.pl setting works again...
2004-05-08 jervforsChanging Squirrelmail to SquirrelMail in strings
2004-05-08 jervforsMinor string fix
2004-05-08 jervforsMinor string fix
2004-05-08 jervforsMoving HTML out of strings and updating some tags to...
2004-05-06 pdontthinkSplit out functionality that gathers system specs
2004-05-05 jervforsAdded the string for unsafe images
2004-05-05 jervforsRemoving random double spaces in strings
2004-05-05 alex-brainstormSpecifically avoid using SEARCH CHARSET "US-ASCII"...
2004-05-05 stekkelphp5 fix.
2004-05-05 tokuladding address book sorting options. changed some parts...
2004-05-05 stekkelfix
2004-05-05 stekkelfix, when you compare 2 timestamps, make sure you corre...
2004-05-04 alex-brainstormFix allow_advanced_search following Tomas' comments
2004-05-04 tokulcleaned tabs. most of the changes unseen by diff -uw
2004-05-04 tokulupdating head squirrelmail.pot
2004-05-04 tokuladded index.php in order to prevent indexing of directory.
2004-05-04 stekkelupdate
2004-05-04 stekkelDocumentation
2004-05-04 stekkelDocumentation.
2004-05-03 vanmer-implented function clean_crlf
2004-05-03 tokuladded search control to default config and administrato...
2004-05-03 alex-brainstormUI changes in show/hide saved/recent
2004-05-03 alex-brainstormTransmit sqimap_mailbox_select() result to mail_message...
2004-05-03 alex-brainstormEnabled basic and advanced mode. Basic mode is compatib...
2004-05-03 alex-brainstormFix typos for allow_advanced_search
2004-05-02 stekkelfix
2004-05-02 stekkelFixed on the fly decoding of base64 attachment. We...
2004-05-01 kinkUpdate ChangeLog
2004-05-01 kinkEscape theme name so it can be "Admin's Favourite"...
2004-04-30 alex-brainstormBe smarter with PHP numerical conversion, who knows...
2004-04-30 alex-brainstormHandle KMG for LARGER and SMALLER, and add default...
2004-04-29 indiri69A few more types of break tags
2004-04-29 ebullientremove call to expunge in sqimap_mailbox_select
2004-04-28 avel1. Use XHTML-Compatible attributes for selected and...
2004-04-28 avelInstead of excluding one checkbox at a time, only check...
2004-04-28 centaurixadded conf.pl support for advanced search functionality
2004-04-28 indiri69Fix in move_messages.php
2004-04-28 indiri69Cleaned up some redundant code, now we only change...
2004-04-27 stekkelSQL injection fix. This is serious I think.
2004-04-27 tokultranslator moved to other address
2004-04-26 janglissFix the link here for search strings
2004-04-26 kinkImprove HTML escaping
2004-04-26 kinkHTML escaping.
2004-04-26 kinkEscape HTML output and add vim syntax hint.
2004-04-26 braverock- remove first !IE6 check and send Pragma and NoCache...
2004-04-26 stekkelBypass foldLine functions for email addresses to avoid...
2004-04-26 kinkResponses from servers could legitimately contain ...
2004-04-26 kinkUse forms.php functions.
2004-04-25 tokulone more formating fix
2004-04-25 tokul:( pre tags placed in wrong place.
2004-04-25 tokulthis way it looks better.
2004-04-25 tokuladding sq_htmlentities function
2004-04-25 tokulphpdoc formating fixes