2004-12-28 tokulAdding macosx and hmailserver options. presets also...
2004-12-27 kinkCvascript detection was broken when you changed your...
2004-12-27 kinkIncrement year in copyright notice.
2004-12-27 kinkAdd "Security:" with relevant changelog items and add...
2004-12-27 tokulinformation about newmail fix
2004-12-27 tokulreuploading files
2004-12-26 kinkA default server setting should always set all options...
2004-12-24 kinkAdd server type 'hmailserver' to work around a searchin...
2004-12-22 janglissRFC822 complianced with Received header. Fixes #1088548.
2004-12-19 tokulexplanation of weird chars and header
2004-12-19 tokuluse default http port for intertran in order to be...
2004-12-19 tokulinfo about newmail plugin
2004-12-19 tokullooks like opera implemented it according to apple...
2004-12-19 tokulmake gpltrans url configurable
2004-12-10 tokulcorrect table name and add some information about globa...
2004-12-09 tokulinformation about added function
2004-12-09 tokullanguage must be set before using gettext functions
2004-12-09 tokuladding sq_setlocale function in order to use multiple...
2004-12-03 indiri69Close the form. Otherwise selecting all results from...
2004-12-03 indiri69Use the count of what we found, not what is in the...
2004-11-24 pdontthinkFollowing up on my long standing threat to remove inter...
2004-11-24 tokuladding phpdoc blocks and including new themes into...
2004-11-24 tokuladding information about ngettext
2004-11-21 kinkset_url_var would eat the "&" if the first url var...
2004-11-21 kinkWhen you reload signout.php you get an error that you...
2004-11-21 kinkAdd support for recognising 'Priority' and 'Importance...
2004-11-21 kinkFix two time zone calculation bugs, thanks to david...
2004-11-17 pdontthinkNew themes
2004-11-16 janglissNew line here makes a lot of slightly tidier looking...
2004-11-15 tokulfixes for bugs 655137 and 1005353
2004-11-15 tokulremoving default_charset tests. code can be reused...
2004-11-14 tokulallow mbstring functions will all charsets that are...
2004-11-14 tokuladding all charsets used by SM translations to default_...
2004-11-14 tokulremoving obsolate global abook comments.
2004-11-14 tokulusing own squirrelmail functions for encoding/decoding...
2004-11-14 tokulmoving isset test to same place as others
2004-11-14 tokulextending utf-8 decoding function.
2004-11-12 jervforsFixing XHTML fix
2004-11-12 jervforsChanging headers back
2004-11-12 jervforsXHTML fixes
2004-11-12 jervforsXHTML fixes
2004-11-10 tokulset value returned by ini_get to boolean
2004-11-10 tokulspecial chars should be undone only after encoding
2004-11-10 tokulinfo about theme fix
2004-11-10 tokuladded phpdoc blocks to netstyle theme.
2004-11-09 pdontthinkFix: Messages shown with bad times in message list...
2004-11-08 tokuldon't run decode cycles if charset is the same
2004-11-07 jervforsAdded netstyle theme by Gabriele Maidecchi. Patch ...
2004-11-07 tokulinfo about new Czech translator
2004-11-07 tokulnet-style theme by Gabriele Maidecchi. Patch #1041323
2004-11-05 tokuladding phpdoc to abook database class
2004-11-03 tokuldocumenting options class
2004-11-02 jervforsReplacing tabs with spaces, trimming white space at...
2004-11-02 tokuladding address book block
2004-11-01 tokulinfo about added global abook and some comments in...
2004-11-01 tokulspellcheck and some comments
2004-11-01 tokuladding phpdoc blocks in addressbook classes (one more...
2004-11-01 cigamitRevert my changes on this plugin, I didn't notice that...
2004-11-01 tokulinfo about patches by Ken and Felix
2004-11-01 tokulAdding compact page selection options. Thanks to Felix...
2004-11-01 tokuladding onsubmit option in order to avoid warning on...
2004-11-01 tokulmissed one more subpackage tag
2004-11-01 tokulmore checks in charset name
2004-11-01 tokulqmail-inject does not support -i option. Thanks to...
2004-11-01 tokuladded subpackage tag.
2004-11-01 tokuladding phpdoc blocks.
2004-11-01 tokulremoved $phone from array and from ldap queries. SM...
2004-11-01 tokulsqspell uses .mod files. vim and emacs are informed...
2004-11-01 tokuladding info about display_message.php
2004-11-01 tokuladding phpdoc blocks
2004-11-01 tokulphpdoc: added block tags, @version is set to Id:, remov...
2004-11-01 cigamitRemoved variables that were initialized, but never...
2004-11-01 cigamitFix a few variables that were inputted incorrectly
2004-11-01 cigamitIncluded file was moved awhile back, not sure how this...
2004-10-31 cigamitRemove unused globals
2004-10-30 indiri69Check and make sure the header property value is actual...
2004-10-29 indiri69Should compared strings with strings. Otherwise a...
2004-10-28 tokul$utfencode and $htmlsave options were not followed...
2004-10-28 cigamitMissing global
2004-10-28 cigamitSmall bug fix
2004-10-28 cigamitRemove newline from end of file
2004-10-28 cigamitMinor bug fix, just a misspelled variable
2004-10-28 cigamitMinor bug fix, assignment in condition resulting in...
2004-10-28 cigamitMissing global, $color was not defined
2004-10-28 cigamitMinor bug fix, just a misspelled variable $ar instead...
2004-10-28 cigamitMinor Bug fix, localbackendname was being set in the...
2004-10-28 cigamitMinor bug fix, just a misspelled variable
2004-10-28 cigamitWrong break point is set, we are only 2 deep here,...
2004-10-28 cigamitMissing global, $passed_ent_id was not being set or...
2004-10-28 cigamitNot sure how this global got there... (Copy and Paste?)
2004-10-28 cigamitMissing global. We declared all the others, why not...
2004-10-28 cigamitMinor bug fix, just a misspelled variable
2004-10-27 tokulspellcheck
2004-10-27 tokulremoving duplicate @global. @example requires full...
2004-10-26 jervforsString fix
2004-10-26 jervforsSuggesting senders address if none is present in the...
2004-10-25 jervforsXHTML fixes
2004-10-25 janglissFix for SquirrelSpell output issues. Patch courtesy...
2004-10-24 jervforsUnifying strings
2004-10-24 jervforsXHTML fixes